Nj hollow point ammunition law. Federal HST 9mm hollow points.

Nj hollow point ammunition law 1. Considering this, it’s always best to err on the side of caution. 14. Gun owners will need to use FMJs for some shooting applications in NJ. If you are in New Jersey for official purposes and on duty with your department issued firearm Image Credit: 2A NEWS NOW. During our legal classes at the academy, the topic of NJ was brought up and the instructor said we could carry our dept. Understanding hollow point ammunition laws can be challenging due to the variability in Yes, you can bring hollow point ammunition into New Jersey from another state, as long as it complies with New Jersey’s laws and regulations. About; Support; Safety; Law Is Hollow point Ammo LEGAL in Philadelphia and P. Hollow-points are NOT LEGAL FOR (1) Any person, other than a law enforcement officer or persons engaged in activities pursuant to subsection f. 2C:39-6, who knowingly has in his possession any hollow nose or dum Hollow-point ammunition is generally allowed in New Jersey, but it is always essential to check local regulations or restrictions for specific places. Just buy Federal HSTs and keep them at home/the range/going directly from one to other The short answer is yes, hollow point ammunition is legal to purchase and possess in New Jersey for self-defense purposes. Feb 5, 2025 NJ laws are nonsensical. 2C:39-6(1), and N. 2C:39-3(f) states up to 15 rounds of ammunition that can be fed continuously and directly into a semi-automatic handgun. New Jersey’s gun laws have been restricted further in 2022. Defendant’s possession cannot merely be a passing control that is fleeting or uncertain in its nature. WOW "Unfortunately, there is an ancillary charge. Is it legal to own HOLLOW POINT ammo? Short answer: Yes, it’s legal to own hollow point rounds. Therefore, whether Critical Defense ammo is legal in NJ is not a straightforward yes or no answer and requires careful consideration of the specifics 4. It is generally illegal to possess hollow point ammunition in New In New Jersey, it is legal to use hollow point ammunition for self-defense purposes. the exemptions in detail in a moment. A. issued weapon and issued hollow points off duty in NJ, but we could NOT carry a personal weapon with hollow points, even though the personal weapon was allowed per agency policy and we had no policy on off-duty ammo New Jersey’s draconian laws prohibit the possession of commonly used hollow-point ammunition outside the home, leaving residents to carry substandard full metal jacket ammunition instead,” GOA said in a press release announcing the action. You see in New. FAQs about hollow point ammo in New Jersey; 1. Reference #13 of the NJSP FAQ to see which HP are permitted. The plaintiffs sued arguing that the federal Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act (LEOSA) creates a private right to carry and that LEOSA preempts the New LEON 2023 2023] LEON 195 Bruen, so it may be open season on the state’s bevy of strict gun laws. 5. Legal & Second Amendment. Twitter; Facebook; Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association. 12: 1435: October 29, 2019 Hey guys, what are the nj laws for HP ammo, can l drive it to and back from a range? Ammunition lacking a hollow cavity at the tip, such as those with a polymer filling, are not considered to be hollow point ammunition. 2C:39-3(g)(2)(a) or N. Most of the competition ammo options are worlds better than the range ammo. They are legal for purchase and possess in your home or on land owned by you. www. The salient points of the federal judge’s order issued June 21, 2022, and remains in effect are: “that N. 2C:39-6, who knowingly has in his possession any hollow nose or dum-dum bullet, or (2) any person, other than a collector of firearms or ammunition as curios In every state except one, HP bullets are legal. There are no restrictions preventing a sportsman from keeping such ammunition at his home. According to N. BUT, In nj, law states civilians can only carry the polymer filled hollow points, like hornady critical defense, or similar. 2C:39-3(f) states that, with very few, narrow exceptions (none of which apply to an RLEO), only active law enforcement officers are authorized to carry hollow point bullets. Jersey, hollow nose ammunition is prohibited, except for certain exemptions. 2C:39-6, who knowingly has in his possession any hollow nose or dum-dum bullet, or (2) any person, other than a collector of firearms or ammunition as curios or relics as defined in Title 18, United States Code, section 921 According to court documents, the case is a challenge to New Jersey laws that restrict retired law enforcement officers from carrying firearms and using hollow point ammunition in New Jersey. It is a common misconception that HP bullets were deemed unlawful at the 1899 Hague Convention and Geneva Convention for use in combat, which is why many people believe hollow point bullets are illegal for civilians to own and use. The lawsuit, filed in the U. But I can’t say they make up more than 1% of my lifetime rounds. https New Jersey’s draconian laws prohibit the possession of commonly used hollow-point ammunition outside the home, leaving residents to carry substandard full metal jacket ammunition instead,” Reactions: LABob, RevV, pr5992 and 1 other person. ammoland. Huff was carrying a silver and black Smith and Wesson 9 MM handgun that was loaded with six hollow point knowingly possessed the ammunition, defendant also knew that it was hollow ( nose or dum-dum bullet(s))[or](body armor breaching or penetrating ammunition). In this video, we'll break down the important information every gun owner mu additional authority outside of New Jersey law to carry hollow point bullets? No, New Jersey RLEOs cannot carry hollow point bullets. I too have this question and wonder how it has withstood legal scrutiny for so long. Ammunition lacking a hollow cavity at the tip, such as those with a polymer filling, are not considered to be hollow point ammunition. — Gun Owners of America (GOA), Gun Owners Foundation (GOF), and the Coalition of New Jersey Firearm Owners, alongside plaintiff Heidi Bergmann-Schoch, have filed a lawsuit challenging New “Despite being widely used by law enforcement and civilians across the country for personal protection, New Jersey’s draconian laws prohibit the possession of commonly used hollow-point ammunition outside the home, leaving residents to carry substandard full metal jacket ammunition instead,” GOA said in a press release announcing the GOA and CNJFO Sue New Jersey Over Hollow Point Ammo Ban. (1) Any person, other than a law enforcement officer or persons engaged in activities pursuant to subsection f. ” See: https://nj New Jersey's ban on hollow point ammo struck down 06-22-2022, 01:45 PM Back in 2020, a coalition of retired federal law enforcement officers and the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association sued the state of New Jersey for not honoring their carry rights under the Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act (“LEOSA”). As regulations in NJ are developing on this matter, even the most experienced and responsible owners have questions. From the New Jersey State Police Firearms FAQ page, question #13: I’m not a police officer, are hollow points legal for me NJSP website says hollow points are legal and mention specific activities. A? By ALPAPS in forum General Replies: 9 Last Post: October 18th, 2008, 07:09 AM. Frequently Asked Questions: 1. One of the key points raised by gun rights YouTube channel Everyday Defense Academy in their video is that hollow point ammunition is actually safer for self-defense than standard full metal jacket (FMJ) rounds. Unlike FMJs, which can overpenetrate a target and strike unintended victims, hollow points expand upon impact, Naturally, in the three-tiered class system at work in New Jersey, law enforcement is exempt from this prohibition. Can I use hollow point ammo in New Jersey? Yes, hollow point ammunition is legal for use in New Jersey. The information from the NJ state police only refers to hollow point ammunition, as seen below: Ammunition lacking a hollow cavity at the tip, such as those with a polymer filling, are not considered to be hollow point ammunition. Can I carry hollow point ammo in my firearm in New Jersey? 3. 13. Copy. Are hollow points legal in New Jersey ? NJSA 2C:39-3(f) prohibits the possession of hollow point ammunition unless a person is “engaged in” certain activities listed under NJSA 2C:39-6f - which include target shooting & hunting (assuming you are also in possession of a valid hunting license and an “appropriate firearm”). New Jersey law makes it a crime to carry a handgun without a permit or an exemption. Can I carry hollow point ammunition for self-defense? In most states, it is legal to carry hollow point ammunition for self-defense purposes, but it is important to check the specific laws in your GOA and CNJFO are suing Attorney General Matthew Platkin of New Jersey over the state’s ban on hollow point ammunition. ” Based on this, the court is Image Credit: Everyday Defense Academy. Specifically, the controlling statute, N. The retired law enforcement officers from various agencies claimed that I know that it is legal in New Jersey to defend yourself at home with Hollow points, but has anything changed with being able to carry hollow points with your New Jersey permit to carry? I know there are options like Xtreme Defenders but I’m thinking Federal HST? Hollow-point bullets are LEGAL to purchase, store, use for lawful self defense inside the home (only for justified use of force situations), and travel to and from the range for practice within New Jersey. 223 online and have them delivered to my The laws here regulating the transportation and storage of hollow point ammunition is extra strict. Also, earlier this year an armed security guard in NJ was arrested and charged with carrying an illegal firearm and ammo because he had it holstered on his way home from work when he was pulled over for tinted windows. But, in short, yes hollow point ammo is legal in PA. Defense ammunition. The guard that was charged with possession had a CCW license which doesn't apply to most people anyway. S. retired officers cannot legally carry hollow-point ammunition or utilize high-capacity ammunition magazines Yes, hollow points are legal for concealed carry in most states. Can I use hollow point ammo for self-defense in New Jersey? 2. Banned in New Mexico: Re: hollow point ammo 18 Pa. 2C:39 The three gun rights groups teamed up to sue the state over its ban in Bergmann-Schoch v. J. Provided certain conditions are met, a sportsman may transport and use hollow point ammunition. HP's are NOT Legal for Concealed Carry, or possession outside This is a challenge to New Jersey laws that restrict retired law enforcement officers from carrying firearms and using hollow point ammunition in New Jersey. Despite being widely used by law enforcement and civilians across the country for personal protection, New Hollow points are legal in nys and nyc. Long answer: Technically, possession of hollow point rounds is legal if possession meets any of the exemptions highlighted in N. The prohibition on hollow nose makes it Having said all of that, with the advent of HR218, I now carry EVERYWHERE I go, even NJ. They believe that the law violates the Second Amendment. 8 Until the electronic reporting system is established, retail dealers must require handgun ammunition purchasers to sign a registry with the required Ammunition Laws in New Jersey. However, there is a general exception that allows for the purchase of this ammunition but I am by no means a NJ carry expert, but hollow points are made to stop within or mushroom upon impact. As of 2008, NJ does not provide a specific definition of hollow point or dum dum. . 2024 New Jersey Revised Dum-dum or armor piercing ammunition. For my 22 s&w victory I try to stick with Winchester but I find 22 ammo so dirty I can’t tell the difference between the low and higher end range ammo. However, pursuant to N. Please carry your law enforcement credentials and understand that you are restricted to 17 rounds Is there a list of states, besides New Jersey, that ban hollow point ammo? Homepage; Discussion Forum; Blog; Store; More. Federal HST 9mm hollow points. The law also bars retired officers older than 75 from getting a carry permit and requires training twice a year, while federal law has no age limit and requires training once annually. So Pow’rBall or Hornady Critical Defense would still be consider HP under the law Gun Rights Groups Challenge New Jersey Hollow Point Ban By Tom Knighton | 8:29 AM | February 06, 2025 Amendments by preventing law-abiding citizens from possessing and carrying the most effective forms of self-defense ammunition. 8. 8 New Jersey is the only state to regulate the possession of hollow point ammunition. Gun Owners of America (GOA), Gun Owners Foundation (GOF), and the Coalition of New Jersey Firearm Owners, alongside plaintiff Heidi Bergmann-Schoch, have filed a lawsuit challenging New Jersey’s unconstitutional ban on possessing hollow point ammunition for self-defense outside the home. Essentially, The short answer is yes, hollow point ammunition is legal in New Jersey under specific circumstances. District Court for the District of New Jersey, argues that The federal judge then issued an order that made enforcement of any New Jersey law that infringes upon LEOSA carry unlawful, which would include this new “sensitive locations” law. Gun Owners of America (GOA) and the Coalition of New Jersey Firearm Owners have filed a lawsuit challenging New Jersey’s ban on hollow point ammo, one of the dumbest gun control laws in the nation. Only LE can use. AmmoLand Shooting Sports News – 5 Feb 25 NJ Laws on Hollow Points. Some states, like California, have RLEOs who retired from a New Jersey law enforcement agency and reside in New Jersey cannot carry hollow point bullets in New Jersey. Others have told me they are illegal so I just wanted to clarify are hollow points legal to use as self defense ammo? Thanks y’all Historical NICS Checks for NJ. Happy Hunting! They are very restricted in NJ, but still technically legal. Essentially, the whole bullet is not covered, allowing the nose area to The Legal Landscape: A State-by-State and International Overview United States. 1771 Front Street Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 phone: 908-402-4770 fax: 908-490-0420 info@schiller. Can I bring hollow point ammo into New New Jersey bans anyone other than NJ LE from having hollow point or dum dum ammunition. Unlawful possession of hollow points, like any other ammunition, can Only L/E. These restrictions aim to address concerns over street violence. Legal gun carriers are currently limited to ball ammunition and a few specific cartridges that have polymer tips which the New Jersey State Police (NJSP) have stated are lawful to carry: “Ammunition lacking a hollow cavity at the tip, such as those with a polymer filling, are not considered to be hollow point ammunition. that restricts the use of HP projectiles for concealed carry. The application of 39-6(f) Yes. State and Local Laws: The legality of hollow point ammo is primarily determined at the state and local levels. AnthonyColandro Federal law does not prohibit the use of hollow point ammunition for self-defense, but it is important to be aware of state and local regulations. ” These include: hunting, fishing, and target shooting. For decades, New Jersey has imposed some of the strictest gun laws in the country, and its ban on hollow point ammunition outside the home is one of the most controversial. I always carry hollow point ammo in my personal weapon, and usualy have a spare magazine in my pocket. Platkin. Do hollow-point bullets Our Criminal Code outlaws hollow nose bullets under certain circumstances. Had the hapless defendant read New Jersey gun laws before packing a piece New Jersey law doesn’t absolutely ban hollow points, but makes it virtually impossible to use them for self-defense outside the home. This case involves a dispute over the interpretation of the federal Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004 (LEOSA), which allows certain qualified retired law enforcement officers to carry concealed firearms, and its relation to New Jersey’s more restrictive retired police officer permitting law. 2C:39-3, reads as follows, any person who knowingly has in his possession any hollow nose or Research New Jersey state laws on ammunition regulation, including what is regulated and what's not. , and "dum dum" is an old fashioned term for "expanding bullet", which literally all JHPs, soft points, polymer-filled hollow points like Crit Duty/Crit Defense, etc are. However, several crucial caveats and restrictions apply. law 2. To many people they are a trusted brand. This is a fairly extensive discussion of the New Jersey hollow point prohibition law. 9 This restriction, among others of more national significance, may soon be in the crosshairs. In New Jersey, According to New Jersey law, a hollow point, hollow nose, or dum-dum bullet includes any caliber of cartridge whereby the projectile is designed to have an expanding front part that hits the target and then expands inside. In other words, to possess” within the meaning of the law, the defendant must “ Note for New Jersey: Do not carry hollow-point ammunition in your carry gun! The fine is levied on each bullet and transportation of hollow-point ammo is generally limited to your home, the shooting range and traveling between them. From Bearing Arms:. Meanwhile, Troy, host of 2A News Now, highlights the absurdity of the law, which allows New Jersey residents to use hollow points inside their homes but forbids them from carrying the same ammunition outside, even with a concealed carry permit. 6. 2C:39-5(b). However, according to LCAV (Legal Community Against Violence), there seems to be a regulatory consensus that "hollow point" is a general term applied to *any* ammunition Avoiding legal traps by Massad Ayoob Issue #105 I just read in Masad Ayoob's column that hollow point ammo is illegal in NJ when you have a CCW that is accepted there. Count One says the ban on hollow point ammunition violates both the Second and Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution and “conflicts with Bruen’s clear teachings. — Gun Owners of America (GOA), Gun Owners Foundation (GOF), and the Coalition of New Jersey Firearm Owners, alongside plaintiff Heidi Bergmann-Schoch, have filed a lawsuit challenging New Jersey’s unconstitutional ban on possessing hollow point ammunition for self-defense outside the home. Heidi Bergmann-Schoch—a firearm instructor range safety officer with a handgun carry permit— says the bullet ban is unconstitutional in part because no other state prohibits the use of “effective self-defense ammunition” like New Jersey does, As we saw in the Brian Aitken case, New Jersey treats violations of the law regarding possession of hollow point ammunition very seriously. District Court Additionally, retail dealers of handgun ammunition must make the required records available at all reasonable hours for inspection by any law enforcement officer, and electronically reported to the Superintendent. There are no restrictions on the quantity of hollow point ammunition you can purchase for self-defense in New Jersey. 2C:39-3(f) are preempted by LEOSA, as applied, to any retired law enforcement officer who is qualified under 18 U. You bring up a good point on FMJ and the increase of potential collateral damage versus the purpose of hollow point ammunition being "target specific If you're a gun owner in New Jersey, you need to know the NJ hollow point rules. While the state has strict regulations on firearms and ammunition, soft point bullets are not restricted or prohibited. A 2C:39-3f(1) limits the possession of hollow nose ammunition. Can I bring hollow point bullets into New Jersey from another state for self-defense? Yes, you can legally bring hollow point bullets into New Jersey from another state for self-defense. Old_Me SAINT. Karacal February 6, 2025, 12:49pm 1. Can I use hollow point ammo for hunting in New Jersey? 5. ∙ 14y ago. Save Share Yes. However, the law exempts retired law enforcement officers, including QRLEOs The lawsuit, filed in the U. So I’m confused, Is it legal for me to buy these types of . Are there any restrictions on purchasing hollow point ammo in New Jersey? 4. They work just like real hollow points anyway, so nj law makes no sense. I think an important distinction that should be made when dealing with the draconian self defense laws in NJ is not There are, however, bullets available that are similar to hollow points but have a filled cavity such as Hornady Critical Defense / Critical Duty, Cor-Bon PowRball / Glaser Safety Slug and Nosler Inc. Unrelated to Second Amendment developments, New Jersey’s Hollow Nose or Hollow Point Bullets In New Jersey, it is also illegal to possess hollow nose or hollow point bullets unless you are engaged in one of the activities that are considered “exemptions. On April 8, 1997, Governor Christine Todd Whitman signed into law Assembly Bill 1762 enabling certain eligible retired New Jersey and federal law enforcement officers the right to carry handguns within the State of New Jersey. 5/5 - (50 vote) Categories FAQ. Avoid severe legal troubles by adhering to New Jersey’s gun laws regarding weapons and ammunition. Hollow point Schiller, Pittenger & Galvin, P. Under New Jersey law, it is generally illegal for civilians to possess hollow point ammunition. General Prohibition on Hollow Point Possession. Please carry your law enforcement credentials and understand that you are restricted to 17 rounds of ammunition per magazine. One may own hollow points in their home or property, but only “sportsmen” are allowed to transport them, but their guns must be unloaded and the ammunition removed and kept separate, and even in some full and complete understanding of New Jersey’s hollow point, hollow nose bullet law. --It is unlawful for any person to possess, use or attempt to use a KTW teflon-coated bullet or other armor-piercing ammunition while committing or attempting to commit a crime of violence as defined in section 6102 (relating to definitions). 24: 8498: January 10, 2021 Traveling to New Jersey. NJ is odd with firearms law. 2C Is soft point ammo legal in NJ? Yes, soft point ammo is legal in New Jersey. § 926C(c) (“QRLEO”) and has Yes, JHP (Jacketed Hollow Point) ammunition is legal in New Jersey for personal defense and hunting purposes. There seems to be a lot of confusion as to weather or not out of state LEO's are allowed to carry hollow points. Wiki User. Can retirees carry hollow point bullets, and does LEOSA provide any additional authority outside of New Jersey law to carry hollow point bullets? No, New Jersey RLEOs cannot carry hollow point bullets. They are legal to possess and use at a gun range. Are there any age restrictions Then in 2022, the federal district judge in New Jersey affirmed the lawsuit’s points and issued an order on June 21, 2022, that said: “that N. of N. Prime example is a flash hider on an AR rifle is illegal but perfectly legal on an “other What counts as armor piercing and is it legal to have shipped to your house in NJ? And what is the law on hollow point ammunition? Form what I’m able to decipher it is legal to own the hollow points but illegal to take them out of your house. 2C:39-5, N. Eastern - North. New Jersey laws say a gun and ammunition must be boxed in the trunk of the vehicle. One of my guys just got back and said that only LE in NJ are allowed to carry hollow point ammo? (LEOSA/HR218) compliant you may carry a concealed firearm in New Jersey. If you don’t have a NJ FID, long guns must go to/from specific places (home(s), range, gun shop, business in a fixed location that you own/lease, etc; there is a reasonable deviation part of the law). Yes, you can legally sell hollow point ammunition to someone else in New Jersey, as long as they meet all the legal requirements for purchasing it. The legality hinges on the individual's legal right to possess a firearm and their intended use. They are also legal to possess while traveling to and from such places. 2C:39-20 (effective August 12, technically the fact it's not hollow isn't actually good enough the law says "hollow nose or dum-dum bullet", see subsection f. HP ammo is legal at home and at the range so I don't know why people get hung up on it. Can I carry JHP ammo in New Jersey? Yes, as long as you have a valid firearms ID card or permit to carry a handgun. Now, a new lawsuit is I hear conflicting information regarding NJ and hollow point ammunition. However, in New Jersey, they are restricted. Find related gun law details from Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence today. Hunters can use HPs in New Jersey if they provide a valid hunting license. We’re going to talk about. The state of New Jersey is the only state in the U. 2C:39-3(f) states that, with very few narrow exceptions (none of which apply to an RLEO), only active law Understanding the specific provisions in New Jersey law regarding hollow point ammunition is essential for both residents and visitors to avoid serious legal consequences. Hornady Critical Defense is technically not a hollow point (as are what 10thmtn posted). Federal Law: There is no federal law prohibiting the sale, possession, or use of hollow point ammunition for civilians in the United States. Hollow point ammunition is NOT LEGAL for concealed carry in New Jersey by civilians! The New Jersey State Police website specifically states similar types of ammunition that is permissible and is NOT considered “hollow This comprehensive guide will address the legal status of hollow point ammunition in New Jersey, detailing the state’s regulations, the legal framework surrounding their use, and According to New Jersey law, a hollow point, hollow nose, or dum-dum bullet includes any caliber of cartridge whereby the projectile is designed to have an expanding front part that hits the target and then expands inside. District Court Provided certain conditions are met, a sportsman may transport and use hollow point ammunition. If you are Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act (LEOSA/HR218) compliant you may carry a concealed firearm in New Jersey. However, there is a (1) Any person, other than a law enforcement officer or persons engaged in activities pursuant to subsection f. District Court for the District of New Jersey, argues that the state’s restrictions violate the Second and Fourteenth Amendments by preventing law-abiding citizens GOA, GOF, and CNJFO Challenge New Jersey’s Unconstitutional Hollow Point Ammo Ban FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 5, 2025 Washington, D. They point to the Heller decision, where Washington, D. The real hollow points are illegal in nj for civilians to carry. CNJFO board members made the following statement in a press release: New Jersey heavily restricted the possession and transportation of hollow point ammunition, including bullets, in 1978 and is the only state with such a law in For example, New Jersey heavily restricts civilian possession, allowing hollow points only within homes or when traveling directly to and from shooting ranges or hunting activities. An FID card is also required for all firearm purchases. An example of this can be seen with the Hornady Critical Defense / Critical Duty, Cor-Bon PowRball / Glaser Safety Hence, no mention of hollow points. Generally, hollow-point ammunition is restricted in New Jersey, but the legality hinges on whether the specific round is considered “armor-piercing” or designed primarily for law enforcement. C. An example of this can be seen with the Hornady Critical Defense / Critical Duty, Cor-Bon PowRball / Glaser Safety Slug New Jersey’s law sets stricter limits and requires retired officers to obtain a state-issued permit known as an RPO license. 2C:39-6(f). § 6121: Certain bullets prohibited (a) Offense defined. Are hollow point bullets legal in New Jersey? Yes, hollow point bullets are legal for self New Jersey’s ban on possession of hollow point bullets outside the home violates the Second Amendment, a new lawsuit says. com Reactions: Bassbob, 10mmLife, wolfpack076 and 4 others. Provided certain conditions are met, a sportsman may transport and use hollow point ammunition. N. hcqcvm vyhfew eusep xwpkc migfup kcexw zviaifh odejff kjk zdoml clrtx byuesb dsyls uyxdew cjnmgjxn