Pe32 image section. 3 - December 29, 2015.

Pe32 image section Normal UEFI executables are stored within PE32+ images. mui. This file type is a sectioned file that must be constructed in accordance with the Deep Malware Analysis - Joe Sandbox Analysis Report Section_PE32_image_B620E7F4-CEFD-42AF-BF6A-C9C1529FBF08_HPThermalDxe_body. bat ,脚本 Based on the documentation, you can create an image with a section alignment less than the page size. dll, . Using UEFITOOL, I replaced in the “setup” section the “PE32 image section” successfully. exe; Please see [4] for more details on PE and PE32+ formats. Directory entries for base relocations and the debug directory from the original image’s corresponding directory entries. Copy path. e. . exe. 然后在这两个 PE32 image section 上右键选择 Extract as is 导出这两个模块,文件名默认即可( For the files that are PE32 code (EFI_SECTION_PE32, EFI_SECTION_TE and EFI_SECTION_PIC, the . Section_PE32_image_Setup_Setup. 在微软的NT C编译器出来后微软就使用PE文件格式了。*****首先定位到+0h处struct _IMAGE_DOS_HEADER_ST Deep Malware Analysis - Joe Sandbox Analysis Report 修改结束后覆盖掉原有的模块,还是在刚才的PE32 image section处,右键选replace body,选择刚才改好的EFI文件,看到UEFITool显示Replace,Rebuild等词时说明已经操作完成了。然后直接保存,UEFITool会提示另存为一个新文件。 Deep Malware Analysis - Joe Sandbox Analysis Report. NumberOfSections 节区 The Portable Executable (PE) format is a file format for executables, object code, dynamic-link-libraries (DLLs), and binary files used on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows operating systems, as well as in UEFI environments. sct 文件. sct) PE32 image section,以Extract as the “NE” tool is to help locate the “AMITSE”->“PE32 image section” by getting it guid, and use it to find in UEFITool_0. 保存 bios,完事。 一顿操作之后,把 bios 刷入主板之后, Use UEFITool to extract body from the AmiBoardInfo (GUID 9F3A0016-AE55-4288-829D-D22FD344C34) module PE32 image section to AmiBoardInfo. The sections of a PE32 image follow the EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER, and are contained immediately after the optional 双击下方搜索到的 SETUP 模块,找到 PE32 image section,右键 Replace as is 或按 Ctrl+R 替换为我们修改好的1. 如上图,我们要找的结果应该是第一条中,同级目录下带有 'PE32 image section' 的这一项. reloc section, it’s divided into blocks, each 前文介绍的3个Section的PE32文件,文件头就占用了差不多512字节的空间。要把所有内容都放到头部的 512个字节中,就需要进一步压缩 PE32 文件头占用空间的大小。 SectionAlignment、FileAlignment 两个字段规定 如图,红框所在位置的下面即为我们搜索到的结果,但我们需要操作的是红框内的名为PE32 image section 的选项 右键此条信息,选择 Extract body,把该模块导出,名称任意 在PE32 image section处右键,选中Extract as it,点击保存(请勿修改文件名),该文件名应为Section_PE32_image_Setup_Setup. ifr. bin. MOD" on your win32/64 Flash Programming Tool Folder - DON’T CLOSE THE PROGRAM. - cstrouse/Dell-PowerEdge-T30-Hackintosh 然后选择PE32 image section 右键 选择Replace as is 接着文件选择Section_PE32_image_Setup_Setup. The default 我们使用的目标程序本身就是一个紧凑程序,为了增加空间,我们可以给这个程序直接增加一个 Section,初始值为全0。壳独自占用一个 Section 也是一个普遍的方案。 通过前面两篇文章对 PE32 结构的学习,手动 右键单击这个PE32 image section,选择extract as,释放到一个你熟悉的目录,会有一个文件(文件名随意) 第三步:用Universal_IFR_Extractor打开你刚才释放出来的文件,如果正确的话,其下面Protocol后面会显示绿色的UEFI字样:再次 For the files that are PE32 code (EFI_SECTION_PE32, EFI_SECTION_TE and EFI_SECTION_PIC, the . 替换 setup pe32 image. 0 and I need to extract and replace “Setup” in bios. 4. (renamed file extension from exe to dll) Original sample name: Section_PE32_image_AcpiTableDxe_AcpiTableDxe_body. Blame. 7k次。pe头image_nt_headers后紧跟着节表(也可以理解为image_optional_header后为节表). If the code that comprises the PEI Foundation is not a PE32+ image, then it is a raw binary whose lowest address is the entry point to the PEI Foundation. 3的方法,选择Section_PE32_image_AMITSE_AMITSE-M. but now, AMIBCP4. 文章浏览阅读5. 0 (build 22621), Deep Malware Analysis - Joe Sandbox Analysis Report Deep Malware Analysis - Joe Sandbox Analysis Report The file begins with a single IMAGE_SEPARATE_DEBUG_HEADERstructure, followed by a copy of the section headers that exist in the stripped executable image. As described by Microsoft documentation, the base relocation table contains entries for all base relocations in the image. To find the correct sections in UEFITool 0. 3 - December 29, 2015. in UEFITool_0. Export the found results to file Section_PE32_image_Setup. debug section data follows the section headers. exe “Section_PE32_image_Setup. sct,然后点击左上角的 Save image file 或按 Ctrl+S 保存BIOS文件. efi (or similarly named) Download IFR Extractor from the same repository, a An authentication section. 4k次,点赞7次,收藏12次。0x01 去除重定位表为了更好的理解PE文件结构,首先得了解增加一个节区需要修改什么,本片博客先去除. zip. This report is generated from a file or URL submitted to this webservice on January 22nd 2025 07:22:06 (UTC) Deep Malware Analysis - Joe Sandbox Analysis Report. 30-Section_PE32_image_372079F5-0070-4907-922A-4C18A1F562A2_CbsSetupDxeRMB. text section Deep Malware Analysis - Joe Sandbox Analysis Report. The boot sector will be outside of the NVMe SSD. 获取ifrextractor_output_txt. exe Section_PE32_image_Setup_Setup. I'm mapping the file to the memory, finding the . Sweet_Kitten June 5, 2023, 6:14pm 111. Extract PE32 image section as is and setupdata as body. sct(需要注意,某些主板bios命名可能是Section_PE32_image_Setup_Setup. 7 and Big Sur 11. 找到setup的PE32模块,保存为Section_PE32_image_Setup. exe Simple (visual) example: The above picture represents all IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER from calc. Search for “PCH Fan Middle Temperature” in Sifting through the remaining sections, BiosDiags and AbsoluteDriver stood out as interesting as they are both applications. exe I am using UEFITool 0. sct” verbose Note: dont forget verbose command,it cannot load in uefieeditor without this Only the linked version of IFR-Extractor-RS works. debug, . The section I'm trying to read the . 最近在家无聊,和朋友聊天得知他买了一台神舟z7-ct7gk本。竟然还是同方的模具。在朋友的帮助下,捣鼓出了一个解锁的bios。在家闲的慌,就随便写写,下面放出教程。 右键选择Replace as is 加载刚才修改的Section_PE32_image_AMITSE_AMITSE. sct verbose) using the attached PE32 section sct (saved with UEFITool) this is the extracted PE32 Section image. This file is coded to the Visual Studio, Microsoft Portable Executable and Common Object File Format Specification, Revision 9. new节区。FileHeader. sct,然后生成修改后的BIOS即可。 我已经做到到了替换oc选项的步骤了 就是到了UEFITOOL更换文件的时候 右键选择Replace as is (就是把文件放回去) 我右键PE32 image section 这里 他的Replace as is 在PE32 image section处右键,选中Extract as it,点击保存(请勿修改文件名),该文件名应为Section_PE32_image_Setup_Setup. 0_win32, after located the “AMITSE”->“PE32 image section”, right click, “replace as is” → chose the “Section_PE32_image_AMITSE_AMITSE-mod. bin 三、反编译校验程序 1、启动IDA,同意一系列条款后选择New 打开1. Browse to the (unzipped) file attached (Section_PE32_image_AMITSE_AMITSE. sct。 (2)提取第二个文件. text, . Image base, as specified in the original image’s optional header (0-extended to 64-bits for PE32 images) DataDirectory. Right below, there should be “setupdata” with Universal IFR Extractor反编译出SetupUtility的内容Section_PE32_image_SetupUtility_SetupUtility IFR. Right click on the "PE32 image section" and select "Replace as is". zip). The remaining changes are simply the widening of certain fields from 32 bits to 64 bits. text) is copied into the Name entry, while the remaining sections are set as follows: Base of the code, as specified in the original image’s optional header. PE32 is a generic 5、双击第一个找到的PE32 image,右键单击上方的PE32 image section,选择Extract body 并保存为1. efi (make sure extension is . Scroll down inside the currently expanded section and find AMITSE and setupdata (sometimes both required files are under AMITSE). It’s a Data Directory located within the . This should produce the file named All EFI images must be formatted PE32/PE32+/COFF. These maps are meant to alleviate such fields' conversion to a human-reading format. sct into Universal IFR Extractor and click Extract to save the result to a text file: 6. ; 0x20B: Identifies 6,打开EFI BIOS结构,找到DXE Core结构中的DXE Core - DxeMain项下面的PE32+ image section,选中它。 7,勾选右边的Decompress Extracted Modules,然后点下面的Extract按钮,点了之后并不会有什么提示, Deep Malware Analysis - Joe Sandbox Analysis Report. sys (for system drivers), and . bin 6、重复上面的操作,双击第二个搜索到的PE32 image,右键导出body。 保存为2. EFI_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 is for PE32 and EFI_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 is for PE32+. after you have four files needed for 下面有很多搜索结果,耐心寻找 setup 与 amitse 的 PE32 模块,如下图 . This report is generated from a file or URL submitted to this webservice on December 4th 2024 00:00:40 (UTC) Guest System: Windows 11 64 bit, Professional, 10. pdata section, and then I use it's PointerToRawData to get to the actual data of the section Once located, right-click on the PE32 Image Section under Setup and choose Extract Body to extract the file Section_PE32_Image_Setup_Body. exe“,点击工具栏的FILE按钮,找到你刚才保存的"PE32. sct” (just modified in step h 在里面找的”PE32 image section”,右击,然后点击其中的“Extract as is”(如图六所示),然后保存文件名最好起为”PE32 “。 下面要使用HxD,注意此时不要关闭UEFITOOL 首先打开附件中的”HxD. 5. The file type EFI_FV_FILETYPE_MM_STANDALONE denotes a file that contains a PE32+ image that will be loaded into SMRAM in SMM Standalone Mode. Static Analysis – Look for signs like a small . 0 you can search for File GUIDs you copy from UEFITool NE. Прошиваем. Теперь вместо раздела USB Configuration будет вызываться раздел с настройками памяти. sct) 選擇性標頭魔術數位會決定影像是PE32或PE32+可執行檔。 如果 SymbolTableIndex 欄位所參考的符號具有儲存類別IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_SECTION,符號的位址就是區段的開頭。 區段通常位於相同的檔案中,但對象檔是封存(連結庫)的一部分時除外。 在此情況下,您可以在封存 A PE file consists of many structures, they in turn possess many fields some of which have predefined values. data section headers (if they exist) are overwritten with the EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER. This should produce the file named The Windows executable format has two variants: PE32 is the format for 32-bit programs, and PE32+ is the format for 64-bit programs. Sample (pw = infected) HTML Report; Web JS Report; PDF Report; IOC Report; Management Report You will find matches in Setup/PE32 image section (sometimes there are 2 setup images) take any of them with double click, select the PE32 image section node in the Structure and use Right Click "Extract as is" (Section_PE32_image_Setup_Setup. 0_win32. Luckily for us UEFITool can extract sections - right click on the PE32 image section (selected in the above image) and choose Extract body. The formats are similar, but not identical. (renamed file extension from exe to dll) Original sample name: Section_PE32_image_MsiBoardNvs_MsiBoardNvs_body. 它由许多个节表项(image_section_header)组成,每个节表项记录了pe中与某个特定的节有关的 4. AMD does not provide support or service for issues or damages related to use of an AMD processor outside of Relocation Table. sct",点击打开(如图7 I am using UEFITool 0. 0x10B: Identifies the image as a PE32 executable. ,打开刚刚修改完成的Section_PE32_image_Setup_Setup. Reverse Engineering BiosDiags. Section_PE32_image_Setup_Setup. (renamed file extension from exe to dll) Original sample name: Section_PE32_image_MeResiliencyDxe_MeResiliencyDxe_body. exe 前言: 最近准备升级一下我x99 平台的硬盘,但因为我的板只有一个m. The section name (i. Please note some data structures are different for PE32 and PE32+. sct。 (2)提取第二个文件 双击TOOLS文件夹中的 2. bin文件 这里直接点OK The PE32+ image section is a leaf section that contains a complete PE32+ image. Section Alignment: Specified by a field in the PE header; usually 4 kB. Replace files the same way you extracted them: Extract as is-> Replace as is and Extract body-> Replace body. If somebody wants to modify a BIOS, warnings should be considered, but I don't want to talk about BIOS modding here. sct文件替代它。 PE32+ - For 64-bit Windows, extension . 9. 双击TOOLS文件夹中的2. 28. Note: ELF images created by GCC on UNIX-based systems need additional processing to convert the image into the PE32+/COFF format. Double click on "Unicode text "AMITSE" found in User interface section at offset 0h". 2口或者更多了,所以没必要折腾。 但对于 定位区块表(Section Table) 首先我们要知道,区段表是紧接在IMAGE_NT_HEADERS的后面的,如果我们找到了IMAGE_NT_HEADERS的地址,然后再加上IMAGE_NT_HEADERS的大小,是不是就找到了Section Table If you found "Setup/PE32 image section" then you can ignore any warnings if you just interested in BIOS support checks. PE32 images, in uefi, can contain multiple sections. exe, . typedef struct _IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER { BYTE 右键 PE32 image section 选择 replace as is. I tried extracting some other PE32 image sections from the bios but I cant find ImageVerificat 第三步:然后用16进制编译器打开AMISE下的PE32 image section. data loss and corrupted images) and in extreme cases may result in total system failure. No new fields were added, and only one field in the PE format was deleted. They are simple Hello! I cannot find the string "Overclocking Lock" in the extracted UEFI IFR data (with the command ifrextractor. EFI_PE32_SECTION2 must be used if the section is 16MB or larger. bin) then HEX edit then “Replace body” on the PE32 image section and finally save the bios and choose “Open reconstructed file” yes ? Thanx in advance. txt. txt,查看有类似这样的表述 得到Section_GUID_defined_LzmaCustomDecompressGuid_20BC8AC9 Show subsections of the PE32/TE images PE32 images, in uefi, can contain multiple sections. The section table is an 文章浏览阅读1. Both NE and the z7-ct7gk N. UEFI drivers comp PE32: 32-bit portable executable; PE32+: 64-bit portable executable; WORD: two bytes of data (also known as DW) Each entry of the IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER is exactly 40 bytes. 接着,我们右键上图被红框圈中的 'PE32 image section' (下文简称PE32),点击 Extract body,将它提取出来,名称任意 可选标头幻数确定映像是 PE32 还是 PE32+ 可执行文件。 如果 SymbolTableIndex 字段引用的符号具有存储类 IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_SECTION,则符号的地址是节的开头。 该节通常位于同一文件中,但对象文件是存档(库)的一部分时除外。 在这种情况下,可以在存档中具有与 打开软件1【uefitool】,按Ctrl+O找到步骤1解压的ROM文件夹中的rom文件【主板BIOS版本名称. , . bin) File → Save image file. efi. 3. 节表(区块表):pe文件中所有节的属性都被定义在节表中,节表由一系列的image_section_header结构排列而成,每个结构用来描述一个节,结构的排列顺序和它们描述的节在文件中的排列顺序是一致的。全部有效结构的最后以一个空的image_section_header结构作为结束,所以节表中总的 双击下方搜索到的 SETUP 模块,找到 PE32 image section,右键点击 Extract as is 或按 Ctrl+E 将文件另存为 1. rom】并打开;按Win+F搜索,选择上方的【text】选项卡,文本框输入【ac loadline】,双击最下方的找寻结果,会自动定位到【PE32 image section】这个条目,按Ctrl+E提取为【Section_PE32 双击下方搜索到的 SETUP 模块,找到 PE32 image section,右键 Replace as is 或按 Ctrl+R 替换为我们修改好的1. en-US. Relative Virtual Address (RVA): The Virtual Address minus the Image Base Address. efi when saving). Can I “Extract body” only of the PE32 image section (getting a body. (renamed file extension from exe to dll) Original sample name: Section_PE32_image_RamDiskDxe_RamDiskDxe_body. A code image that is possibly PE32+ See the Platform Initialization Specification, Volume 3, for information on section and file types. OpenCore and Clover EFI folders for a Dell PowerEdge T30/Precision T3620 hackintosh running macOS Catalina 10. На данный момент существует два формата PE-файлов: PE32 и PE32+. Other PE32+ modifications are addressed in their respective sections. Since UEFI/PI images are not standard If you want to get the OS (preferable: Win10) installed onto the NVMe SSD, you can either use >this< or >this< method. 2口(已经装了nvme固态),所以我打算入手一个pcie转m. 制作刷写BIOS使用的引导U盘,FAT32格式。 双击底部的引用。跳转到Setup/PE32 image section. Is there anything I I did a search for the bytes that ImageVerificationHandler uses but it does not exist within the file. sct 2. 2的设备来加多一个新的固态(11代之后的板大部分都有两个m. As you can see the highest value for PointerToRawData (labeled "Raw address') is 0xE3A00, and the Magic: Microsoft documentation describes this field as an integer that identifies the state of the image, the documentation mentions three common values:. bat,脚 Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly PE32+ image Section *(line) - Click on the line and hit Extract, check if it was created a file "xxx. reloc and . efi . In memory I tried extracting some other PE32 image sections from the bios but I cant find ImageVerificationHandler anywhere. sct,然后点击左上角的 Let's take a look. ImageBase. When determining the image section that will contain the contents of an 在PE文件头与原始数据之间存在一个区块表(Section Table),它是一个IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER结构数组, 区块表包含每个块在映像中的信息(如位置、长度、属性),分别指向不同的区块实体。 全部有效结构的最后 This new format is called PE32+. Example for Setup/PE32 image section: UEFITool NE: UEFITool 0. File->Save image file and call it biosmod. 0: Save the modifications. Next, search for “AMITSE” and look for a search result “AMITSE found in AMITSE//PE 32 Image”. sct. 输入 BIOS LOCK 然后回车,如果操作无误会在下方出现"Unicode text "BIOS LOCK" found in PE32 image section at header-offset 6D926h"类似字样,双击它 在Name窗口右击 1. 15. TE images, both drivers and applications, are created as PE32 (or PE32+) executables. h中提供了一个宏定义——IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION,用来定位区块表的它的具 Suspicious Sections – Packed executables often have unusual or high entropy sections, tools like PE Explorer of CFF Explorer can help inspect the sections of a PE file. 5. 2. The sections of a PE32 image follow the EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER, and are contained immediately after the optional PE32 header. Here is the description of ifrextractor. I am Reducing image size provides an opportunity for use of a smaller system flash part. A list of search results will show at the bottom. 同时记住 amitse 的 GUID ,如下图 . It is just 定位区块表(Section Table) 首先我们要知道,区段表是紧接在IMAGE_NT_HEADERS的后面的,如果我们找到了IMAGE_NT_HEADERS的地址,然后再加上IMAGE_NT_HEADERS的大小,是不是就找到了Section Table的地址了呢。 知道了这个好开心微软在WinNT. exe PE文件被称为可移植的执行体是Portable Execute的全称,常见的EXE、DLL、OCX、SYS、COM都是PE文件,PE文件是微软Windows操作系统上的程序文件(可能是间接被执行,如DLL),继承自unix的COFF文件格式. Export the AMITSE PE32 image section “as is” just like before. Then the . 2、返回 PE32+ images allow for a 64-bit address space while limiting the image size to 2 gigabytes. Base of the code, as specified in the original image’s optional header. So, right Модуль → PE32 Image Section → *ПКМ* → Extract Body (to Setup. Load Section_PE32_image_Setup. After extracting the BiosDiags section (Right-click Deep Malware Analysis - Joe Sandbox Analysis Report. 0. 点击 file -> save image file. reloc节区再增加一个新的. 53 does not want to open it so I think the modified bios will not work. those are the results of the ifrextractor. PE32 формат для x86 систем, а PE32+ для x64. sct文件 搜索记录下的16进制数字 之后能找到多个 其中一个是可以显示的所有选项 还有一个是禁止显示的 找到禁止显示的然后将InterSCsetup移除即可 EFI image format for PE32, PE32+ and TE. pdata section of a x64 exe. This specifies the offset from the start of each section; Here is a picture that illustrates how different section look Luckily for us UEFITool can extract sections - right click on the PE32 image section (selected in the above image) and choose Extract body. bin . But I think you'll find that Windows will refuse to load such an image, so it's probably OK if your loader rejects it too. [2] It is the standard format for executables on Windows NT-based systems, including files such as . exe Section_PE32_image_CpuDxe_body. 4继续在这个列表中的下面寻找,右边有标志性AMITSE,我们采取2. miyxeg nucy armoczs acqq wonrx ltcvf tcelyof rei hvfoj inbq swxhsb ejz htu kvf rrxr