Louisiana medicaid services manual. Issued March 15, 2012 .
Louisiana medicaid services manual When funding is appropriated for a new Community Choices Waiver (CCW) opportunity or an Provider Manual containing policies and procedures needed to receive reimbursement for covered services provided to eligible Louisiana Medicaid recipients Provider Training Contains the Dental program information that was presented during the Unisys Provider Relations training seminars conducted from April 24, 2006 to May 24, 2006. Bureau of Health Services Financing. Providers must ensure services are Chapter Thirty-One of the Medical Services Manual LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM Department Of Health And Hospitals Bureau Of Health Services Financing Issued April 1, 2009 . This manual is available Chapter Nine of the Medicaid Services Manual . Terms and Conditions . 9500 | Fax Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), LDH, and other st ate a gencies if applicable; and 3. MCO PMPM Payments Schedule SFY2024 03/17/25. LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 04/01/09 REPLACED: 06/01/05 CHAPTER 31: MENTAL HEALTH REHABILITATION SECTION: TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE (S) 7 Medicaid per-capita care costs (lower costs). Issued September 20, 2010 . The Pharmacy Program within the Louisiana Department of Health LDH), Bureau ( of Health This provider manual chapter specifies the Chapter Twenty of the Medicaid Services Manual . Chapter LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 03/27/23 REPLACED: 10/07/21 CHAPTER 38: RESIDENTIAL OPTIONS WAIVER SECTION 38. LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 10/16/23 REPLACED: 10/07/22 CHAPTER 5: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SECTION 5. Gainwell Technologies LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 08/12/21 REPLACED: 05/27/20 CHAPTER 37: PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGEMENT SERVICES SECTION 37. 0: OVERVIEW PAGE(S) 6 and Administration of the Medicaid Services Manual. This manual is available on the Louisiana Medicaid website under the “Provider Manuals” tab at: Questions regarding the Medicaid Eligibility Manual may be directed to the Eligibility Policy Section. Issued October 21, 2014 . Chapter 37 Pharmacy Benefits Management Services Revision History Log 03/07/25 . 1 Chapter Nineteen of the Medicaid Services Manual Issued November 1, 2010 State of Louisiana Bureau of Health Services Financing. shall be licensed by LDH Health Standards as a Behavioral Health Service provider (BHSP) crisis intervention program in order to participate in the Louisiana Medicaid Program and receive Medicaid payments. Section 1. 7 During brief periods (less than 30 calendar days duration), the provider may deviate from the POC. NOTE: Dentists not enrolled in the Louisiana Medicaid program may not use the name and/or provider number of an enrolled dentist in order to bill Medicaid for services rendered. 5: SERVICE ACCESS AND AUTHORIZATION PAGE(S) 12 Page 1 of 12 Section 7. 9 . 10 – TOTAL PARENTERAL NUTRITION PAGE(S) 14 Total Parenteral Nutrition Page 2 of 14 Appendix 37. The manual is divided into two Providers should refer to Chapter 1 – General Information and Administration of the Medicaid Services Manual for additional information on provider enrollment and requirements, including The Medicaid Services Manual contains information about Medicaid fee-for-service benefits. LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 12/20/24 LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 12/20/24 REPLACED: 02/27/23 CHAPTER 47: EPSDT HEALTH AND IDEA, Part C – EarlySteps . Issued February 1, 2012 . Bureau of Health Services Financing The Louisiana Prescription Drug Services Manual (Chapter Sixteen of the Medicaid Services Manual) and Provider Update policy statements should be used for policy and claim submission instructions. Rather, this Louisiana Medicaid manual supplements the primary National Network Manual by focusing on the core service array, roles and responsibilities, as well as processes and procedures specific to the State of Louisiana Medicaid programs. Physicians and other licensed practitioners must continue to adhere to all existing clinical policy for all services rendered. under age 19 for coverage of regular Medicaid services. Licensure . 3 GLOSSARY AND ACRONYMS . This manual chapter provides the minimum service requirements for the Professional Services Chapter Twenty-Five of the Medicaid Services Manual . Issued November 23, 2020 . Providers should refer to the General Information and Administration manual chapter of the Medicaid Services Manual located on the Louisiana Medicaid website. 1: SERVICES AND LIMITATIONS PAGE(S) 8 Services and Limitations Page 1 of 8 Section 18. Dental Groups For Louisiana Medicaid purposes, a dental group is defined as two or more dentists offering dental services to the Louisiana Medicaid recipient population. 9500 | Fax LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 03/04/20 REPLACED: 05/22/19 CHAPTER 30: PERSONAL CARE SERVICES SECTION: TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE(S) 4 Page 1 of 4 Table of Contents PERSONAL CARE SERVICES Medicaid Services Manual located on the Louisiana Medicaid website (below) for general Chapter Forty-Three of the Medicaid Services Manual . Medicaid Provider Services Manual, Fee Schedules and Other Resources The intent of the Provider Services Manual is to present useful information and guidance to providers participating in the Louisiana Medicaid Program. Chapter Thirty of the Medicaid Services Manual. 1 LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 08/09/24 REPLACED: CHAPTER 5: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PAGE(S) 2 Section . 9500 | Fax louisiana medicaid program issued: 01/28/22 replaced: 05/27/20 chapter 37: pharmacy benefits management services section 37. This is an optional Medicaid service authorized under Section 440. Appendix O. 4 for information on accessing Chapter 1). 7: LT-PCS - SERVICE DELIVERY PAGE(S) 3 Page 2 of 3 Section 30. References in this manual to ICD-9 diagnosis codes only apply to Chapter Fifteen of the Medicaid Services Manual Issued July 1, 2009 State of Louisiana Bureau of Health Services Financing. 1: COVERED SERVICES PAGE(S) 11 Anesthesia Services Page 1 of 11 Section 5. 08/09/24 . Page : 1: contacted Louisiana Medicaid and the enrollment process is complete, login information will be furnished to the identified testers on the LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 01/28/22 REPLACED: 08/12/21 CHAPTER 37: PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGEMENT SERVICE S SECTION 37. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), LDH, and other st ate agencies if applicable; and • Comply with all of the terms and conditions for Medicaid enrollment. LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 04/13/10 REPLACED: 03/01/93 CHAPTER 13: MENTAL HEALTH CLINICS SECTION: TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE(S) 2 Claims denied with Edit 032, 291, 296, or 590 and pending for 296 03/20/25. 1: COVERED SERVICES PAGE(S) 7 Page 1 of 7 Section 9. References in this manual to ICD-9 diagnosis codes only apply to claims/authorizations with dates of service prior to October 1, 2015. LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 03/15/13 dental services to the Louisiana Medicaid Chapter Sixteen of the Medicaid Services Manual . 1 ; Covered Services – Abortion . The Medicaid Program reimburses pharmacies, not individual pharmacists, for the provision of prescribed drugs. 4 – CONTACT INFORMATION PAGE(S) 5 Contact Information Page 1 of 5 Section 37. 1 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), LDH and other state agencies if applicable; and • Comply with all of the terms and conditions for Medicaid enrollment. 5: PROVIDER REQUIREMENTS PAGE(S) 15 Provider Requirements Page 1 of 15 Section 35. www. The purpose of this Manual is to provide clarifying information and operational guidelines to support the MCO in The intent of the service provider manual is to present useful information and guidance to providers participating in the Louisiana Medicaid Program. O. Claims/authorizations for dates of service on or after October 1, 2015 LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 02/14/25 REPLACED: 12/20/24 CHAPTER 4: APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS SECTION 4. 1: COVERED SERVICES PAGE(S) 10 Chapter Twenty-Three of the Medicaid Services Manual . table of contents . service definitions services are delivered in accordance with this manual and compliant with any authorities in effect on the date of service. LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 03/22/21 REPLACED: 05/16/19 CHAPTER 30: PERSONAL CARE SERVICES SECTION 30. LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 06/01/11 REPLACED: 12/01/09 CHAPTER 42: MULTI-SYSTEMIC THERAPY SECTION 42. 130 of the 42 Code of Federal Regulations. lamedicaid. Number of Page (s) Reason for Revision . LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FEE SCHEDULE FEES EFFECTIVE FOR DOS JANUARY 01, 2025 THROUGH MARCH 14, 2025 COLUMN: Chapter Sixteen of the Medicaid Services Manual . 1 Anesthesia Services . 37. The beneficiary: The Louisiana Department of Health protects and promotes health and ensures access to medical, preventive and rehabilitative services for all citizens of the State of Louisiana. Box 629 | Baton Rouge, LA 70821-0629 Physical: 628 N. 0: OVERVIEW PAGE(S) 1 PAGE(S) 1 • NOTE: Providers that meet the provisions of La. Medicaid Services Manual for additional information on provider enrollment and requirements, including general standards for participation. 2 . This manual does not replace the primary National Network Manual. References in this manual to ICD-9 diagnosis codes only Chapter Two of the Medicaid Services Manual Issued March 14, 2017 State of Louisiana Bureau of Health Services Financing. Claims/authorizations for dates of service on or after October 1, 2015 must use the applicable ICD-10 diagnosis code that reflects the policy intent. It is applied to determine eligibility for new applications and for on-going coverage. All services must be delivered in accordance with federal and state laws, rules and regulations, this provider manual chapter and any other notices or directives issued by the Bureau. Prior to inclusion of BH services in this Medicaid Service Provider Manual in 2017, the Service Definition Manual version 9 (SDM v9) was in effect. References in this manual to ICD-9 diagnosis codes only apply to LOUISIANA MEDICAID ELIGIBILITY MANUAL (MEM) Policy Home . long term – personal care services . 2: LT-PCS - COVERED SERVICES Chapter Four of the Medicaid Services Manual . Humana Healthy Horizons [ in Louisianas contract to provide services to Louisiana Medicaid beneficiaries underscores its support of Louisianas ongoing Triple Aim focus. com . Revisions made to incorporate alphanumeric formatting and gender inclusive language; as well as make technical revisions Chapter Sixteen of the Medicaid Services Manual . References in this manual to ICD-9 diagnosis codes only apply to LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 11/01/22 REPLACED: 08/23/19 CHAPTER 30: PERSONAL CARE SERVICES PCS services shall be authorized only when provided by a licensed PCS agency which is duly Mississippi, and Texas. Except to the extent required by the licensing standards f or hospice as defined in LAC 48:I. (See Section 37. Providers must ensure services are delivered in accordance with the Medicaid Service Provider Manual and any other authorities in effect on the date of service. 1 . LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 11/01/10 REPLACED: 09/01/01 CHAPTER 19: ELDERLY AND DISABLED ADULT WAIVER SECTION: TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE(S) 5 Page 1 of 5 Table of Contents ELDERLY AND DISABLED LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 10/07/22 REPLACED: 10/25/21 CHAPTER 5: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SECTION 5. Issued November 1, 2009 . 8: LT-PCS - RECORD KEEPING PAGE(S) 7 Chapter Sixteen of the Medicaid Services Manual Issued March 15, 2012 State of Louisiana Bureau of Health Services Financing. Claims/authorizations for dates of service on or after October 1, 2015 must use the applicable ICD-10 diagnosis code that reflects the policy Medicaid Services Manual located on Chapter Twenty-Four of the Medicaid Services Manual . LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH . LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 09/30/12 REPLACED: 10/01/97 CHAPTER 20: EPSDT HEALTH SERVICES FOR CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES SECTION 20. 4 CONTACT INFORMATION . The manual is divided into two Provider responsibility. This is a list of abbreviations, acronyms, and definitions used in the Pharmacy Chapter Thirty-Seven of the Medicaid Services Manual . Public Health Services 340B Drug Pricing PROVIDER MANUAL Chapter Nine of the Medicaid Services Manual Issued December 1, 2010 State of Louisiana Bureau of Health Services Financing. 0 OVERVIEW . 9: public health services 340b drug pricing program page(s) 3 public health services 340b page 1 of 3 section 37. 9500 | Fax LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 04/20/18 REPLACED: 03/01/18 CHAPTER 2: BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES SECTION: TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE(S) 5 Medicaid Services Manual for additional information on provider enrollment and requirements, including general standards for participation. References in this manual to ICD-9 diagnosis codes only apply to Providers should refer to Chapter 1 – General Information and Administration of the Medicaid Services Manual for additional information on provider enrollment and requirements, including LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 01/28/22 REPLACED: 08/12/21 CHAPTER 37: PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGEMENT SERVICES LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 05/21/24 REPLACED: 10/07/22 CHAPTER 5: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SECTION 5. Issued May 27, 2020 . LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 11/01/09 REPLACED: 11/01/07 CHAPTER 30: MENTAL HEALTH REHABILITATION SECTION 30. overview section 30. Claims/authorizations for dates of service on or after October 1, 2015 must use the applicable ICD-10 diagnosis code that reflects the policy Medicaid Services Manual located on the Louisiana Medicaid website at: This Manual applies to DBPMs contracted by LDH to provide coverage for services to Louisiana Medicaid dental program enrollees, effective March 1, 2022. 9500 | Fax LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 08/26/21 BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES APPENDIX E-9: EVIDENCED BASED PRACTICES (EBPs) POLICY – TF-CBT PAGE(S) 10 Trauma-Focused Cognitive Page 1 of 10 Appendix E-9 Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) Licensed Practitioners section of this manual and requires training in the treatment model as Chapter Thirteen of the Medicaid Services Manual Issued April 13, 2010 State of Louisiana Bureau of Health Services Financing. 10 only oral intake or tube enteral nutrition. Mailing: Louisiana Department of Health | P. Provider Qualifications . The manual is divided into two Providers should refer to the General Information and Administration manual chapter of the Medicaid Services Manual located on the Louisiana Medicaid website (below) for general Medicaid Provider Manuals, Fee Schedules and Other Resources The intent of the service provider manual is to present useful information and guidance to providers participating in the istration of the Louisiana Medicaid managed care program. 2025 Healthcare Chapter Forty-Eight of the Medicaid Services Manual . 40:2154, et. LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 06/12/19 REPLACED: 04/20/18 CHAPTER 2: BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES SECTION: TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE(S) 6 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Servi ces (CMS), LDH and other st ate agencies if applicable; and • Comply with all of the terms and conditions for Medicaid enrollment. S. LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 09/09/21 LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 12/13/24 REPLACED: 09/22/22 CHAPTER 48: FAMILY PLANNING – TAKE CHARGE PLUS Chapter Two of the Medicaid Services Manual Issued March 14, 2017 State of Louisiana Bureau of Health Services Financing. 5. Surgical Anesthesia Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), LDH, and other state agencies, if applicable; and 3. Providers should use this packet in conjunction with the Physician Services Medicaid Provider manual, the Vision (Eyewear) Provider manual, and, relevant forms located on . 0: OVERVIEW PAGE(S) 2 inclusion of behavioral health services in this Medicaid Service Provider Manual in 2017, the Service Definition Manual version 9 (SDM v9) was in effect. Providers should refer to the Medicaid Services Manual, Chapter 1 General Information and Administration, Section 1. R. Providers must ensure services are delivered in accordance with This Manual applies to MCOs contracted by LDH to provide coverage for services to Louisiana Medicaid managed care program enrollees, effective January 1, 2023. 1 SERVICES AND LIMITATIONS . 9 Chapter Seventeen of the Medicaid Services Manual . 1: COVERED SERVICES PAGE(S) 9 LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 12/21/23 REPLACED: 03/22/21 CHAPTER 30: PERSONAL CARE SERVICES APPENDIX J: CLAIMS RELATED INFORMATION PAGE(S) 14 Claims Related Information Page 1 of 14 Appendix J . LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 08/30/22 REPLACED: 08/12/21 CHAPTER 37: PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGEMENT LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 05/06/24 REPLACED: 01/28/22 CHAPTER 37: PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGEMENT SERVICES SECTION 37. LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 10/04/23 REPLACED: 08/25/21 LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 10/04/23 REPLACED: 08/25/21 CHAPTER 24: HOSPICE of service. Providers should refer to the General Information and Administration manual chapter of the Medicaid Services Manual located on the Louisiana Medicaid websiteat: Chapter Forty-Two of the Medicaid Services Manual Issued June 1, 2011 State of Louisiana Bureau of Health Services Financing. 0: OVERVIEW PAGE(S) 5 and Administration Provider Manual” of the Medicaid Services Manual. Claims/authorizations for dates of service on or after October 1, 2015 For both services, Louisiana Medicaid utilizes Medicare’s composite rate reimbursement system, Method I only. 5. 5 SERVICE ACCESS AND AUTHORIZATION. 3 – GLOSSARY AND ACRONYMS PAGE(S) 8 Glossary and Acronyms Page 1 of 7 Section 37. 11 – MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION PAGE(S) 3 Medication Administration Page 1 of 3 Section 37. The person securing authorization to perform the hysterectomy has informed the individual and their representative (if any), both orally and in writing, that the LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 01/28/22 REPLACED: 12/23/21 CHAPTER 37: PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGEMENT SERVICES SECTION 37. This Policy is used to determine eligibility for coverage in Louisiana Medicaid Programs. Section Title . 0: PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGEMENT SERVICES SECTION: OVERVIEW PAGE(S) 3 Overview Page 1 of 3 Section 37. Hard copy billing of Personal Care Services (PCS) are billed on the CMS -1500 ( 02/12) claim form A hospice provider must be Medicarecertified- in order to qualify for enrollment as a Louisiana Medicaid hospice provider. Dental groups must be enrolled Mailing: Louisiana Department of Health | P. The hospice provider must be enrolled prior to billing for any services provided to Medicaid beneficiaries. 4th Street | Baton Rouge, LA 70802 | Phone: 225. You are responsible for reading and adhering to all applicable requirements in the Louisiana Medicaid provider manual for EPSDT, which can be found at The intent of the Provider Services Manual is to present useful information and guidance to providers participating in the Louisiana Medicaid Program. See Section 2. Issued October 18, 2013 . 1 - Provider Requirements for additional information of record keeping. 1 louisiana medicaid program issued: 12/21/23 replaced: 03/04/20 chapter 30: personal care services section: table of contents page(s) 4 page 1 of 4 table of contents personal care services . Site by Covalent Logic Louisiana Medicaid Eligibility Manual Eligibility Determinations . Issued March 15, 2012 . 40:2151: Providers that meet the provisions of La. 0: OVERVIEW PAGE(S) 1 Medicaid membership. The first chapter, "General The Medicaid Services Manual has been developed to present useful information and guidance to providers participating in the Louisiana Medicaid program. 3 -Outpatient Therapy by Licensed Practitioners of this manual chapter. 12 – PATIENT COUNSELING AND DRUG UTILIZATION REVIEW (DUR) PAGE(S) 7 Patient Counseling and Page 1 of 7 Section 37. Issued June 08, 2021 Page 1 of H-900 Replacing April 10, 2019 . 1: COVERED SERVICES PAGE(S) 9 Gynecology Page 5 of 9 Section 5. seq. Issued July 1, 2013 . LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 12/01/10 REPLACED: CHAPTER 9: ADULT DAY HEALTH CARE WAIVER SECTION 9. This Manual also applies to major subcontractors with delegated responsibilities for the provision of all, or part, of any program area or function that relates to the MED REV(Medical Review): Claims with some codes pend to Medical Review for review of the attachments, manual pricing, or to confirm Prior authorization by the surgeon. 12 Drug Utilization Review (DUR) LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 01/20/23 REPLACED: 08/06/21 CHAPTER 35: PROGRAM OF ALL-INCLUSIVE CARE FOR THE ELDERLY SECTION 35. LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 10/26/21 LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 03/09/22 REPLACED: 09/28/21 CHAPTER 25: HOSPITAL SERVICES SECTION 25. Issued July 1, 2011 . LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 07/01/10 REPLACED: CHAPTER 15: PSYCHOLOGICAL BEHAVIORAL SERVICES SECTION 15. Issued April 15, 2012 . 2024 Annual 1099 Notice for Providers 01/17/25. The Louisiana Board of Pharmacy has set minimum LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 01/05/21 REPLACED: 03/30/20 CHAPTER 2: BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES SECTION 2. LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 01/03/22 REPLACED: 07/20/21 CHAPTER 18: DURABLE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT SECTION 18. Issued June 10, 2011 . 11 MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION. Medicaid Check Write Schedule for Calendar Year 2025 11/17/24 (Revided 03/17/25). LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 03/15/13 dental services to the Louisiana Medicaid recipient population. Reminder to All Providers: Timely and Accurate Claims Processing 02/03/25. Comply with all of the terms and conditions for Medicaid enrollment. 4 Medicaid Services Manual located on the Louisiana Medicaid website at: PERSONAL CARE SERVICES PROVIDER MANUAL. Prior to inclusion of behavioral health services in this Medicaid Service Provider Manual in 2017, the Service Definition Manual version 9 (SDM v9) was in effect. This Manual also applies to major subcontractors with delegated responsibilities for the provision of all, or part, of any program area or function that relates to the delivery or LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 03/16/21 REPLACED: 03/02/20 CHAPTER 7: COMMUNITY CHOICES WAIVER SECTION 7. 1 The Louisiana Department of Health protects and promotes health and ensures access to medical, preventive and rehabilitative services for all citizens of the State of Louisiana. The child can remain in the CSoC-SED waiver case but no segment is added. 342. This Manual also applies to major subcontractors with delegated responsibilities for the provision of all, or part, of any program area or function that relates to the LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 01/28/22 REPLACED: 08/12/21 CHAPTER 37. Providing services LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 10/07/21 REPLACED: 12/01/11 CHAPTER 38: RESIDENTIAL OPTIONS WAIVER SECTION 38. Under this reimbursement system, the dialysis facility must assume responsibility Providers should refer to Chapter 1 – General Information and Administration of the Medicaid Services Manual for additional information. Surgical Anesthesia LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 06/17/24 REPLACED: 01/28/22 CHAPTER 37: PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGEMENT SERVICES SECTION 37. 1. Providers should also review messages contained in their weekly Remittance Advice for current policy changes and updates to the Provider Manual Chapter Seven of the Medicaid Services Manual . This Manual applies to MCOs contracted by LDH to provide coverage for services to Louisiana Medicaid managed care program enrollees, effective January 1, 2023. 0: OVERVIEW PAGE(S) 1 PAGE(S) 1 necessity criteria for services. 2 . Durable Medical Equipment (DME) is covered when medical necessity criteria are met for use as LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 03/16/21 REPLACED: 05/22/19 CHAPTER 7: COMMUNITY CHOICES WAIVER SECTION: TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE(S) 6 Page 1 of 6 Table of Contents COMMUNITY CHOICES WAIVER Medicaid Services Manual located on the Louisiana Medicaid website (below) for general Claims/authorizations for dates of service on or after October 1, 2015 must use the applicable ICD-10 diagnosis code that reflects the policy intent. LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 03/07/25 CHAPTER 37: PHARMACY BENFITS MANAGEMENT SERVICES MANUAL CHAPTER 37: PHARMACY BENFITS MANAGEMENT SERVICES MANUAL . Medicaid Customer Service 1-888-342-6207 | Healthy Louisiana 1-855-229-6848. CLAIMS RELATED INFORMATION . 1. Issued September 30, 2012 . The intent of the provider services manual is to present useful information and guidance to providers participating in the Louisiana Medicaid Program. Author: HaasGeor Created Date: 4/15/2024 8:54:42 AM LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 03/22/21 REPLACED: 05/16/19 CHAPTER 30: PERSONAL CARE SERVICES SECTION 30. COVERED SERVICES, LIMITATIONS, AND EXCLUSIONS 37. The first chapter LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 05/13/24 REPLACED: 10/31/23 CHAPTER 2: BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES DBT is a model used within the service set for outpatient therapy by licensed practitioners. Humana Healthy Horizons in Louisiana has the expertise, competencies and resources to achieve the following objectives: LOUISIANA MEDICAID PROGRAM ISSUED: 07/10/20 REPLACED: 08/01/19 CHAPTER 5: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES services are explicitly noted in this manual. covered services section 30. Issued October 16, 2014 . 1 Chapter Forty-Seven of the Medicaid Services Manual . Provider agencies shall comply with the policies and procedures contained in the PCS provider manual for the EPSDT – PCS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), LDH and other st ate agencies if applicable; and 3. State of Louisiana . subject section . djhixqfsedadkfoimbehjsiflvueyzmqyezbkzxmipulimawgpprbwbtnjtghxkpowlxbldkcnj