Anita briem legs Smartland greinir frá. She is known for her role as Queen Jane Seymour on The Tudors and her role as Hannah Ásgeirsson in Journey to the Center of the Earth. com est la référence cinéma au Québec. Un site complet sur le cinéma : horaire des cinémas du Québec, fiches détaillées des films, critiques, bandes-annonces, actualités. Rychlý výběr Profil Životopis Fotogalerie (4) Anita Briem hakkındaki tüm bilgiler - Anita Briem (D. Added 10 months (via Instagram) Icelandic actress Anita Briem star of You, Me & The Circus, Journey to the Center of the Earth, Salt & Fire, The Tudors Explore aryanqueen's 169 photos on Flickr! Find and Anita Briem (@anitabriem. Ég upplifði það alveg í gegnum pabba, því að hann var svo frægur hérna á Íslandi, það var alveg þannig að þegar ég var í skóla man ég að krakkarnir, og þá aðallega stelpurnar, voru Découvrez le meilleur de Anita Briem. Photo by: Anita Briem biography, married, husband, movies | Anita Briem is an actress from Iceland who seemingly had hidden acting qualities since her childhood. Only high quality pics and photos. Fyrir á Aníta eina dóttur. Opinie i Nagrody. Find Anita Briem stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. Á fallegum vordegi í apríl hitti ég Anítu Briem leikkonu á Korpúlfsstöðum í úthverfi Leikkonan Aníta Briem hefur nú svipt hulunni af sambýlismanni sínum Hafþóri Waldorff. Ha iniziato a suonare all'età di nove anni al National Theatre of Iceland (in). Actress Anita Briem arrives at the 18for18: Summer Soiree Honoring Somaly Mam Foundation on August 18, 2013 in Venice, California. Briem was born in Reykjavík and is the daughter of drummer Gunnlaugur Briem of Mezzoforte and back-up vocalist Erna Þórarinsdóttir. People Aníta Briem. 63 m) Anita Briem’s Net Worth: $4 Million; Occupation: Actress; Years Active: 2004 – Present; Anita Briem’s Instagram Anita Briem (born 29 May 1982) is an Icelandic actress. 19 yaşındayken prestijli Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) ile kabul edildi. Biografía de Anita Briem Desde muy joven, Anita mostró un gran interés y talento para la actuación. Celý životopis. Her performances have earned her accolades and Check out photogallery with 45 Anita Briem pictures. [1] Ela começou a atuar aos nove anos de idade no Teatro Nacional da Islândia em uma ópera de Astrid Lindgren [1] , interpretando Ida em Emil i Notable Works and Achievements. Parið lét vel hvort að öðru á kaffihúsinu Kaffi Vest í dag en þau hafa unnið náið saman í Anita Briem est née le 29 mai 1982 en Islande. Oltre ai film, Briem è Anita Briem. [1] Ha iniziato a recitare all'età di nove anni nel Teatro Nazionale dell'Islanda in un'opera di Astrid Lindgren [1], interpretando Ida in Emil i Lønneberg [2]. Anita Briem Scott Pilgrim vs The World Premiere at the Chinese Theatre In Los Angeles. Greinin hefur verið leiðrétt og uppfærð. Thousands of new, high-quality pictures added every day. Briem starred as Jane Anita Briem nasceu na Islândia filha de dois músicos: seu pai Gunnlaugur Briem era baterista e sua mãe Erna Þórarinsdóttir uma coralista. Al cinema, come Hannah Ásgeirsson nel lungometraggio Journey to the Center of the Earth. Picture of Anita Briem. De ses débuts jusqu'à la fin de ses 20 ans de carrière. Au cinéma, dans le rôle de Hannah Ásgeirsson dans le long métrage Journey to the Center of Browse Getty Images' premium collection of high-quality, authentic Anita Briem Pictures stock photos, royalty-free images, and pictures. Curves! by 337 Followers, 33 Following, 0 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Anita Briem (@anita. At the age of sixteen she decided adopt acting as a career and moved to England. May 29, 1982 • 42 y. Beyond The Tudors and Journey to the Center of the Earth, she has appeared in various independent films and television projects, including Dylan Dog: Dead of Night (2010) and Elevator (2011). 72 Fans; 5 Videos; 154 Pictures; 50 Lists; Post an image. Biografia. Aníta Briem. Comenzó a participar en [] Актриса Анита Брием Anita Briem родилась: 29 мая 1982 г (42 года), Рейкьявик. Quake was the film that brought her back to her native Iceland after 14 years of living and working in LA – something, she says, she never thought would happen. Una performance da trovare nel ruolo di Jane Seymour nella serie I Tudors. Description above from the Wikipedia article Anita Briem, Anita Briem arrives to the 4th Annual Los Angeles Italia - Film, Fashion and Art Festival opening night ceremony held at the Mann Chinese 6 Theaters Actress Anita Briem arrives at the Los Angeles Premiere "Journey To The Center Of Anita Briem est une actrice de 42 ans (29 mai 1982). Aktorka stała się jeszcze bardziej zajęta w następnym roku, ponieważ występowała w kilku filmach, w tym Dylan Dog: Dead of Night (2011) i Winda (2011). Síðan parið hnaut um hvort annað hefur hún aldrei birt mynd af honum eða þeim saman. podstawowe informacje. As informações sobre sua educação infantil não estão disponíveis, no entanto, sabe-se que ela começou sua carreira de atriz desde muito jovem. vote. Aníta Briem (born 29 May 1982) is an Icelandic actress. 29 Mayıs 1982’de İzlanda‘nın Reykjavik şehrinde dünyaya gelen Briem, özellikle macera ve bilim kurgu türlerindeki başarılı performanslarıyla bilinir. In 2006 she starred as Emily Stevens in the television series The Evidence. 2016 | Foreldrar. Referanser Eksterne lenker (en) Anita Briem på Internet Movie Database (sv) Anita Briem i Svensk Filmdatabas (da) Anita Briem på Filmdatabasen (fr) Anita Actress Anita Briem attends the press conference for the final night banquet and awards ceremony at ShoWest 2008 at The Paris Hotel and Casino on Actress Anita Briem arrives at the Los Angeles Premiere "I Love You Man" at the Mann's Village Theater on March 17, 2009 in Westwood, California. La famiglia si trasferì a Londra quando la ragazza aveva 16 anni. Actress Anita Briem attends the 7th Annual Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic at Will Rogers State Historic Park on October 15, 2016 in Pacific Palisades, Dóttir Anítu Briem leikkonu og Hafþórs Waldorff er komin með nafn. Seus pais são Ema Porarinsdottir, cantor, e Gunnlaugur Briem, baterista do grupo Mezzoforte. Last update date: 31 July 2013. She is known for her role as Jane Seymour on The Tudors and her role as Hannah Ásgeirsson in Journey to the Center of the Earth. Sort by: Recent - Votes - Views. Actress: Journey to the Center of the Earth. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Filmographie . Tre anni dopo ha recitato per la prima volta in una produzione americana, come guida di viaggio Hannah Ásgeirsson nell'adattamento del libro americano Viaggio al centro della terra. Anita Briem was born in Reykjavik, Iceland in May 1982. Kariyerine erken yaşlarda adım atan Aníta Briem, oyunculuk yetenekleri ve etkileyici performansları ile kendine sağlam bir yer Browse Getty Images’ premium collection of high-quality, authentic Anita Briem stock photos, royalty-free images, and pictures. Ela foi treinada em combate corpo a corpo e também é hábil em diversas Aníta Briem is on Facebook. Anita Briem wurde am 29. Facebook gives people the power to Fait intéressant, les deux parents d’Anita Briem sontégalement impliqué dans le showbiz. Pretty Legs »1« by Anautix. 1; 2; 3; 1920x816 2 . Anita Briem è nata il 29 maggio 1982 in Islanda. Nel 2004 si è diplomata alla Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. Wie is Anita Briem? Bio & Leeftijd. Anita got her fame from “The Tudors” in which she played a role of queen. Date of Birth: May 29, 1982. Check out production photos, hot pictures, movie images of Anita Briem and more from Rotten Tomatoes' celebrity gallery! Anita Briem net worth: Anita Briem is an Icelandic actress who has a net worth of $4 million. AnitaBriem 42 Red Carpet Event, Vertical, USA, Film Industry, Celebrities, Photography, Bestof, Arts Culture and Entertainment, Topix Celebrities fashion / Vertical, Best of, Event in Hollywood Life Anita Briem Anita Briem at arrivals for Premiere JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH, Mann's Village Theater, Westwood, CA, June 29, 2008. A família mudou-se para Londres quando a menina tinha 16 anos. Aníta Briem 30 of 52. “I was born and raised here in Iceland, but by the time Cinoche. 3. Anita Briem 188 Images 4 Lists. Nafn: Aníta Briem Búseta: LA Starf: leikkona Hjúskaparstaða: gift Börn: Mia tveggja ára Aldur: 33 ára. ' The interview took place on the red carpet at the 2008 Los ANITA BRIEM. Interview with Anita Briem who plays Hannah Ásgeirsson in 'Journey to the Center of the Earth. Elle a étudié à la Royale Academy of Dramatic art à Londres où elle en sorte diplômée en 2004. From "Quake" 2021. 2006: Köld slod: Elin Anita Briem is talking about her new film, Quake, which is based on the best-selling novel Grand Mal by Auður Jónsdóttir. 2006: The Evidence (TV serie): Emily Stevens. Helgarviðtal DV sem birtist 18. Argentina ; Chile ; Colombia ; Uruguay ; Paraguay ; Perú ; Ecuador ; Venezuela ; Costa Rica Анита Брием; исл. Browse 91 anita briem pictures photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more photos and images. Photo-gallery updates weekly. Strona główna osoby. 1591x2876 5 . Wallis portrays her in five episodes (including the Season finale) while Briem portrays her in four. 출생 : 1982년 05월 29일 , 아이슬란드 레이캬비크 신체 : 163cm 직업 : 영화배우,탤런트 데뷔 : 2004년 드라마 [닥터스 시즌6] 배우소개. Aníta Briem leikkona byrjaði leiklistarferil sinn aðeins 9 ára gömul þegar hún lék Ídu í Emil í Kattholti í Þjóðleikhúsinu. Egyes plakátok/képek, illetve előzetesek/videók 18 éven aluliaknak nem ajánlott, valamint sütiket használunk. . Anita has been in the acting scene since 2004 and has completed 19 years of acting worldwide. biografia (1) Historia kariery i ranking filmografia zdjęcia (41) Opinie i Nagrody. Anita Briem nasceu no dia 29 de maio emo ano de 1982 na capital da Islândia, Reykjavík. Elle commence à jouer à neuf ans au Théâtre national d'Islande (en). 2004: Doctors (TV serie): Anneka Marsh. It’s been a magical journey to get to be a part of with some extraordinary, and beautiful human beings. Anita Briem (født 29. Along with his stunning Icelandic co-star Anita Briem, the actor told audiences to strap into the 5-point harness for the thrill ride from first-time director Eric Brevig. Ciekawostki (4) Anita Briem (Reikiavik, 29 de mayo de 1982) es una actriz islandesa, [1] conocida por su interpretación de Juana Seymour, la joven destinada a convertirse en la tercera esposa del rey Enrique VIII, en la serie de televisión Los Tudor, y por su papel de Hannah Ásgeirsson en la película Viaje al centro de la Tierra . Anita Briem’s filmography reflects her diverse range and dedication to her craft. What Is Anita Briem Age? Anita Briem came Aníta Briem 26 of 83 Brendan Fraser , Josh Hutcherson , and Aníta Briem in Journey to the Center of the Earth (2008) People Brendan Fraser , Josh Hutcherson , Aníta Briem Leikkonan Aníta Briem og Hafþór Waldorff hafa verið að slá sér upp undanfarna mánuði samkvæmt heimildum fréttastofu. En este artículo te presentaremos la biografía, logros destacados, momentos clave importantes en la carrera y curiosidades interesantes de Anita Briem, una talentosa actriz nacida el 29 de mayo de 1982 en Reikiavik, Islandia. Actress Actress; Writer Writer; Place of Birth : ReykjavÃk, Iceland: Citizenship : Iceland: Career: 2004 — Genres: Drama, Crime, Sci-Fi: Height: 1. América del sur . leading to the show having to use a prosthetic torso and legs in order to hide the baby bump while Browse 72 anita briem photos photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more photos and images. Explore Authentic Anita Briem Pictures Stock Photos & Images For Your Project Or Campaign. Performing runs in the family for Anita Briem, whose parents are drummer Gunnlaugur Briem, and back-up vocalist Ema Porarinsdottir. Learn more about Anita Briem - movies and shows, full bio, photos, videos, and more at TV Guide Anita Briem. De sus inicios hasta el final de sus 19 años de carrera. Anita Briem wurde als Tochter der Musiker Gunnlaugur Briem, des Drummers der isländischen Musikgruppe Mezzoforte, und der Sängerin Erna Þórarinsdóttir in Reykjavík, Island geboren, wo sie auch ihre Kindheit verbrachte. Stúlkan kom í heiminn þann 13. [1] [2] [3] És coneguda pel seu paper de la reina Jane Seymour a la segona temporada de The Tudors, [4] i per les seves interpretacions a La monja (2005) i de Hannah Asgeirsson a Viatge al centre de la Terra (2008). последнее обновление информации: 31. Sa mère, Erna Þórarinsdóttir, est chanteuse tandis que son père, Gunnlaugur Briem, est batteur et membre fondateur du groupe de jazz «Mezzoforte» basé en Islande. Aníta hefur ekki langt að sækja [] 914 likes, 21 comments - anitabriem on October 7, 2023: "Premier of “As Long as we Live” / “Svo Lengi sem við Lifum” 8. Anita Briem nasceu em 29 de maio de 1982 na Islândia. Browse 72 anita briem photos photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more photos and images. 884 Views. Október á Stöð 2 Hair and make up: @sophiedavina @glassriver_production @stodtvo". As a lover of films I highly recommend seeing this one, as it now starts to open all over. 11) • Instagram photos and videos Anita Briem image , view more Anita Briem pictures. Ela começou a tocar aos nove anos de idade no Teatro Nacional da Islândia (). Tinna Hrafnsdóttir (2021) [PÖFF] A stunning piece of work from filmmaker Tinna Hrafnsdóttir and a wonderful central performance from Aníta Briem make 977 likes, 38 comments - anitabriem on June 24, 2023: "懶 @sagasig @elinreynis". Listin á hug hennar allan og hún sinnir henni vel, sem útskýrir vinsældir hennar sem leikkonu. Anita Briem zdobyła kolejne kredyty filmowe, występując w niezależnych filmach takich jak Wszystko się zdarzy, zanim umrzesz (2010) i Bajarz (2010). Argentina ; Chile ; Colombia ; Uruguay ; Paraguay ; Perú ; Ecuador ; Venezuela ; Costa Rica Explore Authentic, Anita Briem Photos Stock Photos & Images For Your Project Or Campaign. 1982 geboren und ist bekannt für Filme wie Die Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde, Dylan Dog: Dead of Night, Elevator und Serien wie The Minister. Stúlkunni var gefið nafnið Lúna. 1909x2877 3 . Thanks for your feedback Anita Briem (29 maggio 1982) è un islandese attrice. Le groupe a publié plus de 10 albums depuis sa formation en 1977. Elle mesure 1 mètre 63. Added by DuckNation 5 years ago on 21 January 2019 10:16. 실제 아이슬란드 출신으로 지적인 관능미를 지닌 애니타 브리엠은 9살 때부터 국립극장을 통해 연기를 시작했으며 19세 Biografia. 29 Mayıs 1982, Reykjavik, İzlanda) İzlandalı bir aktris. Anita Briem. V roce 2005 si zahrála malou roličku jako Sally Jacobs v seriálu Doctor Who. Now move down the article and read the full details related to her in the given lines. mai 1982) er en islandsk skuespiller som blant annet var med i filmen Reisen til jordens indre. Londrada eğitim gördü ve 2004te mezun oldu. Jane Seymour was played by Icelandic actress Anita Briem in season 2 and English actress Annabelle Wallis in season 3 and the Season 4 finale. Anita Briem (Reykjavík, 29 de maig de 1982) és una actriu islandesa. 1982) Anita Briem (nacida el 29 de mayo de 1982) es una actriz islandesa. Categories. Aníta Briem 12 of 83 Brendan Fraser , Josh Hutcherson , and Aníta Briem in Journey to the Center of the Earth (2008) People Brendan Fraser , Josh Hutcherson , Aníta Briem Aníta Briem Biography – From Iceland to London to all the way to Hollywood! Family Background of Aníta Briem: Aníta Briem is an Icelandic actress born on May 29, 1982, in Reykjavík, Iceland. Per lo stesso teatro ha interpretato successivamente Stulka in Kardemommu Town, Belka View the profiles of people named Aníta Briem. Hjónin giftu sig árið 2010 á grísku eyjunni Santorini, en þau bjuggu í Los Angeles í Bandaríkjunum ásamt dóttur sinni þar til þau fluttu til Íslands árið 2020. Back to top Anita Briem . Briem was born on 29 May 1982, in Reykjavík and is the daughter of drummer Gunnlaugur Briem of Mezzoforte Anita Briem Scott Pilgrim vs The World Premiere at the Chinese Theatre In Los Angeles. Une prestation à retrouver dans le rôle de Jane Seymour dans la série Les Tudors. Les mieux notés Les plus récents Dylan Dog Blu-ray Kevin Munroe Brandon Routh Anita Briem Sam Huntington Taye Diggs. september 2020. Et de nombreux concours! Quem é Anita Briem? Bio & Age. We update gallery with only high quality interesting photos. 563 oceny gry aktorskiej . Aníta hefur gert það gott í sínu fagi undanfarin ár, bæði sem leikkona og handritshöfundur. Es famosa por interpretar al personaje de Jane Seymour en Los Tudor. [5] [6] [7]Anita Briem és filla del bateria Gunnlaugur Briem del grup Mezzoforte i de la Anita Briem . Born and raised in Anita Briem se narodila a vyrůstala na Islandu a v 16 letech se přestěhovala do Londýna. Facebook gives people the power to Alle Infos zu Anita Briem. Join Facebook to connect with Anita Briem and others you may know. En 2004, elle est diplômée de la Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. Nagrody (1) Forum. трейлер: «Дрон» >> дополнительная информация >> Anita Briem - Anita Briem is an actress, known for Journey to the Center of the Earth (2008), Dylan Dog: Dead of Night (2010) and The Nun (2005). Only high quality pics and photos with Anita Briem. Þá varð ekki aftur snúið. AnitaBriem 42 Red Carpet Event, Vertical, USA, Film Industry, Celebrities, Photography, Bestof, Arts Culture and Entertainment, Topix Celebrities fashion / Vertical, Best of, Event in Hollywood Life Sibling: Katrín Briem; Marital Status: Married; Anita Briem’s Husband: Constantine Paraskevopoulos (2010 – Present) Anita Briem’s Children: One Daughter; Anita Briem’s Height: 5 Feet 4 Inches (163 cm/1. Explore. Aníta Briem - FAQ - IMDb - Top questions and answers about Aníta Briem View the profiles of people named Anita Briem. Apart from her acting Découvrez tous les films et séries de la filmographie de Anita Briem. She is known for her role as Jane Seymour on The Tudors and her role as Hannah in Journey to the Center of the Earth. briem. Hollywood leikkonan Aníta Briem er hamingjusöm á Íslandi. 1280x1908 5 „Veistu – það hefur aldrei verið þannig. Ha fatto il suo debutto cinematografico e recitativo in spagnolo-britannico nel 2005 film horror La monja. 4 Plus d'offres à partir de 3,02 € 11,30 € Ajouter au panier Drones DVD Anita Briem è nata in Islanda da due musicisti: il padre Gunnlaugur Briem era un batterista e la madre Erna Þórarinsdóttir una corista. I suoi genitori sono Ema Porarinsdottir, cantante, e Gunnlaugur Briem, batterista del gruppo Mezzoforte. Her father, Gunnlaugur Briem, is 1,534 likes, 36 comments - anitabriem on October 26, 2024: "only two weeks til we get to meet you 懶 hjartans þakkir @sagasig fyrir að fanga þetta lífsaugnablik með þínu ótrúlega auga! ♥️♥️♥️ photos by the incredible @sagasig ♥️ @hwaldorff". Anita Briem stock photos are available in a variety of sizes and formats to fit your needs. Views: 7 . 914 likes, 36 comments - anitabriem on January 8, 2025: "lífið 懶 ". 05. Anita Briem Pictures stock photos are available in a variety of sizes and formats to fit your needs. 22. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Anita Briem werd geboren op 29 mei inhet jaar 1982 in Reykjavik, de hoofdstad van IJsland. Just a stunning and deeply moving work of Hollywoodmamman Anita Briem hugsar um heilsuna. Bereits im Alter von neun Jahren wirkte sie als Ida in Astrid Lindgrens Michel aus Lönneberga am Nationaltheater von Island in Reykjavík mit. Anita Briem è apparso in 2 serie e 8 film. Фильмов: 4. Ses parents sont Ema Porarinsdottir, chanteuse, et Gunnlaugur Briem, batteur [1] du groupe Mezzoforte. Less Searching, More Finding With Getty Images. Anita Briem a tourné dans 2 séries et dans 8 films. Added 10 months ago by bloodmoon. Aníta Briem kimdir? İzlandalı bir aktris olup uluslararası alanda tanınan bir isimdir. Anita Briem is an Icelandic actress. Aníta Briem naît le 29 mai 1982 en Islande [1]. o. Родилась 29 мая 1982 года в Рейкьявике (Исландия). At the very early age of nine, she started acting at a theater. Ze werd getraind in hand-to-hand gevechten en ze is ook bekwaam in Find and save ideas about anita briem on Pinterest. Núna er hún flutt heim til Íslands og hefur þegar unnið við flott verkefni hér heima bæði í Film Festivals ‘Quake’ review: Dir. 2005: La nonne: Eve. 33K Followers, 783 Following, 374 Posts - Aníta Briem (@anitabriem) on Instagram: "Actor | Writer" Check out full gallery with 45 pictures of Anita Briem. 1,479 likes, 57 comments - anitabriem on February 13, 2022: "Premiere of BEAUTIFUL BEINGS at the @berlinale film festival. 04. Aníta birti ástríka afmæliskveðju á Instagram-síðu sinni rétt í þessu í tilefni af þrítugsafmæli Hafþórs og deildi fallegum myndum af parinu. Anita Briem Дата рождения: 29 мая 1982 [1] [2] (42 года): Место рождения: Рейкьявик, Исландия; Гражданство Исландия Профессия Descubre todas las películas y series de la filmografía de Anita Briem. Voir tout. Anita Briem Measurements: Age, Height, Weight, and More! Anita Briem, the Icelandic actress, has made a remarkable mark in the entertainment industry with her talent and beauty. Born on May 29, 1982, in Reykjavík, Iceland, Anita has captivated audiences worldwide with her performances in various films and TV shows. Голливудская актриса. by Mamman | 29. 7,2. Last update date: 2013-07-31. Em 2004, ela se formou na Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. Lists Reviews Images Update feed. Anita Briem attends WHEN IN ROME World Premiere at El Capitan Theatre on January 27, 2010 in Hollywood, California. 0. Join Facebook to connect with Aníta Briem and others you may know. Informatie over haar vroege opleiding is niet beschikbaar, maar ze is bekend dat ze al op zeer jonge leeftijd met haar acteercarrière is begonnen. nóvember síðastliðinn og er þeirra fyrst barn saman. Tudorsta Jane Seymour rolü ve Dünyanın Merkezine Yolculukta Hannah Ásgeirsson rolü ile tanınıyor. Anita Briem è un'attrice di 42 anni (29 mai 1982). La famille déménage à Londres lorsque la jeune fille a 16 ans [1]. En este artículo, leeremos todo sobre la biografía, la wiki, la edad, la altura, el Aníta Briem leikkona og gríski leikstjórinn og leikarinn Dean Paraskevopoulos leikstjóri eru flutt í sundur. If you Anita Briem pictures and photos. 63 m 5′ 4″ Zodiac sign: gemini: Facts . 瀏覽 Getty Images 的優越圖像庫,探索優質真實的Anita Briem Pictures照片檔、免版稅影像和圖片。Anita Briem Pictures照片檔有多種尺寸和格式可供選擇,滿足您的需求。 Anita Briem színész filmjei, adatlapja. fbpgnczqegpwbyyibnitiskryfdfjcmnydehazeriknmszpwtmwtfmzetrizervmadmmwae