Easiest healer tbc. all you can do is spam your filler heals to get holy power.
Easiest healer tbc No better time than TBC to be a healer, the sky is the limit as far as a skillcap goes. Focusing on the basics is important. Sort by: Easiest to top the healing meters: Holy Paladin. I’ve heard holy priest is the easiest healer as in you heal and that’s about it. Restoration Druid is also much improved compared to its previous last spot, while Holy Priest is no longer essential but Mastery: Deep Healing: Increases healing from your spells by up to 24%, based on the current health of your target. Priest also has discipline which I’ve heard is one of the more engaging/difficult healing specs. leveling it to 70 wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world as shamans are very in-demand in TBC. 1 missed timed heal from me could be a wipe result. Druids are definitely the easiest healer class to solo with. Now I’ve returned to my OG healer who is a holy priest. Also means in raids you will be assigned to tank healing. The addition of Cyclone alongside Entangling Roots, Bash, and Nature's Grasp make Druids one of the best crowd control classes. blessings are fire and forget. com/marcelianonlineWelcome to another MarcelianOnline video! Today, we're diving into the Easiest Healer in Holy paladin was actually by far the best heroic dungeon healer in the first ~1. I’d recommend Disc, even though you TBC classes are more viable in their roles than in classic. You won't hit gladiator or anything, but it's really easy to hit 1,800 without learning any of the intricacies of PvP. I was looking for the easiest healing class to level and quickest preferbly. probably the easiest healer to play*, as long as you don't have to contend with AoE. i just want to point out. In a perfect raid comp world there will be 1 shaman per 4 other players, so that's your main competition for getting a spot healing a heroic group. Healing as a whole is very easy to get into. Shamans have AOE healing and incredible utility for 5mans. Druid. I am maining tank for my guild in raids and dungeons. you cant control people who stand in things. Circle of healing is the most broken healing-spell in the game, renew, prayer of Mending, Shield gives you a What will be the easiest healer to learn / play? I really want to heal in classic, but I can’t decide =D. but at tha tpoint people die. resto shamans have the core toolkit of the priest, all the things you actually need, with bloodlust and totems. Druid is next but you need to manage hots and you will hardly perceive the . I felt the same way when paladin changed. all you can do is spam your filler heals to get holy power. Thanks Share Add a Comment. Season 2 launch update: Mistweaver Monk and Discipline Priest are the great winners of the Season 2 healer shuffle due to getting buffs and reworks that make them both easier and stronger to play, on top of strong new tier bonuses. Druids are great for arena healing, and raid Oh, and don't forget how broken Cyclone is (another reason Resto' is the easiest healer). PvP: Druids excel in flag-carrying in Warsong Gulch and can be incredibly hard to kill Resto druid is nice and pug friendly, but it’s a pro-active healer, you need to start healing before damage comes in. in retail I play dps all the time except lfd Some people seem to think hybrid dps classes should respec to healer/tank to do heroics and you need to bring a lot of CC to them. "We'll you're the healer, make sure everyone is gtg when I pull. Shaman Class Hall Rewards Mount: Raging Tempest Totem; Title: Pet: Snowfang's Trust; Shamans are using Intellect Mail gear, sharing it with Hunters. This list will be kept updated as TBC Meanwhile, as far as mindlessly spamming heals go, Paladins are the kings of single-target healing and never go OOM thanks to Illumination and Shamans are the best group healers Holy Priest is essentially the beginner healer, although it has a lot of key binds. A: Excels in most situations, but have some weaknesses on We will be ranking each healer class available in TBC below, alongside a short explanation on the reasoning behind its position. I also have a 50 holy priest that I can lvl and gear. Resto shamans are the most fun I've had in TBC, as they have no hots and you need to stay on top of things with pre-healing. The new races' PvE: Most Druids will find themselves healing in raids, though Feral Druids can tank with the right gear. Specs like SL/SL Warlock will be very easy to pick up for a beginner, but the class has a lot of intricacies and timing with CC that make it Hey , im a casual player and i had played only shamman healer in tbc ,if any of u guys can help me decide which class is the best and easiest to top the healing meters . Along with the light stacking you mention, the main reason being that spiritual attunement (10% mana back from heals) worked with over healing initially until it was nerfed later to only be actual healing done to you. Lower health targets are healed for more. they are the most fun healers in 5-mans imho, and they force you to pay attention to your surroundings, thus avoiding the problem of only watching the bars, which often plagues other healers. If it got a CD reduction from the set bonus on something (can’t remember) it would probably only be 1min by quite a bit? or am i confusing that with some tbc gear? 8/8 T1, reduces the What will be the easiest healer to learn / play? I really want to heal in classic, but I can’t decide =D. You pretty much never use Regrowth because it’s so mana inefficient. Just wanted to pick whichever one is easier to learn. I have been doing some dungeons in my lock and did not noticed the healer spec but it seemed like 90% are healer speced. However is wasnt competitive in the last season and most likely wont be in s2. In 25 mans a pretty optimal healer setup is 2-3 resto shaman, 2 IT IS easier, and IT IS basically spamming chain heal the more the expansion goes forward(a bit exaggerating but yes, a good 75/80% of your heals as resto in TBC will be coming from a chain heal, unless you are in a fight like Gruul where there's 0 raid damage beside shatters and people sleeping under stones falling), one just needs to know So, I’m looking at rolling a new healer for TBC. Always up to date with the latest patch (2. You only have four healing spells: Healing Touch, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, and Tranquility. What will be the easiest healer to learn / play? I really want to heal in classic, but I can’t decide =D Sad, but true. they're stuck in between 'healer' and 'dps' modes for playstyle since they actually need to focus on both enemies and allies to do their job. The CD of Tranquility in Classic is only 5min. Never experienced this is TBC. Things change when youre geared in an organized BG setting with healers, but that doesnt sound like something you will find the time for. Hello. If you try to heal reactively on a resto druid, you’ll have a These guides will rank Tank and Healer Class and specializations by a tier list format, ranking them on a scale from best (S Tier) to unviable (F Tier) based on the criteria of In 5 mans they are easily the best healer, mainly because bloodlust is overpowered in short dungeon boss fights. Thanks for you feedback I'd probably say level a druid as Feral I have decided that I would like to experiment with healing in TBC, with a view to it potentially becoming my main. Which is flat out wrong. The difficulty is healers like mw might be more straight forward in how they heal, but are more heavily punished on their positioning and game awareness due to how easy they are to shut down and with mw especially being a viable kill target in a swap so you rely on using your full kit (port etc) to survive, which adds just as many things to learn. Priest does have a low skill floor meaning a player who is a noob can get some level of average - decent performance without much effort/skill Switching to resto made the matches feel “smoother” and gave me a better perspective and understanding through healing and got me to around 2k in my first seasonal push since original TBC. But I actually think that once you learn what each spell does and how down ranking works paladin becomes the easiest and most efficient. Tranquility is a long cooldown that you don’t have to consider often. I already played druid in the original TBC, so I’m looking at a new healer. They're viable. Classes that can heal can also dps, prot paladins can actually taunt now, etc. I have a lvl 60 shammy that I can gear for resto. I plan on only doing mythic+ keys and i just bought a new desktop computer so it can handle WoW just fine, so now i wanna know what the easiest and reliable healer is for returning and or new players? hey I want to start wow classic. DPS warriors are great with paladin or druid tanks. As my memory of that time isn’t the greatest, what would be the best healer for dungeons and ra Link to healing spell comparison spreadsheet I made back when I was playing TBC private servers: Healer Comparison Heroics. 8/8 T1, reduces the cooldown of Tranquility by 50%. 5. Easy enough to roll shadow though for questing if you prefer that. much like Tanks often don't even watch mana or give time for water even before boss pulls. I can say priest was by far the easiest class to get 1800+. they're also extremely boring imho, until you get into 5v5 arenas or something chaotic like that, where their Holy pally is by far the most boring healer in TBC. Definitely not the easiest to learn. sometime you dont have time to build holy power. I’ve hit glad on multiple classes in retail/tbc/wrath. I’d suggest holy. Also how hard is to do quests as resto shaman. By “main” I mean, Very good single target and good AoE healing. Defos wudnt Paladins only have single target heals and a holy paladin stuggles killing mobs while farming compared to other healers. (TBC exp), happy to announce 1800 rating in SS as Resto Shaman! Thank you all for the tips I read in the sub, not sure if 2k is the What will be the easiest healer to learn / play? I really want to heal in classic, but I can’t decide =D Yeah, it wasn’t until T2. Again, easy to master != easy to pick up for someone that hasn't played the class. Hey all, I have been playing as Feral Druid tank for the last week and it’s been ok. 4). With fraction of the skill that a holy paladin requires to They are the “main” healers. With two main playstyles revolving around the hero talents, Totemic Focus and Far Seer, you What will be the easiest healer to learn / play? I really want to heal in classic, but I can’t decide =D. So I think it comes down to, do you want to turn off your brain completely and spam healing touch or do you want to learn about your class first. re Classes are fairly easy in tbc. Holy priest is always Shaman is easy to level and typically pretty easy to get good healing numbers out of it. Rejuvenation isn’t as mana efficient, so you only use it if you need more HPS while you cast Healing Touch. If not for totem weaving on a Shaman, I’d rank them as the hardest healer to learn, actually. On multiple occasions, I've had tanks even pull immediately after rez, AFTER A CHAIN PULL WIPE THAT WAS CAUSED BY OOM. And of course playing a healer will make you to understand so many more stuffs like what happen when u overlapped defensive cds on the next enemy go. Priest is probably the best healer for beginners, it has a wide toolkit and two trees to specialise in for healing purposes. Healing Touch gets nerfed extremely hard in TBC, and that's the only In arena, Resto Druids are one of the strongest options for healers. SL/SL is prob easiest to learn in TBC. Leveling to 60 is also much quicker. Here's my list for each role: Tank - Paladin Protection - you have only 3-5 spells to use or Druid Feral Heal - Shaman Resto - most of the time you spam Chain Heal Rank 2, Rank 4 and sometimes Rank 5 Melee DPS - Shaman Enh - basically 3 spells to use What will be the easiest healer to learn / play? I really want to heal in classic, but I can’t decide =D. Warrior is the only dps that can tunnel vision and still cause a lot of problem. Priest has Renew, Heal, Greater Heal, Flash Heal, Power Word: Shield, and Prayer of Healing. If it got a CD reduction from the set bonus on something (can’t remember) it would probably only be 1min. Just about every hybrid dps class offers something great for 5 man heroics. Leveling a Holy Priest is like watching paint dry. Your cc is barely used for setups and is more of a peel. Don’t get me wrong you can dps with them, just not as good as the alternatives. I been debating on which class i wanna level next and decided i defintly wanna level a healer. Druid in Classic doesnt spam Regrowth and Rejuv, and it will be just as bad to do that in TBC. For example, you will realise that sometimes, if an enemy its at 25%hp and the other one is at 50%, you will kill the guy with 50% since the healer will Probably druid – healing touch + rejuv or even no rejuv. correct me if i’m wrong but didnt some of the raid tier gear for druids have the bonus set offer a way to reduce the cd on tranquility, by quite a bit? or am i confusing that with some tbc gear? Lack of AOE healing, healing while moving, and general utility compared to other healers. So, I’m looking at rolling a new healer for TBC. The healing is similar to holy pally, and the gear is cooler. Druids and Warriors can play with their Hello I would like to tryout healing for first time in this game but i dont know which is easier one I prefer range heal since i used to main bm hunter for many years So i would like to ask what is easier holy priest Holy priest is still a spec i am not familiar with. Holy paladins can heal heroics. patreon. Holy Paladin is straightforward but not easy compared to Holy Priest, outside of cooldowns your healing is not very strong (so planning is important Yep OP this is the answer. from my experience the easiest healing classes to get into raids are discipline priest, or holy paladin. Your strongest heals have longer cooldowns so it requires good use of cooldowns and planning to play optimally. Yes finding a tank will be harder than finding a dps or even a healer, but it won't be nearly as bad as Classic. As it is right now, mistweaver is the healbot of all healbots. 5 and T3 that Blizzard started learning how to optimize gear. TBC healer? With talks ramping up about a WOTLK classic, me and a few friends were looking about getting into TBC classic. First boss is an absolute shit show that requires everyone to be on their toes. They have very low damage compared to the others so it’s a pure heals type of class. I don’t particularly love healing but I want to find one that I am decent with. Chain Heal allows them to handle most AoE damage easily but they do struggle on a What will be the easiest healer to learn / play? I really want to heal in classic, but I can’t decide =D. Restoration Shaman (Easiest) Restoration Shaman is a perfect example of a fun and easy-to-play healer. You arent great at arenas outside of 5s. It is easier to heal, as a feral tank I wouldn't say its harder, I'd say it is annoying because threat is still a problem until Wrath unless your a pally then threat should be easy when it comes to dungeons, raid same but if threat falls off it is harder to pick it back up as a pally Iv been playing holy paladin for a while now and really wanted to get glad in DF for mount but holy just feels weird atm, and kinda bad iv got some experience with Resto druid in bfa which felt pretty easy to play and i also have a Monk but have never tried that in arena what class would you guys say is the easiest of the 3 to try get glad with? or do i stick with paladin? Holy paladin is viewed by most players as the easiest healer in terms of total spells and how the healing is done. Returning player after 15 years (TBC exp), happy to announce 1800 rating in SS as Resto Shaman! Thank you all for the tips I read in the sub, not sure if 2k is the Is there an easy to use healer that’s also pulling good numbers? 🔥Join the fam👉 https://www. But i would definitely recommand shaman 🙂 Preservation Evoker has a great toolkit but I wouldn't call it easy for new healers. Loading Black morass is not one of the easiest, its easy if you have enough dps to kill the non-boss portal guardians before too many adds spawn, but it can easily spiral out of control with low dps and if you end up wiping and Medive dies youll have to start over from wave 1, Hello I would like to tryout healing for first time in this game but i dont know which is easier one I prefer range heal since i used to main bm hunter for many years So i would like to ask what is easier holy priest Staying alive is hard but actually healing in pvp is easy. Their cooldowns used to be meaningful but in a disc priest meta theyre dispelled in one global. With the nerfs to the melee playstyle, Holy Paladin is also pretty straightforward. Upside of paladins is that they are the easiest by far to gear up for healing. Priest - my personal favorite, and imo the best healer in TBC. Will be chain-heal spam but strong AoE healing and always wanted in raids/group. I had no problem buying low level greens, disenchanting them, and then making money on wands. 5-2 months of original TBC. I played each healer classes over a decade, og tbc, private and classic tbc. Rsham has too many tools to be considered easy (very bind intensive), rdruid is the most global intensive although the play style is simple enough it does take skill to manage hots, hpal is well rounded with great tools, disc is pretty easy to play but not tuned very well atm(I’d argue disc is maybe one of the easiest healers in a meta that Druids have the easiest time healing 5 man's, but you'd want to group with a Pally, Shaman or Shadow priest for ressurection assistance since druids still only have battle res. Plus heroics drop badges which are used to buy things people need all the way through TBC. Good DPS + good heals = good solo On Kronos 2 and Outlands (I know TBC server but still) when they were fresh, wands sold for a ridiculous amount of gold. Long heals are normally more cost effective for mana but short heals may safe the day, each will have an ability to mitigate damage, heal over time spells are helpful at smoothing out damage and give you time to make decisions. 1. Easiest Tank TBC . i seem to recall when tbc rolled along, druids were given a talent to reduce the cooldown on tranq so if you had the full set from vanilla, your tranq cd was 1 minute. Resto Shaman: Bloodlust/Heroism is extremely powerful in short dungeon fights and can allow an under-performing group to clear content they otherwise couldn't. and wha tim tryign to get at is i love changes but i due feel like holy pally needs somthing to Overall Rating: S The Restoration Shaman is one of the best group healers and the most useful healer of TBC Classic, and it all starts with being the only source of the new Bloodlust / Heroism effect, which you can never have enough of in any group! They are great supports for both melee and casters groups, bringing the physical damage totem staples, A complete searchable and filterable list of all Trinkets in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Going to work on heading up an alt so I can be a backup healer for mythic plus. " Ha! The thought process is staggering. For this Tier List, here is how we're ranking each Healer spec in Phase 1 of Burning Crusade Classic: S: Valuable on every encounter, bringing strong throughput, exceptional survivability and universal utility. You’d NEVER wear the full set, because its stats are awful, and Tranquility only heals your party in vanilla, so it’s not even a good raid cooldown like it is now. I'd highly recommend you stay prot on your pally, as you'll be the king of dungeons with fantastic aoe threat. I had been one since TBC. Easiest healer to master would probably be Holy Paladin. As a healer main since vanilla tbc, most simple are resto shaman and holy priests. holy palas are easy to play, but their But in tbc all 3 tank specializations are really good. Enrage mechanics, chain lightning and small hallways can lead to some nasty wipes. Comment by zortec0985 hello, Thank you for this holy pally guide. Once your a healer you can heal on any class. how easy is it to heal? might want to play a class that can heal so i make more friends but i wanna make sure i’m playing something that isn’t extremely hard. haha . Highest skillcap (which means you will beat pretty much any other healer if you are Which healer do u think is the most noob friendly? I never healed in WoW and I would like to make a dedicated healer mainly focus would be mythics=pvp>raid in that order. Honestly the easiest part of the instance is the 2nd boss. Hey, Im leveling a shammy to be an healer at 70 and I’m wondering if it is possible to heal tbc dungeons while leveling in a dps spec. The understanding actually helped me play dps better, and got me to Level SUPER fast in both RETAIL and Classic and make HUGE gold at 80 with Gold Assistant which tells you the best farms and profession crafts- https://www. But only roll holy full time if you are levelling through dungeons or something. Mob density is high, mobs hit hard and many are immune to cc. As my memory of that time isn’t the greatest, what would be the best healer for dungeons and ra Priest is probably easiest in dungeons due to things like fade and shield Shaman for raids due to chain heal, bl Here we'll rank all the healer specs from easiest to hardest, considering play style, talents, rotations, hero talents, tier sets, and overall fun. I won’t be doing any hard keys under 5-6 for sure. They are also extremely I think Paladin have less buttons and more easy learning curve, Holy Priest can be hard sometimes in m+ since they aren't resistant as Paladins, also, Holy Priest requires a lot of positioning skill, because they cast a lot Resto druid is easy because you apply heal over time effects in your targets and can move freely Below 1800 or 2k, easiest dps is warrior and healer is priest. rleznxuyhcumyuntkoxkrqzivbxrlwdjiaihqdgasuqhyqoodniobecdymfpfthxtymgjcwoeatxnmolobf