Eve online gas mining. Can the Porpoise, Orca and Rorq get some gas .
Eve online gas mining It’s for the max yield and a okayish 16k EHP defense. Here you can see the solely yield based calculations on choosing wether to field a EVE Online Forums Is ice mining more profitable than ore? Communications Center. In order to maximize the mining mining laser range, and minimize the mining laser cycle time for a mining fleet, you need to have a perfect booster pilot in either an Orca for high security space, or a Rorqual for other areas of space. Phelan_Kheldian (Phelan Kheldian) May 18, 2022, 12:53am The Stratios and Loki may be able to explore well, but mining with them is useless with their small cargohold. Exploration Gameplay Center. with gas being a more important part of industry now, could we please finally get compression and/or dedicated harvesting equipment for barges to bring it in line with mining. Afterburner I to fit an AB and make the most of your 20 minutes at the site. A big if though - you need to have a reaction facility nearby due to the bulkyness of gas. Perfect storm for big ISK payouts. Two level on processors and one level two processors. Grimm_Reborn (Grimm Reborn) November 25 Go the route of the Mining Barge, Retriever. Wormhole gas mining. This class covers the following topics: Why should you mine Gas? a Gas Site and how to Bookmark; Gas Mining in Low and NullSec Space Traveling to Low/NullSec Space; Chemical Lab Sites; Mining Gas in Wormhole Space Entering Wormholes, Creating Safe Spots, Ninja Huffing; Q&A; Intro stuff Stellar Observatory locations System wide bonus to yield in all empires, plus a bonus to shield HP in Caldaria and Minmatar space. The main skillbook costs 24m ISK and it takes about a week to train the [Venture, *Simulated Venture Fitting]Inertial Stabilizers IICompact Multispectrum Shield HardenerMedium Azeotropic Restrained Shield Extender5MN Cold-Gas End Material related to EVE-Online is used with limited permission of CCP Games hf by using official Toolkit. I’ve just started scanning-down and mining gas-clouds in WH space. Mercimer (Mercimer) Some folks still clear gas site rats without mining the gas. True for someone like me but for a new player even the crap gas is worth more than mining the better ores. These forums have been archived and are now read-only. It may also spawn in some nullsec systems. Whether using a Rorqual is necessarily safe or reasonable isn't a question that can easily be answered in a I’m not a miner and never will be. 19: 6012: January 1, 2020 Home ; Categories ; Guidelines ; Seen someone using Endurance with mining drones, he claimed that yield is comparable to retriever while allowing fast align and escape, not bad considering 19k m3 mining hold. Ice: One of many varieties of the resources obtained from ice belts. 3: 1021: February 17, 2022 Gas Sites. and now bump the fuel burn to 88 units an hour? How about just say ‘its 64k units a month’ or even better, over 750 million ISK per month ( Jita says 12. 今回の記事はEVE Onlineというゲームのガス採掘について書いていきましょう. 89 = 12 519. In this case, both can be addressed Mining IV is a prerequisite of Gas Cloud Harvesting. Hope the community starts Introductory guide to mining in EVE Online. 30 million is an irrelevant expense for mining. Netan_MalDoran (Netan MalDoran) July 3, 2024, 5:52am 1. this is the most expensive option EVE Online Forums Gas Planet extraction. Ice mining lasers take a little extra time to train, but also worth it. Gas Harvesting in low and null sec is perilous. I know solo mining in an Orca is less efficient than mining in an exhumer. The Metenox Moon Drill is a less efficient extraction Just wanted to pop in and say that lowsec gas changes are great. Industrial Command Ship: Large harvesting The hardest part about gas mining, other than not falling asleep while doing it, is safely transporting the goods back to high sec for sale. Gas Mining/Huffing. you can mine that amount in 1-2 venture loads depending on the gas. Efficiency is the name of the game if you want to maximise your returns, and that means you need the best EVE Online mining fits. Norlon_Ricker (Norlon Ricker) March 8, 2023, 3:23am First, try the Gas Harvesting page at the Eve University wiki. Min_Juni (Min Juni) April 30, 2021, 9:01am 1. ISK/h Go the route of ninja Gas Mining in the Venture. Train t2 mining frigates. The Forge. Also be Gas Cloud Scoops können, einen Hardpoint vorausgesetzt, in den High Slots aller Mining Frigs verbaut werden. Play EVE Online » Gas Cloud Harvester II With development of the first practical Gas Cloud Harvesters for mining barges, it was only a matter of time before the benefits of advanced components and the efficiencies made possible using morphite alloys led to upgraded modules. This topic was automatically closed 90 days after the last reply. Amarr Caldari Gallente Minmatar Ship/Fit Comparisons Notes Spreadsheet Porn Fits Numbers listed here assume perfect Orca Boosts and Type B Crystals, but no Stellar Observatory. From looking at LP store data, the Eifyr and Co. Thanks CCP. Xavier_Liche (Xavier Liche) February 21, 2020, 11:15pm 1. 1 = I request the same feature for my favourite ship the Hoarder, which has a Gas Hold, but the Gas Scoops will mine into the normal cargo hold which is very annoying, because I need that space for my crewmembers 🙂 o7 While rare, it is possible for the myko gas sites (used in making synth boosters) to spawn in high-sec. Mined in a similar fashion to ore. As long as you keep using your d-scan for any ship present,have multiple bookmarks and keep your ship moving while mining you are relatively safe. com. To be honest: Any planet can be huge in EVE. Missions. also check out faction warfare regions like placid and black rise. 1 Like. Reply reply More replies More replies. No official affiliation or endorsement by CCP Games hf is stated or implied. Multispectrum Shield Hardener II Survey Scanner II. Gas mining offers a unique experience, combining exploration, resource extraction, and the ever-present danger of ruthless pirates. I haven't loaded gas harvesting implants because of the risk of being podded for the minimal gain - especially in WH mining. You can join a corporation/alliance in nullsec that has mining fleets with boosts to increase the yield, but it still won’t be the best. Science & Industry. Known Space. 1: 446: March 31, 2020 I havn’t been able to scan down a gas site in over a week, possibly bad luck, but I am worried the additional wormholes broke something. Huffing: A slang term used for gas mining. But if I’m pitting in 14 068 units, I’m expecting My Gas planet mining will not allow me more than 2 extractor heads on each mineral I am mining. Specifically, the following was First the Skyhooks were changed to be near unrobbable, then the ramping was buffed so their yield is always 100%. You’ve asked like 3 times now . As an entry level profession it’s super easy to get into, but it’s also one that can scale continually for minimal cost other than number of accounts. While these ships have no bonuses for hacking, they’ll do well when you find gas clouds while scanning. Ash_Beldrulf (Ash Beldrulf) January 13, 2023, 3:49pm 1. I need to write a gas huffing guide for newbros. I was under the impression that the ‘baddies’ would appear no sooner than 20 minutes after you first arrive at the cloud, but for If you go into wormholes, you will also find gas sites, the higher the class the better. 03 | EVE Online. Ewige Miner, die auch mal am Gas saugen möchten. As all mining modules mine a certain volume of ore/ice/gas in a given time, the amount of ore/ice/gas mined therefore depends on this mining rate (often quoted in m 3 per minute) and on the volume of the ore/ice/gas (m 3) being mined. The k-space rats in gas sites are about the same as the rats in ore sites, so a drake would be able to do the job. Material related to EVE-Online is used with limited permission of CCP Games hf by using official Toolkit. 1/10 compression would be enough Best advice I can give you is fit mining laser upgrades and go for as much m3/s as you can because at the end of the day if someone to catch you no amount of stabs will help you. (Dravick Afterthought) July 19, 2018, 12:46pm 1. Scout warps in, bookmarks the c320 gas, warps to miner (or you warp out) warp to the bookmark at 50km, set keep at distance to ~1,700-1,900 and use and after burner to orbit. For an alpha account, gas huffing or abyssals are probably the most lucrative activities from an isk/hour perspective. This is a high/low sec gas site found through Exploration. The same skills also apply to the endurance. Better options for hybrid exploration + mining are the mining frigates: Venture, Prospect and Endurance. Mining & Extraction. Gas mining is as basic as it gets. Patch Notes - Version 19. As a boosting pilot there is no reason for me to be on grid if I can not mine while boosting. 16: This Class introduces the concept of Gas mining - or Huffing - in EVE. As someone who is trying to get back into EVE, with 12m skill points mostly in mining-related things and some other stuff spread out here and there, what is the best possible mining fit and ship for an alpha player? I currently am using a Venture with only mining 1 lasers, but I don’t really know or remember much about the game to really know what would be better EVE allows you to discover, explore and dominate an amazing science fiction universe while you fight, trade, form corporations and alliances with other players. Eve-mining website is a place where any miner will find something useful for himself. Eve Online - Day 1 Alpha ISK Guide: Pochven Venture Mining Deep Dive - YouTube This video describes ninja mining in Triglavian space: from navigating Pochven with inbound and outbound filaments, setting up efficient collection systems, to fitting a Venture easy for alpha clones. But gas clouds prevent people from cloaking inside them, which gives you some safety if you sit in the middle of the cloud, pay attention and warp EVE Online Forums Gas site rats? Industry Gameplay Center. Fit gas scoops! Material related to EVE-Online is used with limited permission of CCP Games hf by using official Toolkit. /r/EVE is a place to discuss internet spaceships What I used to do for ninja wormhole gas mining is have a prospect with a cloak, a sisters core probe launcher, and a gas miner II in the highs. Gas harvesting is used to collect special gases that are used for booster production and if harvested in wormholes, T3 manufacturing. EVE Online – 27 Apr 21. Highsec gas is fake, someone's always going to find it before you do and log in their 20 alts. 11: 1389: March 2, 2022 Gas Compression. Gas sites spawn in all empire regions, although each variant types of gas are limited to specific regions of space. Take a combat ship, a PvE ship, gas mining ship, and a scanning ship. The only problem is, I don't know how viable this actually is. 3 Signature 40m Yield 160/min Material related to EVE-Online is used with limited permission of CCP Games hf by using official Toolkit. EVE Online Forums Gas Sites. Even with these changes I pretty much certainly won’t do it. r/Eve /r/EVE is a place to discuss internet spaceships Question has anyone worked out and published what the max amount per hour for each mining barges, exhumers, orcas and rorquals yet? Im talking max skill with and without boosts? Obviously isk per hour will vary depends on if your in high sec, low, null or wormholes. I would Ninja mine Ice as that has the biggest value per block you mine glare crust is a great ice to mine! Ninja mining follows the rules for PVP. I’m an alpha and just trained gas cloud harvesting. Additionally, all standard Ore Reprocessing skills (not including Moon Ore . People will tell you only go for the good stuff the C320 and C540. 10: 1289: May 23, 2020 Hello fellow capsuleers. Mining dark glitter in a shattered wh can net you around 45 - 50mil an hour with decent skills. I’ve seen day one newbros huffing in T1 Ventures and I’ve seen veterans multiboxing nine Prospects at once. This can potentially net ~20mil. I havn’t been able to scan down a gas site in over a week, possibly Gas is valuable and you can mine it in a venture once you’ve learned Mining IV and Gas Cloud Harvesting. Von_DeMoreno (Von DeMoreno) July 16, 2021, 9:31am 1. Do you need scan probes? Do all gas clouds have powerful rats? I will mine in a Venture with only a couple of Hobgoblin drones for defense. Whenever I talk to new players I always tell them that mining is generally not worth it unless you’re in nullsec, and not just omega but have you shouldn't need to scan 30 systems to find a gas site. Go to Eve r/Eve. Strip Miner Mining & Extraction. For wormhole gas mining where you want to be as hard to scan as possible and you don't need to fit tank: Improved Cloaking Device II Gas Cloud Harvester II Gas Cloud Harvester II ECCM - Mag II ECCM - Mag II ECCM - Mag II Magnetometric Backup Array II Sensor Strength 30. Can the Porpoise, Orca and Rorq get some gas Venture is pretty sick for gas mining. The Gas Cloud Harvester II provides a major performance Hey, die Hammerwerke laden ständig zum “Wurmloch Gas-Mining” für interessierte Einsteiger oder Highsec-Miner ein. Tama is the best low sec mining system. Cryonic Origin Alliance. /r/EVE is a place to discuss internet spaceships Members Online • GoldBear_ Mining links do not affect gas harvester yield, but do cut down the cycle time, max links put it at ~20s. 9: 13144: January 21, 2022 WH Gaz. Once the rats spawn, it is a bit of luck because you want them to spawn 40+km away, and from there they will chase you, but can't hit you for full damage. I even went to mine on lowsec some days ago for the career points. I have a character that will be moving to a wormhole and will have POS access (mass isn't here is a general fit that you can use and upgrade to T2 Strip Miners + T2 Mining Drones once you have the skills. The issue is finding your way to these sites, could require up to an hours worth of scanning for what would be 15-20minutes of gas harvesting until the sleepers show up. Low sec gas mining. I've come across a couple in Minmatar high sec before. ISK/h I'd like to go the route of ninja gas mining, and have done a lot of looking into it. I love them for LS ice mining. I see that is uses 55 Magmatic Gas/hr, but there’s no mention of its hourly fuel Updates to mining and resources now live! Harvestable resources of every variety have been doubled across the board, from asteroid belts, to ice, to gas sites, to moon extractions – bringing players more opportunity than ever before to carve out their own bountiful destiny among the stars. If you want to do it yourself, Hoarder or Miasmos have huge specialised cargo holds for gas but you only have 15k m³ so any of the big and slow haulers should bring the gas to Jita in a single trip. Mining Frigates are agile & potent harvesting platforms, Mining Barges extract massive volumes of material from targets, and standard “Industrial Ships” focus on cargo transportation – with Hi! Wir sind eine neue, schnell wachsende Allianz. gas. EVE Online Forums GAS MINING DRONES! Industry Gameplay Center. The cost of an It can be deployed at moon mining points in lowsec, nullsec, and wormhole space, and is a fully automatic way of extracting raw moon minerals from minable moons. 9 EVE Online Forums [GUIDE] Ninja Gas Mining as Alpha in Wormholes. Highsec-Gasminer, die unter Begleitung EVE allows you to discover, explore and dominate an amazing science fiction universe while you fight, trade, form corporations and alliances with other players. patreon. Industry Gameplay Center. Making Coolant. Have 2 accounts. ️ LIKE & SUBSCRIBE ️ Lowsec Mining Guide: https://yo Compared to mining yes. I wanted to find out if anyone had any suggestions on ship options for wormhole gas mining. Fast haulers (2-3 trips) or a venture (3 trips) are other options. . This is what I tried to cover: Fitting your Venture Finding the spot In spooky space What you want to see Getting a safe spot What to mine Mining & staying alive You did bookmark the exit, right? I would love to hear your feedback on it. It’ll have some good basic information there and on it’s related pages. com/posts/free-1-000-000-111405897Support The Channel & Use Creator Code JAKEL33 Material related to EVE-Online is used with limited permission of CCP Games hf by using official Toolkit. [Covetor, *Simulated Covetor Fitting] Mining Laser Upgrade II Mining Laser Upgrade II Mining Laser Upgrade II. Given - the Athanor (4%) and a character with GasDecEff@5 (5%), what gives the 89% efficiency (80% base + 4% Athanor + 5% Skill). The cargohold is just large enough to fit a depot and a gas miner, so once you've found a site you can drop depot in a safe and refit the probe EVE allows you to discover, explore and dominate an amazing science fiction universe while you fight, trade, form corporations and alliances with other players. A broad selection of non-combat ships fuel the industrial landscape of EVE, harvesting and transporting the raw materials and produced ships and modules used by every Capsuleer. In this class we will briefly review probe scanning, then cover how to mine the gas itself, the different types of gas and how to find them, the ships used for gas mining and when to use Gas huffing in wormhole space can make you some decent money with a reasonable skillpoint and isk investment. Nov 12, 2024 It is a combination of “don’t fly what you cannot afford to lose” and building up the basic piloting skills that enable a pilot to survive lowsec. Patch Notes released on 27 April are now available! Again a case of CCP not knowing what they are doing. 8: 1564: June 2, 2022 Need a It might not have the glamour of a pirate’s life, but mining is an equally - perhaps more - important activity in EVE Online, not to mention a great way to make some ISK. So, needless to say, I was pretty pissed when five minutes ago I found my first gas site and had no idea how to start mining it. This class covers the following topics: Why should you mine Gas? Required Skills and fitting Ships; How to find a Gas Site and how to Bookmark; Gas Gas harvesting is a form of mining, the others being ore mining and ice harvesting. But I have talked to several miners about this idea I came up with to address the fact that solo mining even on omega is not worthwhile. Here ya go. i live in low sec full-time and usually find one site every 5 systems. I tried to search to find out just how less efficient they are but everything is several years old and pre mining ship overhaul. This work in progress is intended as a compendium of knowledge for mining and industry. I wanted to figure out whether Alpha Clone Mining can actually be profitable I’ve had a quick Google to see if I can find anything about gas Transportation but I only seem to get info about Eve Echoes. r/Eve /r/EVE is a place to discuss internet spaceships was thinking about it for some time a mining gas in gnosis the booster one from lonetrek/aridia or other distant regions. This class covers the following topics: Why should you mine Gas? a Gas Site and how to Bookmark; Gas Mining in Low and NullSec Space Traveling to Low/NullSec Space; Chemical Lab Sites; Mining Gas in Wormhole Space Entering Wormholes, Creating Safe Spots, Ninja Huffing; Q&A; My EVE. 5k a unit right now, but that is going to go up for sure ) of operation in gas alone. I spent the whole 20 minutes banging my head against Eve Online Gas Harvesting Guide - Saarith. Google is friend . The other in an Orca that has multiple ships in the ship bay so you can switch out for combat, expo or gas sites. At this point if I’m putting in 14 067 units of compressed gas, I’m getting 14 067 * 0. 'Alchemist' Gas Harvesting GH-801 is popular - small gain but less than 400K isk. So I expect a lot players will be trying out gas mining in the oncoming months. A note on word usage - the term "mining yield" here refers to the above Nullsec can be okay gas if you're in a block, but it hurts so you cant really use a venture. EVE Online Forums Solo Orca mining efficiency? Industry Gameplay Center. 16: 3780: October 10, 2022 [Guide] Ninja Mining Missions. Gas harvesting is a form of mining, the others being ore mining and ice harvesting. 23: 2895: November 19, 2018 Planetary Interaction Build. i used a ferox for gas mining when i lived out in wormhole space for missions i assume easiest way to run them has been Finally someone who likes to play mining in unorthodox ways insread of buy Barge/Rorqual and sit on a moon. Defenders: None Minable Gas Clouds: 3 Amber Mykoserocin (2000 units each) 6,000 units total. I have one storage facility for the minerals extracted and one launch pad. you might need to go deeper into low sec as sites close to high sec get mined out quickly. The cheapest and still effective solo way would be a Venture with gas scoops, probe launcher and then whatever makes you more evasie/faster in the rest of the slots. Gas Mining , location , location, location I make nearly 100% of my isk gas mining anymore, so a few pieces of advice. This Class introduces the concept of Gas mining - or Huffing - in EVE. General Discussion. EVE Online Forums High Sec Gas Sites. The value of these gases can vary and the price difference between the forms of gases can be enormous, with some gases being EVE Online Forums Gas mining in wormholes. It’s cheap, warp core stabbed, and has a good hold size. I do all sorts of mining stuff depending on season. One in an expo ship to scan everything you come across. I cover ore, ice and moon mining as well as gas harvesting. Mein YouTube Video über EVE allgemein und über unsere Allianz: Tätigkeitsbereiche: Highsec, Lowsec, Wurmloch Tätigkeiten: Moon Mining, Gas Mining, Industrie, Trade, Lowsec Gate Camps, WH small scale PvP, PVE Flotten Stations: Viele Moon Mining Stations, Industriestations Hallo I was just wondering how often gas sites are apearing in High Sec? I scanned down a bunch of systems but hadno luck finding a single gas site. venture has 100% bonus to gas harvesting yield like prospect t2 harvesters do 20m3 cycle venture/prospect 2x 20m3 with 100% bonus is 40m3 x2 = 80m3 Hi. Die T1 und Meta Versionen beider Modularten setzten Gas Cloud Harvesting I voraus, die T2 Versionen sowie der ORE Gas Cloud Harvester benötigen diesen Mining yield is the rate at which miners mine ore, ice, or gas. I have so much Gas sat around, it would be nice to do something with it!! EVE Online Forums Mining & Extraction. Alright so hear me out I am very aware this is a terrible idea but What if i were to take a gnosis fully fit for max efficiency mining took 2-3 giant secure containers and drop them in an asteroid belt start mining in high sec and pick up all of the ore in a miasmos and repeat if im not wrong this should probably be more efficient than a venture As mentioned by many others, alpha mining isn’t that profitable. Seen him mining in lowsec, chill dude The one with bonus to gas scoops can fit covop cloak and is a nice alternative to running Venture huffer. 👋 A while ago I wrote a guide about “ninja gas mining” in wormhole space. Having the right build lets you mine more resources, store more ore, In the vast and unforgiving universe of EVE Online, there are countless ways to make your mark among the stars. You'll exit warp about 50km out from the cloud Gas mining in EVE Online involves the extraction of volatile gases from cosmic anomalies, and these gases can be used for various purposes, including manufacturing boosters, drugs, and This Class introduces the concept of Gas mining - or Huffing - in EVE. One of the most fascinating and profitable endeavors for daring capsuleers is gas mining. It seems like you are looking for an answer to a different question. 英語ではGas mining,Gas harvestingと呼ばれる金策です. Amber Mykoserocin is used in the production of the Synth Blue Pill Booster and Axosomatic Neurolink t2 gas harvesters almost double your rate on a venture, and it's like 5 d of training, defo worth it you have four options: - set up an orca and a miner, you can do it on one account, theoretically, better to do it on two accounts, get a cloak and a probe launcher on the orca, just in case, and day-trip. From venture chilling with Project Discovery on top to L3 mining missions and Resource Wars. Keep an eye on local, keep pulsing that 360 Dscan once you pick up a ship or combat probes I hightail it out of there. EVEにおける採掘といえば鉱石やアイス採掘が花形ですがガスも、ものを選べば美味しいのです I see that is uses 55 Magmatic Gas/hr, but there’s no mention of its hourly fuel block consumption? EVE Online Forums Metenox Fuel Block Consumption. All you need is two gas harvesters and a probe scanner while watching dscan. I’m trying to figure out the math behind the decompression. RU (official) ENG (partial) = 500. I did some reading at the Eve University site and I’m still confused about how you find gas clouds in hi sec. Take it for what it is, but this is what I do. Procurer Notes Hull - 74k EHP / 48. This will net ~8mil. Gas Cloud Harvesters sind die größere Version für Mining Barges and Exhumers. Did I miss something or Go to Eve r/Eve. Gas compression will allow even a venture to potentially haul several hundred mil isk of gas in a single trip. EVE Forums » EVE Gameplay Center » Science & Industry » Gas Mining , location , location, location Topic is locked indefinitely. system (system) Closed January 9, 2025, 11:11pm 3. calm, full of those sweet low sec ores Can the Porpoise, Orca and Rorq get some gas mining drones. wormhole, industrial. I'd probably focus on survivability with agility and maybe scanning implants. It is easy, low effort isk at the point of extraction. [Venture, *Simulated Venture Fitting]Inertial Stabilizers IICompact Multispectrum Shield HardenerMedium Azeotropic Restrained Shield Extender5MN Cold-Gas End Use This Link & Get 1,000,000 Skill Points (Login/Create)https://www. 63, floored down to 12 519. Gas Planet mining. You will be offered a choice of many interesting articles, useful functions, calculators and much more. Carry multiple gas huffing ships so your orca pilot can join in wh to clear gas quickly. You can find gas clouds in low sec and wormholes – both places that are dangerous to be. In July, it was mentioned that the shortage phase was ending, and that in Q4 EVE Online would be fully moving onto the redistribution phase, followed by dynamic distribution later in 2022. EVE Online Forums Gas Compression. the local militia pilots tend to scare off miners, but if you have your wits about you, you should survive. Gas huffing/Ice mining is how I make most of my isk in eve, and some PI. In my opinion, doing reactions in lowsec is something you can create a small group around and I find this a good change. The venture is a great starter vessel for gas huffing. Die Flotte startet spontan im Highsec, Teamspeak wird natürlich gestellt Zielgruppe: Eve Online Einsteiger, die Wurmlöcher kennenlernen wollen. 2: 839: June 6, 2023 Where are the gas sites? New Citizens Q&A. Most people are too scared to huff in lowsec, or die doing it, and it's rare. r/Eve /r/EVE is a place to discuss internet spaceships You are technically right, but let's get to the biggest change to Gas Mining : Everytime I see it makes me laugh. Plenty of belts and juicy ores. The temperate planet Oris in Amarr has a diameter of I'm pretty sure mining the gas itself is a viable activity especially in C5/6's with Instrumental and Vital gas sites. oxekdsnocwpyhavlopcxteygmsffggejzddgiyxefzcochlycitkkkcyxheujikjumrptxxkpgy