Cannock chase housing contact number. Registered charity number 292552.
Cannock chase housing contact number uk with the address of the property, your name and contact telephone number if you suspect a property has been abandoned and the tenant has no Residents - Housing Benefit; Residents - Benefits Online Access; Residents Address: Cannock Chase District Council Contact Us. Residents - Housing Benefit; Residents - Benefits Online Access; Residents Making you feel secure in your home is our number one priority. Public phone: 01543 462621; 01543 464500. Office [email protected]. Cannock Chase Council Civic Centre Beecroft Road Cannock Staffordshire WS11 1BG Tel: 01543 462621 N. We are here to help! Making you feel secure in your home is our number one priority. The Council’s website www. Click to enlarge or scroll. Report of: Head of Housing and Partnerships Contact Officer: Louise Tandy Telephone No: 01543 464348 Portfolio Leader: Housing Key Decision: Yes Report Track: Cabinet: 25/01/18 CABINET 25 JANUARY 2018 HOUSING AND HOMELESSNESS STRATEGY 2018-2023 1 Purpose of Report 1. Cannock Chase ranks 366/573 England and Wales Constituencies for the share of homes – 18,700 – rated C. Please provide a valid mobile Why have I been contacted to review my Housing Benefit claim? Contact Us. Is this information correct? Telephone: 01543 462621 (Council Contact Centre, open 9am - 5pm, Mon - Fri) and ask for Planning Policy. Housing; Leisure; Waste & Recycling; Planning & Building; Other; The Council . Contact us; If you are suffering domestic abuse from a partner / spouse or relative then please use the contact details below for specialist help or advice. Navigating the complexities of local government can be daunting, but understanding how to contact Cannock Chase Council is crucial for accessing vital services and resources. Registered charity number 292552. Cannock Chase Council Civic Centre Beecroft Road Cannock Contact Us. B Most landlords require a months rent and / or deposit - The Cannock Chase Churches Housing Coalition may be able to assist you, they are available at the Civic Centre Monday / Wednesday / Friday mornings from 10:00-12:00. Cannock Chase District council (Housing Association) Customer Service Number. Write to: Strategic Housing, Cannock Chase Council, Civic Centre, Beecroft Road, Cannock, Staffordshire, WS11 1BG. General Out Patient Department (01543) 575146/66120. Cannock Chase Council Civic Centre Beecroft Road Cannock Staffordshire Cannock Chase Council offer you various methods for you to pay your rent. uk or contact Cannock Chase Council on 01543 462621 to speak to a Housing Adviser who will be happy to assist you in expressing an interest in the property of your choice. (Chase Suite) (01543) 576266 Lab - Clinical Chemistry (based at New Cross) (01902) 695200 Ext. Telephone: 01543 462621 First time visiting Housing Online - Register for your online account If you are a current tenant or current applicant of Cannock Chase Council, please register by clicking the 'Existing Applicants and Tenants - Register' button If you are a new customer to Cannock Chase Council, please register by clicking the 'New customers - Register' button Contact the Housing Options Team 01543 462621. uk Contact Us. By post: Planning Policy Cannock Chase Council Civic Centre P. Sustaining Tenancies - Our aim is to provide a comprehensive range of housing related support, tailored to meet the needs of our customers to develop sustainable tenancies on our estates. Housing Options Team, PO Box 28, Beecroft Road, Cannock, WS11 1BG. Cannock Chase Council Civic Centre Beecroft Road Cannock Staffordshire WS11 1BG Tel: 01543 462621 Contact details. If you require any advice or assistance please contact the Allocations Team on 01543 462621. U. Cannock Chase Council Civic Centre Beecroft Road Cannock Staffordshire WS11 1BG Tel: 01543 462621. 01543 462621. Registration for the new Housing Online from Tuesday 20 How to claim Universal Credit for Housing Cost (Rent): step by step Make sure you include your rent reference number so your payment reaches your account without delay. to address social housing and some of the 600 homes in Cannock Chase rated EPC F or G. uk will be updated to advise members of the Public and Statutory/Voluntary agencies that the Protocol has been implemented and to refer any rough sleeper identified within the Cannock Chase District to the Housing Options Team on 01543 462621, the same contact number applies for the ‘Out of Hours’ How to Pay Your Rent Direct Debit is the easiest way to pay your rent, it's safe and secure and gives you peace of mind. e. e. Turnout: 29. If you require LHA rates prior to the ones shown, or have any other queries relating to Local Housing Allowance, then contact the Benefit helpline number on 01543 464292. Please provide a valid mobile number. Bin Issues To report a problem with your bin please click here. Applicants, Tenants and Private Landlords of Cannock Chase district; Colleagues in the housing team and more widely across the district; Contact Us. Mobile number. I am pleased to introduce the Cannock Chase Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2023-2033, which covers our housing objectives and strategic housing priorities for the District and sits alongside a number of Council policies including the Corporate Plan 2022-26. You will not be charged for this message. Cannock Chase Life Residents - Housing Benefit; Residents - Benefits Online Access; Residents Making you feel secure in your home is our number one priority. Please quote your rent account payment number for a prompt response. Request / Report. uk. Cannock Chase District council (Housing Association) Service Email Address. Feedback Form. Eligibility. 1 To consider a proposed Housing and Homelessness Strategy 2018-2023. 3. Payments are made automatically, this will save you time and ensure your rent is never forgotten. Cannock Chase Council Civic Centre Beecroft Road Cannock Staffordshire WS11 1BG Tel: 01543 462621 The Council's revised Enforcement Policy 2023 sets out the standards and guidance that will be applied by the Council when acting in its role as regulator in a number of areas, including: food safety; health and safety at work; licensing; environmental protection and environmental crime; housing standards and public health nuisances. Cannock Chase Advice Centre 23 Park Road housing benefits, council tax, consumer matters and personal issues. uk / 01543 462621 for help and advice if you are facing Contact Us. Housing Strategy 2023-2033. rHere you will be able to view ent account details and rent statements. Turn2us is the operating name of Elizabeth Finn Care, a registered charity If you are suffering domestic abuse from a partner / spouse or relative then please use the contact details below for specialist help or advice. House/Flat) Cannock Chase Council are under a duty to protect public funds and, to this end we Contact Cannock Chase District Council on 01543 462 621. Establishing Current Unmet Need for Affordable Housing . Info updated: 15/05/2019 London, SE1 7TP. Social Care Authority: Staffordshire. broken/damaged branch. Email: housingoptions@cannockchasedc. The number of houses in multiple occupation within the UK has increased significantly in recent years. Housing Options P. Cannock Chase Council, Civic Centre, Beecroft Road, Cannock, Staffordshire WS11 1BG Contact Us. Reporting to Housing Staff - You can report the repair to any Housing Officer if they call. Cannock, Hednesford and Rugeley. Contact us; There are a number of things you can do to assist the Independent Living Officer. Managed by. Cannock Chase Council Civic Centre Beecroft Road Cannock Staffordshire WS11 1BG Tel: 01543 462621 PH Jones is a trading name of British Gas Social Housing Limited (registered in England and Wales under company number 01026007) whose registered office is Millstream, Maidenhead Road, Windsor, Berkshire SL4 5GD Cannock Chase Council, Housing Services want to make it as easy and simple as possible for our customers to report incidents of anti-social behaviour including 'out of normal office hours'. LHA April 2025. To register your interest for housing you will need to complete an online Registration Form, available on the Cannock Chase Housing website, click below. Housing Services Repairs Handbook. Reason for concern about the trees safety. Successful applicants will be added to the Housing Register and notified of their priority banding and the type and size of properties they are eligible for. Cannock Chase Council Civic Centre Contact Us. Contact us. Call the Rents Team on 01543 462621 and have your bank account and sort code to hand. Cannock Chase Life If you are suffering domestic abuse from a partner / spouse or relative then please use the contact details below for specialist help or advice. If you require any advice or assistance please contact the Allocations Housing Benefit Overpayment Mortgages Rents Council Tax Business Rates NNDR BIDS Penalty Charge Notices. ), type of tree if known. Owner Occupiers. Endoscopy (01543) 576285. O Box 28 Civic Buildings Beecroft Road To book an appointment with a Housing Options Officer, please call the above number. Change of Address Name Registration Number New Address Date Moved in Type of Property (i. 12. gov. Accessibility Equal opportunities Sitemap. cannockchasedc. Although any owner-occupier can place their name on the Housing Register, they can only be considered for accommodation if one of the following criteria is met: - Contact details of telephone number/email addresses held by Cannock Chase Council Housing Department which can be updated. Email: developmentcontrol@cannockchasedc. Contact us; Contact details of telephone number/email addresses held by Cannock Chase Council Housing Department which can be updated. For further information. O. Cannock Chase Council Civic Breadcrumb - Housing; Breadcrumb - Maintenance and Repairs; This is a direct number for Cannock Chase Council tenants. Letter: Cannock Chase Council, PO Box 28, Civic Centre, Beecroft Road, Cannock, Staffordshire WS11 1BG Telephone : 01543 462621 For more information you can contact the Service Improvement Team at serviceimprovements@cannockchasedc. For example: Cannock Chase Council Housing Office, Civic Centre, PO Box 28, Beecroft Road Cannock, WS11 1BG. Candidate: Party: Contact Us. uk Register Online. Cannock Chase Council Services N. Send message. The Council's revised Enforcement Policy 2023 sets out the standards and guidance that will be applied by the Council when acting in its role as regulator in a number of areas, including: food safety; health and safety at work; licensing; environmental protection and environmental crime; housing standards and public health nuisances. 2. Cannock Chase Council Civic Centre Beecroft Road Cannock Staffordshire WS11 1BG Tel: 01543 Telephone: 01543 462621 (Call Centre) and ask for Development Control. uk or via the dedicated Housing complaints email address housingformalenquiries@cannockchasedc. Charity number: 1063030. Cannock Chase Council, Civic Centre, Beecroft Road, Cannock, Staffs WS11 1BG. Please provide a valid mobile Hier kun je 24/7 terecht voor vraag & antwoord, digitaal contact én eenvoudig een (deel)betaling uitvoeren! The Council’s website www. Housing Authority: Cannock Chase. e dates of birth) of everyone currently living with you but not moving with you. Location (front/rear etc. uk will be updated to advise members of the Public and Statutory/Voluntary agencies that the Protocol has been implemented and to refer any rough sleeper identified within the Cannock Chase District to the Housing Options Team on 01543 462621, the same contact number applies for the ‘Out of Hours’ Departments. but the number of applications it can consider each month are limited to 15. Cannock Chase Council Civic Centre Beecroft Road Cannock Staffordshire WS11 1BG Tel: 01543 462621 You could seek accommodation by considering other housing options. Please note, do Local Housing Allowance Rates. Please call to make an appointment with the department / officer of choice before visiting the Civic Centre. Resident Involvement Strategy 2024-2027. Outreach in Rugeley. Send them a message . Year Cannock Chase District Council information on: Who to contact Website Cannock Chase District Council - Housing Scan to visit this website. PLEASE DO NOT REPORT REPAIRS DIRECTLY TO THE General housing advice/information for private/council tenants, homeless people. Please contact the Housing Options Team on 01543 462621. Cannock Chase Life @CannockChaseDC on X (formerly known as Twitter) Please contact the Neighbourhoods Team on 01543 462621 or email EMTeam@cannockchasedc. Shared room £81. . 73%. please email allocations@cannockchasedc. This comprehensive guide provides clear contact details for planning permission inquiries, housing support, and general council services, outlining phone numbers, email addresses, and postal Contact Us. Contact Us. About Us; Councillors; Number of rejected ballot papers: 16. Target group: Unemployed people and the general public. Cannock Chase Churches Housing Coalition PO Box 28 Civic Buildings Beecroft Road Cannock WS11 1BG . Box 28 Beecroft Road Cannock Staffordshire WS11 1BG Cannock Chase Council is committed to working with you, the Police and various Partner Agencies to investigate and resolve the cases that are reported to us. Out of hours emergencies phone 01543 462621. For more Housing Service Standards. Cannock Chase Council Civic Centre Beecroft Road Cannock Staffordshire WS11 1BG Tel: 01543 462621 was updated in February 2019 to incorporate a number of detailed changes following a technical consultation. How to Pay Your Rent Direct Debit is the easiest way to pay your rent, it's safe and secure and gives you peace of mind. To report a missed bin collection please click here. the average number of residential property transactions subject to Stamp Duty was 2,000. t 01543 462621 Contact Us - Form. 84 The Housing Maintenance Section undertakes repairs and maintenance work on tenanted and empty Council properties. g. Housing Benefit ; Income Support ; Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) Contact Us. Bin Collection This includes, your national insurance number (and that of your partner if applicable), the dates of birth and housing history of everyone who is moving with you. Email: strategichousing@cannockchasedc. Some key dates. Contact us; Contact Us. a number of nuisance tenants have found out the hard way what their persistent misbehaviour leads to. G. Information about this can be also obtained at the Cannock Housing Office Telephone 01543 462621. 10,000 – 8,000 BCE (Mesolithic Period): flint knapping tools provide the earliest known human activity at Cannock Wood to the south of the area now known as Cannock Chase. Company number 1955490. Dermatology (01543) 576033. You must only register for Housing Online once - Please do not create additional accounts. pdf (5. However, you can also make payment using the below methods: 24 hour automated telephone number 01543 215020; Post Office - you can pay at any branches of the post office. Admissions (based at New Cross) (01902) 694103 Boots Pharmacy (01543) 576002. Online using your credit or debit card, click on the link 'pay it', you will need your 12 digit payment Letter: Cannock Chase Council, PO Box 28, Civic Centre, Beecroft Road, Cannock, Staffordshire WS11 1BG ; Telephone: 01543 462621 Alternatively, the Housing Options Team may be able to assist you with finding temporary accommodation until you find a more permanent home either in the private or social sector. If Letter - You can send written details of your repair problem to the Housing Maintenance Manager at: Cannock Chase Council Civic Centre Beecroft Road Cannock (01543) 462621 - this number applies to all areas. Income Management. Cannock Chase District Council, Housing Options Team email housingoptionsCCDC@cannockchasedc. staffordshirewomensaid. org Cannock Chase District Council information on: Who to contact Website Cannock Chase District Council - Housing Scan to visit this website. Cannock Chase Council is committed to working with you, the Police and various Partner Agencies to investigate and resolve the cases that are reported to us. Info updated: 24/07/2015 London, SE1 7TP. Footer - Menu. Names and personal details (i. New Bin To request a new bin please click here. Allocations Policy 2024. 88266 Lab - Haematology (based at New Cross) Housing Rents. 85 MB) Annual Gas Safety Checks. 10; 1 room £115. you can contact Sure Maintenance directly on their freephone telephone number (0204 5422 055) to rearrange to a more suitable date. For more Stafford Borough Council and Cannock Chase Council Shared Services Residents - Housing Benefit; Residents - Benefits Online Access; Residents - Discretionary Payments; Residents - Online Services - Benefits; Contact Us. The strategic housing department are responsible for the following functions: Contact Us. 2,500 – 800 BC: evidence of Bronze Age activity on Cannock Chase can be seen in a number of surviving burnt mounds near the Rising Brook and the Stafford Brook near Wolseley Park. Cannock Chase Council Civic Centre Beecroft Road Cannock Staffordshire WS11 1BG Tel: 01543 462621 For tree enquiries that meet the criteria, please contact the Cannock Chase Council Contact Centre on (01543) 462621 giving the customer service operator the following details: 1. To see Full services available – you need to navigate back to Cannock Chase Council Self Serve Home. Local Housing Allowance Rates are shown below. Cannock Chase Council Civic Centre Beecroft Road Cannock Staffordshire WS11 1BG Tel: 01543 462621 The Developer Contributions and Housing Choices Supplementary Planning Document, holds the detail for affordable housing requirements. The Section is made up of teams of repairs and maintenance professionals and is backed up Contact details for Cannock Chase Council - Housing Options Team Skip to navigation; Skip to content Cannock Chase Council - Housing Options Team Civic Centre VAT number 872571796. Cannock Chase Life Register Online. Arrangements will be made to return your call if an officer is not available when you call. Name, address and telephone number. Area served: Cannock and surrounding areas. 07; 2 room £143. Cannock Chase Council Civic Centre Beecroft Road Cannock Staffordshire WS11 1BG Tel: 01543 462621 Cannock Chase Housing Change of Circumstances Form Housing Application Number Name Date of Birth 1. Stay connected. uk Write to: Planning Department Cannock Chase Council Civic Centre PO Box 28 Contact Us. Contact us; Stay Connected. Cannock Chase Council Civic Centre Beecroft Road Cannock Staffordshire WS11 1BG Tel: 01543 462621 Contact ShireLiving on 0800 023 22 44. Staffordshire Women's Aid - Tel: 08702 700123 www. If you have any questions about this change, please contact the Gas Team at Cannock Chase District Council on 01543 456846 or at gashousing@cannockchasedc. Under the Revised NPPF, local planning authorities are still responsible for assessing their local housing Cannock Chase Local Housing Needs Assessment 05 April 2019 . org A number however had questions, wanted to make comments or had suggestions in relation to policy wording, the policy implications or the consultation itself. This will send details of 'Cannock District Council - Housing', to your mobile phone using our SMS service. Contact details. You will need to be registered on Cannock Chase Housing to express Contact Us. Allocations Policy. uk How to contact the Housing Options service. Heath Hayes East and Wimblebury Ward. Cannock Chase Life @CannockChaseDC on X (formerly known as Twitter) This number may also be used for out of hours emergencies. Cannock Chase Council Civic Centre Beecroft Road Cannock Staffordshire WS11 1BG Tel: 01543 462621 Tenants are unable to self refer direct, but if you need advice or further information about the Service, please contact Cannock Chase Council on 01543 462621 or email the Tenancy Sustainment Team at tenancysustainment@cannockchasedc. If you are struggling to pay your rent or need some general advice on Universal Credit or Your National Insurance Number; Contact Addresses. M. org Who to contact Contact Name Eric Brooks Telephone 01543 462621 01543 462621 Where to go This will send details of 'Cannock Chase Churches Housing Coalition', to your mobile phone using our SMS service. Email: Cannock Chase Council Services Having trouble registering? Follow our step by step guide here. Cannock Chase District council (Housing Association) Contact Infomation. For referrals and further information, please contact the Cannock Chase District Council Housing Options Team. lgguoegwpexjptmrotmmlxhlzxfucvxrgqaaphmbdrjlxgawslongeouffuvxnqotqosgygwvwxax