40m j pole Call us at: +1 475 289 2222. 3 emerge from a model whose bottom-most portion is at 10' or 120" above ground. 110Mhz. The high impedance feeding point of a lambda/2-wire: J-Pole Antennas: J Realizzazione di una antenna J-POLE VHF UHF In both VHF and UHF the SWR is about 1: 1 on the portion of band that interests me: Slim JIM 145mhz The Slim Jim designed by the late Fred Resource Details You will find this resource in 2 categories on our links directory. Recently, I decided that I was getting bored with my sloping longwire antenna. . It worked well through the lul of the last A close look at how the J-pole antenna works with special attention to how it's fed. E-mail: alice@isolarlights. My testing is certainly not “lab grade” but it does indicate to me that the Alpha J-pole is a well-designed antenna that does what Basically, the bottom U part of the j-pole is where the feed-point is adjusted to 50Ω (or thereabouts), and at the ends the impedance is very high, which is perfect to end-feed our 1/2 wave antenna (the long part of the J). A The picture shows the scheme of a J-Pole antenna. The link to this resource History, simulations, measurements and real experiences of the famous, or infamous, J-Pole antenna. What makes it different is the method of feeding the half-wave element. Key Features. Antenne verticale type J-pôle 50 MHz de 4,5 m de hauteur, sans radian ni plan de masse, robuste et surtout adaptée aux stations peu How the J-Pole Works. Two (2) 20-inch J-pole mounts. Discussion of using quarter-wave transmission lin 2M/440 dual band J-pole plans. Rund um die Welt. The point XX has an impedance of 50Ohm for direct The J-pole is an excellent solution for me, and it will get me on the air from 80m to 10m rather than just 40m. The general design for a twin-lead Zepp is a 50Ω coax feedline, a λ/4 matching section, and a λ/2 radiating section. The link to this And the 1/4 wave vertical with radials is more predictable, equal in performance, and significantly shorter in height. Marc N4DR from the Montgomery Amateur Radio Club conducted a series of worksh Master machinest Don Nichols, KV4PH talks about how he built a 10 meter J-Pole antenna. 7 available to download. 9 meters wire at its end. Jede J- Pole- Antenne besitzt einen Strahler, der eine elektrische Halbwelle lang ist (λ/2)und eine Speisung über einen Impedanzwandler. 98m, stub section is 4. Reels. Can be adapted to work on 160 meters by adding additional 6. Quick View. 97. Ed FongEd Fong WB6IQN gives Vaca Valley Radio Club a presentation via Skype. Most commonly, we use 2-meter J-poles at heights ranging from 5' to Radiation (Signal) Patterns . 8. Store . WWW. Forrest Cook WB0RIO. Many old-timers call the J-Pole an end-fed Zep, as it is similar in design to the end-fed Easy to build 10 Meter vertical antenna. NL J Pole Gelijk maar goed beginnen: De J-pole antenne is eigenlijk Wireman-J-Poles for 2m-40m J-Poles with Wireman-cables for the quarterwave matching section, working on VHF and HF bands G5RV Beam G5RV 40m Beam Antenna. I have a 2 meter J-pole I built out of 1/2" copper pipe about 20-ish years ago. One pole (the one moved to the Transform noisy transmissions to full quieting sound with this amazing antenna. 24. 1dB of gain (not a lot). Design your J Pole for HF, 2 meters, 220, 440 and up! J-Pole Antenna Design SAVE TIME BY USING THE CALCULATOR BELOW. Here is the picture that I used to make the previous post on this antenna. English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Türkçe Suomi Latvian Lithuanian J-Pole et Super J-Pole Sont des Types d'Antennes utilisés dans la radiofréquence de communication (RF). The JK401 is a simple Hi-Q coil J-pole antennas for 2m-40m with Wireman-cable, DK7ZB: J-pole broadcast fm 89 Mhz: J-pole 145 Mhz,VHF antenna: Slim JIM 145mhz, F1RFM: Slim jim antenna project: The Super J Pole Wireman-J-Poles for 2m-40m J-Poles with Wireman-cables for the quarterwave matching section, working on VHF and HF bands 440 Mhz J-Pole Antenna plans Here is a The J-pole antenna is almost identical to the Zepp-antenna, which is a still a popular HF-antenna. SSB SWL contest 2025. KF4EOK'S 2 meter super j-pole antenna J- pole HPSD version 1. Excellent Quad j poles with wireman cables for the quarterwave matching section working on vhf and hf bands. Still use it as my main 2 meter antenna at home. Add to cart Couldn't load pickup availability. 73m each. It was invented in 1909 by Hans Beggerow for use in Zeppelin airships. The following is an article which I The J Pole antenna is a popular antenna design among amateur radio operators because it is effective and easy to build. WSJT-X 2. 2m 3d-printing 10m 15m 17m 20m 23cm 30m 40-30 40m 60m 70cm Get the best deals on 40m GI High Mast Light Pole from VIPIN S. If I had 100'+ trees, I would have a vertical antenna for 160m, and another for 80m, and another for 40m. "Long section" feed point. These patterns are depicted while the antenna is deployed as a ‘Flat-Top Configuration’. HF J-Pole; Interesting approach to building a J-pole. bottom of page So, I read about them on Wikipedia, did some general googling, and looked at some examples of J-poles for sale. Carr Design by G. E. These charts are the gain figures for our 34-foot end-fed antenna. anche se MMANA dava solo un piccolo guadagno rispetto ad una GP il confronto diretto con una Ultrabeam J-pole antenna (also known as J antenna) owes its name to its shape resembling the letter J. It’s basically an end-fed omnidirectional half-wave antenna, matched to the feedline by a quarter wave Portable wire antenna for 40 and 80 meter made with a RF Chocke. The copper . Again, all three antenna’s gain is very dependent on the height above ground. The basic J-pole antenna is a half-wave vertical radiator, much like a dipole. Looking for a great, easy to build VHF antenna? Don't go buy one build it. Shield attaches to the short section feed point. Traditional J-pole Antenna; N9TAX 2m Slim Jim Antenna Review; Categories Antennas Tags collinear, J, J-Pole, 2m 6m 10m 15m 20m 40m 43 foot 70cm 80m AHVD APRS Baluns battery BigIR copper Con sólo 3. Length 3/4-lambda. My testing is certainly not “lab grade” but it does indicate to me that the Alpha J I have tested single-band J-Pole con-figurations constructed from copper pipe, 450 Ω ladder line, and aluminum rod. BUILD A FULL SIZE DUAL BAND -J-POLE . Posts. Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2504. He teac What it is. Lots of nice diagrams. J-poles are really not the best when evaluating antennas on their merits. As a On most of the J Pole designs out there, a choke should be used as close to the feedpoint of the antenna as possible to help prevent rf on the feedline and creating difficulty with SWR readings. 00 ** Online. Antennas/Multiband; Antennas/J-Pole; The title of the main category is J-Pole and it deals mainly with Building J-Pole amateur radio antennas. A few things I don't get: The diagram in the Wikipedia article shows ground The J-Pole can be cheaply, simply and quickly constructed using a variety of techniques, some of which are discussed in this article. Technically, the Pockrus™ J-pole Joystick™ antenna is a dual-band (2 meters and 70 cm) open-stub, half-wave J-pole antenna. 99. 01 Oct 2013 NOT TO BE USED FOR COMMERIAL ACTIVITIES IN ANYWAY. UPDATE July 2022: Still very happy with the Alpha J-Pole (full size). Wes Click to expand Look at this. So, two low Slim Jim vs. The patterns in Fig. Explore full details, price list, and contact info to secure best offers on high-quality J Pole Calculator and drawing by K4ABT G. h. "Buck" Rogers Sr Practical Antenna Handbook by Joseph J. The JK401 is a simple Hi-Q coil loaded rotatable dipole, with a small footprint as well giving great performance on 40M. It radiates and 6 Meter Homemade J-Pole Antenna By KK4BCV On the air, looking for signals! The 6 meter repeater we use in my neck of the woods has a receive frequency of 53. POLES PRIVATE LIMITED in HISAR. (This antenna is also known under the names “Sky Loop” and “DX-Buster” and is very similar to a horizontal delta loop). $41. on the bottom The 20-Meter J-Pole. Add the coil to your base of the antenna, extend the whip to 4M BAND 70MHZ J-POLE ANTENNA. This antenna is made for the Ham operator that ís looking for a compact dipole antenna to work on 40M. Thus, the J-Pole always has a slight Decrease quantity for ARS-2M-JPOLE 2 Meter-440 Aluminum J-Pole Increase quantity for ARS-2M-JPOLE 2 Meter-440 Aluminum J-Pole. i built one it works just great and it is lite WB2MSB Rating: 2022-07-23; Works well Time Owned: more than 12 months. For the purists, and since it matters in this discussion, the view above is from the “other side” of figure 2 antenna and feed-line are to the right of the Same here. I also used to have a 20 meter J-pole I built out of 14 gauge stranded insulated THHN wire, with J-Pole antennas for 2m-40m with Wireman-cable (DK7ZB) - IN3ECI. The advent of J-Pole antennas has significantly impacted amateur J-Pole antennas for 2m-40m with Wireman-cable The picture shows the scheme of a J-Pole antenna. The longer part of the 'J' is called the radiator, and the shorter part is the matching section. Authentic N9TAX VHF/UHF Slim Jim J-Pole For The 40m Loop antenna Ed, VK2JI (This antenna is also known under the names "Sky Loop" and "DX-Buster" and is very similar to a horizontal delta loop). While all the designs performed well, each had shortcomings. Tagged. As a vertical radiator, it has a flatttened-donut omnidirectional pattern, sending a The J-Pole enjoys the most gain at around 6 dBi with the other two antennas pretty close to this value. Nelson Antennas 2m rollup antenna review. Typically, J antennas are used in shortwave frequency bands (up to The J-Pole Antenna Calculator is a sophisticated tool that simplifies the complex process of designing J-Pole antennas. MAGIC BAND. En procesoRígido 40m Bobinas de Alto Q + Sombrero Capacitivo (longitud 13m) gran ancho de The classic J-Pole with both sections mounted vertically. Price : US$995. EN. The J-POLE has been around since the early days of HAM Radio, and is a direct descendant of the "Windom" Like the Windom or ZEPP, the J-POLE is a spin-off, or a modified WINDOM for J-Pole Antenna Design On most of the J Pole designs out there, a choke should be used as close to the feedpoint of the antennameters: J-Pole Antenna J-pole. Without a ground plane under it, the J pole has zero gain. Die Antenne wird vertikal aufgehängt, d. Roll-Up J The narrow-spaced twinlead J-pole yields a very circular pattern. Out of Stock. A start to finish antenna build of a ladder line J pole antenna cut for the 10 meter band. 7m x rama, éste Rígido 40m/10m, sorprende por su gran desempeño!!! #ea1antenas #dipolorotativo #hamradioamateur #radio #dipole #radioaficionado The J-pole is an excellent solution for me, and it will get me on the air from 80m to 10m rather than just 40m. I also follow up with a f A cold early morning opens up some awesome ham radio DX stations from Europe as I put my 10 meter J-Pole antenna on the air activating POTA US-1447 Council G Roll-up J-Poles can be made for other bands 70cm 420-450 435MHz 1. As it is an end fed antenna, the feed (226) 226 product ratings - Premium KB9VBR J-Pole Base Antenna 2 meter dual band amateur ham radio scanner. Top Amateur Radio Websites INTERCONTINENTALE 50, verticale J-Pôle 50 MHz . 6M BAND 50MHZ J-POLE ANTENNA. A The J-Pole Antenna gets its name from its shape, resembling the letter 'J'. The J-pole, also known as the J antenna, is a vertical omnidirectional antenna initially used in the shortwave frequency bands. 110Mhz and a transmit frequency of 52. Bien que les deux Soient des variantes de la conception de L'Antenne J Jetcotech Engineering LLP - Offering Mild Steel J Type Pole, For Outdoor at ₹ 2500/piece in Morbi, Gujarat. This antenna that I built End Fed Half Wave Antenna (40m EFHW) DIY End Fed Half Wave Antenna Kit (40m) End Fed Random Wire Antenna (EFRW) (End of Production) Mast Holder - Modular Design. Get Lighting Poles at lowest price | ID: 27152769897 16,40 M 8el OWA 12,71 DBi; 16,68 M 8el OWA Yagi 12,7 dBI; 17,95 M 8el 12,90dBI WIDE BAND; J-Pole HPSD style. So the overall height of the antena will be ~15 meter (45 feet) It is no difference in the The Wolf River Sporty Forty is a single band base loaded coil for 40 meter operation using the Wolf River 213 inch, Chameleon CHA SS-17, or MFJ-1979 whips. The J-Pole antenna consists of a half Re: Yet another J Pole Nel vecchio qth ne avevo fatta una per i 10m utilizzando l'adattatore LC tipo questo:. JK401 Rotatable Dipole for 40M. However, I have built more Wireless Bridge Mount Universal Outdoor Pole Mount Bracket / Wall Mount J Pole Mount for Outdoor Point-to-Point AP Access Point for Antenna/ Security Camera Building to Building Shown are the magnetic fields surrounding a 2m J-Pole on top a 1 wavelength mast with a growing sine wave; These fields highlight the maximum current points it looks like a zepp to me, i have seen the same thing described as either a zepp or j-pole, i agree the 1/4wave section of transmission-line transforms the high impedance at the A J-Pole is a type of half wave antenna. J Pole Antenna Voltage, Current and Radiation Pattern. Antennas/J-Pole; The title of the main category is J-Pole and it deals mainly with Building J-Pole amateur radio antennas. YOURSELF ! Note: I don’t know the originator of this clever adaptation so I cannot provide any acknowledgement. Price £79. This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast This Solwise 20-inch Fixed J-Pole Point-to-Point Wall Mount Kit is designed to assist in the mounting of a point-to-point installation to a wall or fixed location. The length of the antenna is three quarter wavelength. Destacada. January 2m 6m 10m 15m 20m 40m 43 foot 70cm 80m AHVD APRS Baluns The J-Pole antenna can be best described as a ½ wave vertical with a ¼ wave matching stub. It worked fine, to be sure, but there were some serious holes in the coverage outside A collection of 9 easy to build J Pole antenna projects for VHF UHF and also HF News. For 2 meters, the coil is 4 turns of coax This antenna is made for the Ham operator that ís looking for a compact dipole antenna to work on 40M. The problem with This calculator can be used to design a Slim Jim or a J Pole antenna. Price £69. 7 A redesign from the US Military Version antenna J POLE . Enter The 40 metre Horizontal Loop Antenna. The high impedance feeding point of a l /2-wire (L1) is matched from some KOhms to a low impedance with a l /4 matching sector (L2). It was invented by Hans Beggerow in 1909 for This calculator can be used to design a Slim Jim or a J Pole antenna. This episode of Ham Radio Basics shows you how to build a ladder line J Pole a BCC J Pole 4A Translink Suburban Poly Stick Down Tactile Ground Surface Indicator 4B Translink Suburban Translink Standard J pole 1B Translink City Range Shelter Lets start a Die J-Pole ist auf zahlreichen Frequenzen von 100 000enden von Funkamateuren und Hobbyfunkern im Einsatz. com; Whatsapp: 0086 18114932357; Galvanized Steel around plans for a “simple J-Pole” As I was giving out a link to one for the Ohio VHF+ Simplex Contest I wondered how easy it really was to build since I’d never actually done it Every plan I Solid aluminum dual band end fed J-Pole (SO239) The J Pole antenna is a simplified version of the Slim Jim antenna, using the same matching stub principle. HPSD. THEORY. Resource Details You will find this resource in just one category on our links directory. Two 30mm braided jubilee clips. Überall funktioniert das Teil richtig, wenn Fiori Films Presents Ham Radio TV: How Does a J-Pole Antenna Work by Dr. It takes into account various parameters to ensure Product Description Material Q235 high quality mild steel Mounting Height 3-12M Shape Of Pole Round conical; Octagonal conical; Straight. T. 25m 219-225 222MHz 2m 144-148 146MHz What we will be building 6m 50-54 52MHz 10m 28-29. For 40m Im Endausbau mit 4- Monoband J- Pole Antennen in Kombination mit einer 40m GP sieht das bei mir so aus (Bild Mitte) Weiterführende Informationen und Abmessungen für einzelne On most of the J Pole designs out there, a choke should be used as close to the feedpoint of the antenna as possible to help prevent rf on the feedline and creating difficulty with SWR readings. Adding a ground plane gives it about 2. The J-pole will be mounted outside 15 to 20 feet in the air, using top rails for chain link fencing. The Slim Jim, designed by the late Fred Judd, G2BCX, can be a great portable 'roll up' antenna, if made out of 300Ω or 450Ω ladder line / twin feeder. Pre-Order. For 2 meters, the coil is 4 turns of coax Figure 3 – Ladderline J-pole with and without feed-line choke. Ed presents his unique talents in creating one of the mos The J-Pole is 52" Long and features the following: Antenna Illustration Figure 2 • Written Instructions • 2 dB of gain on 2 meters; 1 dB on 440 • Includes 10 feet of flexible, high quality J-Pole 50 Mhz. J pole antenna is a vertical omnidirectional antenna popular among Ham Radio operators for 2m and 70 cm operations. Listed under the Antennas/J-Pole category that is about J Pole antenna plans. For 20 meter band, 1/2 lambda radiator is 9. 00 shipping. $13. J Pole Lets start with this: The J-pole is actually might be a bit I also experienced a bug in my process because I bought two wrong parts: over-sized end caps, and an elbow which was 1/2" on one end, but not on the other. It was invented by Hans At the Benicia Amateur Radio Club’s January 2022 Zoom meeting, the guest speaker was Ed Fong WB6IQN. 40M (34) 60M (7) 11 M (CB) (10) 80M (18) 160M (0) Show Les radiateurs de l'antenne bi-bande J-Pole sont constitués de tubes en aluminium de 10 mm, les antennes 4, 6 et 8 m utilisent des tubes de 25 à 35 mm, la variante pour la bande CB 11 m est constituée de tubes de 16 à 35 mm de The J-pole antenna, more properly known as the J antenna, [1] is a vertical omnidirectional transmitting antenna used in the shortwave frequency bands. pyictvdadgofyvefkebzbjclqmklowglqmwxfuswwvrtdfossjdpmocvdeksxipkltusjc