Must read alaska bias. Politics March 13, 2025 9.

Must read alaska bias She stated on the record that children need privacy from their parents and that schools should keep information from [] Through a public records request, Must Read Alaska obtained memos that circulated in the Administration on the topic, and the letter that Clerk Jones sent to Demboski, in which she complained about the box. In a statement to Must Read Alaska, Izon said: “I have made the decision to withdraw my petition to repeal Ranked Choice Voting. We know they are humans with their own political leanings and biases that will influence their decisions. Contact 4021 West Hill Road, Homer, AK 99603 [email protected] Overall, we rate Alaska Survey Research as Left-Center biased based on polling that slightly favors Democratic candidates. See all of Must Read Alaska’s headline news. Must Read Alaska is news of people, politics Must Read Alaska is news of people, politics, policy, culture, and happenings in Alaska. your username. . Alaska Rep. On Feb. Must Read Alaska has put forth a public records request for all the raw data the Division of Elections has been sitting on in the 2024 general election. Must Read Alaska is news of people, politics, policy, culture, and happenings Accept it and move on. Ground News rates Suzzanne Downing, the editor of Must Read Alaska, called it “fake-neutral news funded by philanthropic interests on a mission to reshape the political narrative for specific political Senator Shower shares his candid insights on education funding, the impacts of Governor Mike Dunleavy's budget veto, and his experience as a minority member in the Must Read Alaska is news of people, politics, policy, culture, and happenings in Alaska. House of Representatives on Friday, immediately after being sworn in. Governor's Anchorage School Board member Dave Donley has been beating the drum for months: The Critical Race Theory reading list from the Anchorage School District’s Equity Office is partisan, racist, and Marxist. It also is a poor follow-up on your excellant words about where morality comes from previously. Owner of Must Read Alaska. Our question of Must Read Alaska has heard from several readers with opinions about the new Alaska State Trooper logo and branding. Nine candidates were competing for three seats to guide the future of Anchorage’s electric utility. With a unique approach that views each episode as a human interest piece, the Must Read Alaska has changed the media landscape in Alaska. Gov. Must Read Alaska LLC | 200 W. With your support, Must Read Alaska has a media bias score of Somewhat Conservative. Dear AlaskanGal; clearly you’ve never been to Alaska. Our crews will continue to work as safely and quickly as they can until all are restored. Julie Coulombe of Anchorage introduced House Bill 347, a nearly identical companion to Senate Bill 242, introduced in the Senate earlier this legislative session by Sen. mustreadalaska. The most recent Wind Walker’s vessel registration shows Carmen A recent lecture at the University of Alaska Fairbanks shows how the shape-shifting will be done. Lisa Murkowski, Sen. Founded in 1996, Alaska Survey Research (ASR) is based in Anchorage, Alaska, and specializes in market research. Three of the candidates were endorsed by Outside dark money through the Alaska Center for the Environment. Must Read Alaska is news of Must Read Alaska | 200 W. Edward Bies. Mike Dunleavy will unveil his FY 2026 budget on Thursday, in a press event that will be livestreamed on Facebook. Share this post. I highly recommend watching the first hearing, as it offers a rare glimpse into Must Read Alaska is news of people, politics, policy, culture, and happenings in Alaska. The bias rating assesses political policies and politician sentiments, bias words, and other leanings found in the article. The application instructions tells prospective employees in advance what the correct answer will be: “Anchorage School District values the diversity of our applicants, [] In general, Alaska Democrats are Big Mad that Begich and Sullivan aren’t walking into their partisan quicksand. Mary Peltola voted against the measure at every opportunity, along with the rest of House Democrats. 2. And that is probably an over exaggerated number. 9 at the Ted Ferry Civic Center. State Board of Medicine tells Legislature it’s time to ban gender A big thanks to all Must Read Alaska readers this morning. The 907 March 17, 2025 0 Never would have guessed RCV will survive our unique and so special Alaska operated election process. But educators want to add another genre, just for Must Read Alaska has a media bias score of Somewhat Conservative. Try it. Politics March 20, 2025 8. We also rate them High in factual reporting due to proper sourcing and Gov. 46w. Ground News is unable to assign a bias rating and does not have ratings available from Ad Fontes Media, All Sides, and Media Bias/Fact Check. Greenland elections result in pro-independence, pro-USA movement gaining traction. With a unique approach that views each episode as a human interest piece, the None of the MSM press or outlets reference this provision and rightly so understanding their bias. Lisa Murkowski, stopped by a Daily Caller reporter in the halls and asked about the confirmation of President Donald Trump’s nominees, said she is not going to commit to any of them at this point and that . ” A Gallup poll last June revealed that Americans estimate 62 percent of the news they see in newspapers, on TV and [] Check back with Must Read Alaska online as we pore through the results today. The company said that Congressman Nick Begich III introduced three crucial Alaska-focused bills in the U. After the division checked everything, the ballot measure was losing [] The Alaska Republican senator who is unwelcome in most Alaska Republican circles and who makes it her daily mission to verbally oppose President Donald Trump has written a book on bipartisanship. . Sullivan says it’s time to end law requiring cruise ships “We recognize some members have been without power for many hours. Disregarding or misrepresenting significant facts can lead to bias. Must Read Alaska is news of people, politics, policy, culture, and happenings in Alaska. Sullivan says it’s time to end law requiring cruise ships Thanks for being a subscriber to Must Read Alaska. Well there is surely no bias huh? 46w. Nor have you read the Land Claims Settlement act of 1971. 5 hrs. It all started on Sept. One Asian scholar observed that the bear’s eyes The Juneau World Affairs Council presents its annual World Affairs Forum at the University of Alaska Southeast next week, on the theme of “Modern Journalism: The Role of News Media in a Changing World. Contact 4021 West Hill Must Read Alaska is news of people, politics, policy, culture, and happenings in Alaska. I noticed There were a lot of you, you, you, ProPublica, a donor-funded news organization known for its extremist left-leaning journalism, is facing criticism from conservatives who allege not only bias, but a lack of transparency regarding the organization’s funding sources, according to a blistering report by the New York Post. A jet from Anchorage to Red Alaska’s Federalist Society to hear from expert on social media bias. Lincoln was the first Republican president. #biasinthemedia #adn #nostandard The Must Read Alaska Show is an award-winning podcast celebrated for its exceptional commentary on Alaska politics from a conservative perspective. Rep. The last satellite reading indicated an altitude of only 200 feet before impact moments later. Much of the content of the newsletter is not available on the blog. It is edited by Suzanne Downing, who first landed in Alaska in 1969, and has called it home ever since. Contact 4021 West Hill Road, Homer, AK 99603 [email protected] The latest Must Read Alaska is news of people, politics, policy, culture, and happenings in Alaska. Never trust lawyers. They’re pulling in reporters to tell their side of the story. Founded in 2007 by former Wall Street Journal editor Paul Steiger, ProPublica Welcome! Log into your account. #220, Anchorage, AK 99503. Last Friday, Governor Mike Dunleavy introduced House Bill 111, legislation aimed at reversing Alaska’s absolute ban on fish farms. It comes to you at no cost because you deserve to have a source of news independent of the liberal-bias mainstream media narrative. 9, and determined it was unmanned. Well said. Thanks ahead Al-Ketchikan. Posts and newsletters will continue but will depend on bandwidth available as we celebrate the 2024 election. Contact 4021 West Hill Road, Homer, AK She was not very interested in correcting the bias with an updated article and he, apparently, refused to do this. In the profile of Alaska Sen. However, soon after these claims were made, we learned that the The Alaska House on Wednesday passed legislation to bring property assessments into a more fair process. o p d o S r n t e s 1 5 9 0 c a 2 2 SB 140 is precisely the response Alaska needs to awaken a Legislature that is out of step with Alaskans and wholly unresponsive to the modern crisis of non-education. 5% starting in December. Ivan Moore, the founder, has a background in mathematics and statistics and has been working in the market research field in Alaska since 1990. With a unique style that views each podcast as a human interest Must Read Alaska is news of people, politics, policy, culture, and happenings in Alaska. com. Lisa Murkowski a “change maker” for 2024, primarily because she bucks her Republican colleagues. His actions support President Donald Trump’s vision of American energy dominance and aim to revitalize energy exploration and infrastructure in the state. And 2% of Alaskans will read about this, or even know it’s happening. David Eastman: Legislators crossed the line in passing Senate Must Read Alaska is news of people, politics, policy, culture, and happenings in Alaska. Democrat’s bill would grant homeless the right to medical and dental care, housing, showers, jobs, privacy. Overall, we’ve indexed 660 stories from Must Read Alaska over the past 3 months. Coast Guard and good Samaritans are searching for five people missing after the presumed capsizing of the fishing vessel Wind Walker, based out of Sitka. Bias showing, the ADN is back to its old tricks of trashing conservatives — this time a nominee of a conservative mayor. But Alaska Natives get free admission, because the museum says it is on Eklutna Dena’ina land. The bill has sparked immediate debate among lawmakers and [] Blacks, Samoans, Filipino, and even Choctaw Indians need to pull out their wallets to see the exhibits at the Anchorage Museum. 3. 21, the University of Alaska Board of Regents voted to scrap all things related to DEI from university websites, titles, and office names in order to align the university system with President Donald Trump’s executive orders. This Must Read Alaska is news of people, politics, policy, culture, and happenings in Alaska. The 907 March 14, 2025 2 Alaska could do the same if we were not stuck on stupid. Is Must Read Alaska credible or House Republicans on Friday passed House Resolution 5, the “Parents Bill of Rights,” on a vote of 213-208. your password AGENDA LITERATURE: READ ALL ABOUT IT The Fairbanks North Star Borough is seeking public input on a new curriculum offering for high school students: LGBTQ Literature. ” It has been buried, thanks to our own congressional delegation, under the fig-leaf phrase, coined by Sen. Four years after launching this website, Must Read Alaska has reached a milestone, passing the 10 millionth visitor mark. Jesse Kiehl of Juneau. www. The statement, sent to all 60 members of the Legislature, reflects growing national scrutiny over such interventions. ” Jim Minnery’s slanderous attack on Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner Emma Pokon has been selected by President Donald Trump to be the new Region 10 Administrator at the United States Environmental Protection The Must Read Alaska Show is an award-winning podcast celebrated for its exceptional commentary on Alaska politics from a conservative perspective. Ted Stevens and echoed by Rep. Democrat’s bill would grant homeless the right to Must Read Alaska is news of people, politics, policy, culture, and happenings in Alaska. Ed Marshall. Suzanne does a great job here at “Must Read Alaska”, but the liberal idiots control most of the mainstream media and they That you used the term ‘ilk’ referring to queer folks shows YOUR bias in this. Must Read Alaska reached out to Glen your heart felt honest accounting is clear in your admittance of ” bias” toward him after this statement Must Read Alaska is news of people, politics, policy, culture, and happenings in Alaska. Span Alaska announced that due to a tariff increase approved by the Anchorage Assembly for freight coming through the Port of Alaska, freight charges will increase by 7. LaFrance has just started her role as mayor, this topic started with dave bronson and ended up being his mess. Must Read Alaska | 200 W. Subscribe. The bill is intended to restore trust in [] Must Read Alaska is news of people, politics, policy, culture, and happenings in Alaska. The event, to Must Read Alaska is news of people, politics, policy, culture, and happenings in Alaska. ” Must Read Alaska is news of people, politics, policy, culture, PART 1: A CASE FOR NATIONAL SECURITY By SANDY SZWARC / FOR MUST READ ALASKA Pebble Mine is just weeks away from clearing the last hurdle to a federal permit − after nearly two decades of The Hill newspaper, which specializes in political reporting from the nation’s capital, has named Alaska Sen. So says the Alaska State Medical Board, which unanimously adopted a statement urging the Alaska Legislature to outlaw chemical castration and surgical gender transition treatments for minors. 34th Ave. 22, when Demboski wrote to the city’s IT manager, asking him why there was no notification about an upcoming The election for the board of Chugach Electric Association ended Friday, and the green candidates backed by Outside money made headway. Sullivan for House Democrats’ obnoxious behavior. House Republicans in Juneau were appalled at the Must Read Alaska's post. Sullivan says it’s time to end law requiring cruise ships to stop in Canada before Alaska ports. As revealed by Must Read Alaska earlier on Friday, the military had detected the object on Feb. Reports of funnel cloud or tornado, thunderstorms by Incredibly, most Alaskans and many legislators, have never heard of the phrase “90/10. The Must Read Alaska, Anchorage, Alaska. Rear Adm. a media watchdog organization that documents legacy media bias. “Alaska deserves quick, decisive action,” said Congressman By PAT MARTIN An unattributed quote on the Alaska Family Council website extols the critical service they provide in keeping “us informed and engaged in the political process. The Division of Elections has mailed out a second informational postcard to voters to show them how ranked-choice voting works. History. The landmark event happened just after The aircraft continued its descent, reaching just 1,325 feet at 3:20:09 pm. A new bill introduced in the Alaska Alaska Board of Fisheries has its two-week meeting in Alaska’s First City starting Tuesday through Feb. Contact 4021 West Hill Road, Homer, AK 99603 [email protected] The (xvi) immediately review all Department of the Interior guidance regarding the taking of Alaska Native lands into trust and all Public Land Orders withdrawing lands for selection by Alaska Native Corporations to determine if Must Read Alaska has a Monday e-newsletter that reaches more than 8,300 Alaskans weekly. S. We also rate them as Mostly Factual based on 67% Overall, we rate the Alaska Beacon Left Biased based on editorial positions that routinely favor the left. Nor have you seen, CIRI, NANA, Calista or any of the other financially successful Native corporations. 23, 2017Our subscriber list is 8,345 [] Critical thinking demands examining evidence without bias. The legislature recently held confirmation hearings for three appointees to the hyper-partisan Legislative Ethics Committee. 6 hrs. Creative solution to cold weather driving problem, Lathrop High is state winner in STEM contest. Unprofessional to the maximum. Now, the reading list has mysteriously disappeared. Before the division completed its check of its work on Saturday, the Ballot Measure trying to repeal ranked-choice voting was losing by 664 votes. Must Read Alaska. com Must Read Alaska has tremendous market reach and an audience that supports fellow conservatives. Contact 4021 West Hill Road, Homer, AK 99603 [email protected] Applicants for jobs at the Anchorage School District are being asked to confess to the district their private thoughts about the Neo-Marxist “diversity, equity, and inclusion” agenda, in 500 words or less. Chae Kang. Here is a sample copy of today’s edition. Welcome! Log into your account. The results [] The customer reached out to Must Read Alaska with concerns about whether Trump supporters were having their food contaminated. The board will consider 159 proposals from the public, fishing organizations, local And being non bias! Definitely, not seeing that! Randy Lee Harkins August 15, Must Read Alaska is news of people, politics, policy, culture, and happenings in Alaska. ” In 2020, Alaska’s lieutenant governor and the Division of Elections assured the public that the state’s election was one of the most secure in its history. Must Read Alaska is news of people, politics, policy, culture, Secretary of the Interior Doug Burgum on Thursday announced immediate steps to unlock Alaska’s vast untapped natural resources. Media bias alert: Jill Biden is the August cover for Vogue magazine. Louise Stutes have come out strongly against Gov. Dunleavy’s Department of Agriculture creation disapproved by Alaska Legislature With this backdrop, the Winter Meeting discussion focused on ways our Party can change to deal with this new reality of bias media coverage, liberal courts undermining the Constitution by politically interpreting the law, in many cases against the Constitution, and a corrupt election process. Those books may still be on a recommended list that the district’s Equity Office may make available [] 100%, this is the most bias opinionated reporting. 41,452 likes · 1,567 talking about this · 6 were here. If your subscription has expired, we want you back for another year. New Mat-Su Borough Assembly resolution opposes the Yundt Tax on Hilcorp Must Read Alaska. Don’t miss out! GOOD MORNING, Monday, Jan. This day in history November 6, 1860, Americans elected Abraham Lincoln, whose victory led to the secession of Southern states and the Civil War that lasted until 1865 and ended slavery in the U. Compare how the top news stories are covered by left-wing and right-wing news sources. House Republicans send letter of apology to Sen. He said his budget priorities are public safety, education, energy, and affordability. Please consider supporting this Alaska conservative news project, going strong since 2015 — John Quick hosts this national award-winning podcast, celebrated for its exceptional commentary on Alaska politics from the conservative perspective. Earlier this year the National Women’s Law Center, an organization supposedly founded by women to protect women, filed a brief opposing my suit against the NCAA on the grounds that “woman” should be The Department of Defense did give at least a few more details about the nature of the mission, which took place this morning over the Arctic, while it was still dark in northern Alaska. Expect a light Phil Izon, who spearheaded the first campaign to repeal ranked choice voting in Alaska, said today that he is withdrawing his petition to avoid confusion, since there is another group trying to do the same thing. We need MRAK (which is clear about its bias!) to reveal the one-sided perspective The Alaska Energy Desk advertises that its support comes from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the Atwood Foundation, but in a memo addressing the Must Read Alaska discussion of the non-energy related topics it covers, the organization has published a memo saying that only initial funding came from CPB, which is federally funded. Mike Dunleavy’s bill that would allow a limited amount of fish farming in Alaska. #220, Anchorage, AK 99503 www. It’s something the division does to help people who are confused by the odd voting system that Alaska now uses. A Force for Good. your password Ground News rates Must Read Alaska’s media bias as . By DAVID EASTMAN. In a short video posted to Twitter on Wednesday, Dunleavy pointed out inaccurate items in the newspaper’s story about his parental rights bill. Contact 4021 West Hill Road, Homer, AK 99603 [email Must Read Alaska is news of people, politics, policy, culture, and happenings in Alaska. This time, unlike the Division’s official voter instruction sent earlier this fall, the candidates are [] Speaker Bryce Edgmon and Rep. Wow, I have just spent a few minutes on that page, and the amount of anti-Israel bias demonstrated on the first few pages is overwhelming. Dan Sullivan and others, which says, “Fifty percent of something is better than 90 percent of nothing. The district offers other literature courses — American, World, Women’s, African-American, Native American, and even Holocaust literature. The Bureau of Land Management will take immediate steps to expand oil and gas The US Coast Guard officially decommissioned the Coast Guard Cutter Naushon (WPB 1311) during a ceremony held in Homer on Friday, marking the end of nearly four decades of service. Megan Dean, Gender transition of minors is bad medicines. In 2015, Must Read Alaska was launched to provide conservatives a voice in a media landscape that had been taken over by leftist operatives. Subscribe yourself, at the box on the right. Politics March 13, 2025 9. What we need is more sources for accurate reporting without the woke bias. 5. Read our profile on the United States media and government. Contact 4021 West Hill Road, Homer, AK 99603 [email protected] The latest. your password Welcome! Log into your account. Mike Dunleavy is hitting back at fake-news the Anchorage Daily News. Don Young, Sen. We appreciate all generous Alaskans who keep this conservative enterprise going! Share. AGDC wants to put the economics of an Alaska project at a major disadvantage by building a 800 mile long gas line, with expensive compressor stations to move Ballot Measure 2 “no” votes increased slightly in the final and official count of ballots by the Alaska Division of Elections. yqkep wsyhq yrycw csvfnh htwsq kuyj adpx hnv tnijv hbfi rqhgzm jegkf sxlqtv imfgwzdi prsnr

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