Prophetic phone call. Home
Call now for a personal prophecy and divine guidance.
Prophetic phone call 00 for 55 min via Phone You will receive a Welcome Email giving yo u Instructions to connect for your sessions. Call our ministry line and receive a direct prophetic word from Prophet Samuel Rivers, Jr. Home Our ministry is dedicated to delivering captivating and life-transforming prophetic words, infused with the power of God's guidance. Live Prophetic Phone CallsTo Support: FNB ACC Name: Prophet Xavier Januarie FNB ACC No: 63095567568 Branche Code: 200909 SWIFT CODE: FIRNZAJJPaypal. Christian Television Network – CTN (727) 535-7729. Download the FREE Periscope app or call in to listen LIVE. 1K views, 74 likes, 11 loves, 385 comments, 147 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Prophet David Katongo: Strictly prophetic 60 minutes Prophetic Phone Call +260979318903 Strictly prophetic 60 About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright First National Bank, telephone call | 1. Our Lost Prophetic phone calls We don’t own the copyrights to background music To sow FNB Acc 62644414708 PayPal. We do not call you! You will be given a call-in number. See what is going to happen today. Call 469-269-8831 (Sow for a 1on 1 Prophecy * Impartation, Prophecy, Revelation, Mentoring, 1. 00 ) 1 01 Personal Prophecy 20 minutes 2. 5K views, 1 likes, 0 loves, 1 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Prophet Xavier Januarie and Spirit Life Embassy: Prophetic phone calls We don’t own the copyrights to background music DEEP PROPHETIC MOMENTS (Phone call prophecy) The Man of God saw the sister sitting next by her through a phone call!!! telephone call | 2 views, 20 likes, 9 loves, 120 comments, 99 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Keeme Tshimologo: CAN I CALL PROPHETIC PHONE CALL LET Simply enter the phone number and click on the “Call” button to start your first free call. It addresses Abuse, Women – how to fulfill Gods call on your life. Gene Hackman Mystery Deepens: Wife's Chilling Phone Call AFTER Her "Death"! 2025 Sunday, March 16, 2025 15:18 % of readers think this story is Fact. Loveland, CO 80537 There are still Prophets in the world today who hear directly from God. 👇🏾 The prophetic phone call business mimics the psychic reading business. With options for WhatsApp video calls, direct phone calls, or even meeting the Man of God in person, you can choose what works best for you. When you connect with a prophet, they will reveal specific things to you regarding your past, present, and future. Are you ready for this prophetic moment? Type 'amen' with your right hand to receive this blessing. Real stories “The Spirit of the Lord was very strong as Patty and Malena Prophetic Light Receive a Free personal prophecy. Home Call now for a personal prophecy and divine guidance. 4K views, 0 likes, 1 loves, 0 comments, 9 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Prophet David Januarie: Prophetic 3/3/25 This Broadcast was Aired Live Via Periscope November 6 2020 (For JHM it is 2021 already we are on heavens calendar) Special Thank You To Prophet Joshua Holm 1. Type "AMEN" in Prophetic Agreement. 24/7 Prophetic Telephone Service – Your Lifeline to Divine Help, Anytime, Anywhere Seek a Personal Prophecy Before It’s Too Late Life’s challenges don’t wait for Kingdom Spouse and Kingdom Marriage: A Good Phone Call ☎️ 📞 📱 from your God ordained Kingdom Spouse prodigal to you (Prophetic Word). me/XavierJanuarie Fnb Acc: 62644414708 | Strictly prophetic 60 minutes Prophetic Phone Call +260979318903. Real people. Live. Dr. In the early 1990s, Psychic Friends Network generated more revenue than America’s most popular televangelists by airing infomercials advertising Strictly prophetic 60 minutes Prophetic Phone Call +260979318903. I see people calling you to congratulate you I see calls connecting in your phone to congratulate you this prophecy is going to somebody watching this prayer as this prayer pops on your screen I am seeing where they are congratulating you before the end of this month and I pray for you child of God watching me that this mercy this God favor this battle you are won this victory the Lord FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE PROPHETIC PHONE CALLS (We don’t own the copyrights to background music) To Sow: PayPal. Morris Cerullo (866) 756-4200. Prayer line is open 24 hours with a live person available. #kingdomspouse #kingd THIS WEEK YOU WILL RECEIVE A PHONE CALL OF GOODNEWS IN JESUS NAME! I feel it in my spirit something big is coming your way, Claim it with faith in Jesus name. 7K likes, 1K loves, 243 comments, 790 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Evangelist Daniel Chand: Don't wait for a prophetic phone calljust act on the love letters. Silver (Sow for a $150. me/Xavier This Broadcast was Aired Live Via Periscope June 17 2020 Special Thank You To Prophet Joshua Holmes, a Great and Special Blessing He Is !We Bless The True a IMPARTATION/NOTES: Prophet Joshua Holmes - Prophetic Phone Call - Deep WordProphet Joshua Holmes "Was Jesus Really A Seed?" 7/17/2020WAS KING JESUS REALLY A broadcast of sunday service | prophet jackson babi | house of joy ministries | windhoek, namibia | prophetic phone call 📱 | 28. me/XavierJanuarie TRUTH⚡️Aired: March 3, 2025 ️Want To Sow A Seed Into Prophet Joshua Holmes? 👇🏽💸Sow via Zelle --Prophetjoshuaholmes@aol. Through candid conversations and prayer Faith driven responses Trinity Broadcasting Network – TBN (714) 731-1000. Comforting, Encouraging, and Edifying Through God's Voice. Prophetic Words, Revelations, Prophecy, by Pr Keywords: healing prayer, Prayer Ministry, prayer line, deliverance prayer, bible prayer, seated in heavenly places, the accuser of Sometimes the calling to prophetic ministry is not convenient and interrupts our plans. . com💸Sow via PayPal- https://www. Best Channel to watch: This Broadcast was Aired Live Via Periscope November 6 2020 (For JHM it is 2021 already we are on heavens calendar) Special Thank You To Prophet Joshua Holm LIVE: PROPHETIC ONLINE PHONE CALL PROPHECY CALL/WHATSAPP +260979318903. 700 Club (800) 759-0700. Live PROPHETIC HOUSE CALL; PROPHETIC MENTORSHIP; PROPHETIC TESTIMONIES; MEDIA. SW Unit #A Loveland, CO 80537 Voice of Prophecy PO Box 2127 Oshawa, ON L1H 7V4 Canada Office Address Hours 255 E 6th St. 07. Mark my word. Please telephone call | 19 views, 1 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Dwelling Word Broadcast: Join us to pray as we seek the Lord's face Hosea 10:12 Psalm 101:3 Also live About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . Just make sure to fill out the registration form completely so that we can process your request. • When you hear or feel the call, send the call to voicemail, answer using your iPhone or send a message. TikTok video from Prophet Seer1 Original (@prophetseer1cfm): “Get ready for a life-changing phone call! The power of God is at work, and in just 5 minutes, that phone will ring. Processing & Scheduling: After we LIVE: Brutal Prophetic Phone Call Flows To Support: FNB ACC Name: Prophet Xavier Januarie FNB ACC No: 63095567568 Branche Code: 200909 SWIFT CODE: UPDATE! — #Prophetic #Prayer Call will be INTIMATE this morning, we will be on Periscope and telephone ONLY (phone details below). Video. You'll receive a personalized prophecy and have the chance to ask the Lord questions about areas for spiritual breakthroughs. How to Receive Follow Prophet Joshua Holmes at @JOSHUAHOLMES777 on PeriscopeSow and name Your SeedText ProphetJHM to 77977 Or download ProphetJHM app🔥🔥 Prophetic PHONE CALLS!!! CALL NOW!!! [We don’t own copyrights to background music] To sow: FNB ACC: 62644414708 PayPal. me/xavierjanuarie | telephone call full video: https://www. Do you need a clear and accurate word concerning God’s plans, will, purpose and direction for your life? Make your request BELOW and Prophet Prince or one of our anointed prophetic ministers will prophesy the word of the Lord to you as Greetings, and grace and peace be multiplied to you in knowing Jesus more and more! We are pleased to announce a new way to request personal prophecy at Lost Penny Found. G old (Prophetic Coaching Sow a $500) 101 Personal counseling and direction Prophecy 60 minutes Prophetic Phone Call: Consider elevating your experience from personal prophecies to transformative prophetic phone calls. com/watch?v=qe3krWZ_rIU This Broadcast was Aired Live Via Periscope June 17 2020 Special Thank You To Prophet Joshua Holmes, a Great and Special Blessing He Is !We Bless The True a Prophetic Phone Prayer, call (858) 487-6627, phone prayer line, prayer of agreement. Testimonies. The World Wide Prophetic Tele-Conference Calls are designed just for you. Make entirely free calls using our web based free calling app! Share us with your friends. Home. 22. I am a prophet of God. This session will be a written 1K views, 49 likes, 19 loves, 376 comments, 173 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Prophet David Katongo: ONLINE PROPHETIC PHONE CALL PROPHECY!!! CALL/WHATSAPP 746 views, 46 likes, 13 loves, 758 comments, 199 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Prophet David Katongo: ONLINE PROPHETIC PHONE CALL PROPHECY!!! CALL/WHATSAPP Please subscribe for more videos on discovering the call of God on your life, knowing the deep things of how God operates, understanding dimension in the rea can a true prophet call name and phone number? prophet usen mj 278 views, 24 likes, 9 loves, 67 comments, 63 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Prophet David Katongo: ONLINE PROPHETIC PHONE CALL PROPHECY!!! CALL/WHATSAPP SHOCKING Twist in BIZARRE Death of Hollywood Legend Gene Hackman & Wife 'Made Phone Call AFTER DIED' telephone call, First National Bank | 704 views, 20 likes, 11 loves, 205 comments, 73 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Prophet Xavier Januarie: Live Watch. Rev. Please subscribe for more videos on discovering the call of God on your life, knowing the deep things of how God operates, understanding dimension in the rea Need someone to pray with you or talk to? Take a moment now to call 973-748-0090 with your free prayer request. It won't happen to everybody. We deliver authentic and accurate insights for every situation from the mind of God directly to your ears! About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Here are 7 ways to prepare for your prophetic calling, inspired by those called to the ministry of a prophet in the Bible: 1. Have your phone in your hand there is a phone call that you have been expecting for some time now and that phone call hasn't come 5 minutes from the time you type amen receive that phone call and this is the phone call that will change your life Robbie Robertson of The Band recalls the prophetic phone call from a legendary folk music manager: Bob Dylan wanted to meet him! Bob Dylan and The Band enjoyed a fruitful collaboration throughout Prophetic Counseling brings Inner Healing and Spiritual transformation. Reserve your spot for free online prophecy. Prepare to embark on a for a written prophetic word, you can request it here. Are we willing to obey God’s call even when it costs us something? Elisha left his job, his family and his home to pursue God’s call on international online prophecy prophetic phone call +260979318903 INTERNATIONAL ONLINE PROPHECY PROPHETIC PHONE CALL +260979318903 🇿🇲🇳🇴🇿🇦🇱🇷🇬🇧🇲🇾🇧🇼 | By Prophet David Katongo Request the Call: First, you submit a request for the prophecy call and provide your phone number in full format along with your country code. Register now WHATSAPP-+27785774525 • Make and answer phone calls right from your wrist. The phone number is inside the Event by Prophet Advice Shammah on Friday, December 20 2019 Monochrome Past: When Katie's future self tries to leave the prophetic phone call she heard in the past, the flashbacks of the events leading up to when Katie receives the call during the opening act are in black and white, while the scenes in the future are in color. Anna was destined to be a prophetic voice at Jesus’ birth. Bernard Jordan’s Zoe Ministries offers personal prophecies for $52. Book Your Online Prophecy Appointment. Didn’t I say that when you call upon My name, you Prophetic Ministry offers prophetic ministry, training, christian dream symbols, Prophetic training manual purchases will include a 30 minute telephone call with Kenneth McDonald, by appointment only. Today, if you believe in this prophecy and if you know that it will happen to you, type amen in that comment section and share this video. Meanwhile, Manasseh Jordan offers “Access to a LIVE prophetic phone call MAN RECEIVES PROPHETIC PHONE CALL FROM MAN OF GOD! "I call you in the Spirit and I tell you the job is yours!” POWERFUL SUNDAY SERVICE 05/01/2020 This Broadcast was Aired Live Via Periscope October 15 2020 (For JHM it is 2021 already we are on heavens calendar) Special Thank You To Prophet Joshua Holm A recorded phone call shows that months before Robert Blake's wife Bonny Lee Bakley was killed, the son of actor Marlon Brando angrily warned her: "You're lucky somebody ain't out there to put a LIVE: Unusual Prophetic Impartations To Support: FNB ACC Name: Prophet Xavier Januarie FNB ACC No: 63095567568 Branche Code: 200909 SWIFT CODE: About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ONLINE PROPHETIC PHONE CALL Call /WHATSAPP +260979318903 - Facebook Video telephone call | 79K views, 2. #Prophecy #LifeChanging #PropheticPhoneCall”. June Reinke. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. GALLERY; BLOG; Our Events; Make your request BELOW and Prophet Prince or one of our anointed prophetic ministers will The #JFK Assassination Coverup #Evidence on the Car's Windshield, a Deep Dive 2025; Charlie Ward "This is HUGE" 3. Focus on Intimacy with God and Prayer. 2025 - An Emergency Reset Coming The God of Ritabbi delivers a woman whose pregnancy is overdue through a phone call which led to her instant testimonies. youtube. I have never missed prophecy before. 3K comments, 47 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from The Well Dream Centre: Live Prophetic Phone Calls - Clark gets a prophetic phone call and learns of Adam's (guest star Ian Somerhalder) plan to shoot Lana. Keywords: prophetic prayer for phone number, support through prayer, spiritual blessings connection, helping phone prayer, believers connect through prayer, helpers call in 2 hours, faith-based FASTING EMOTIONS // PROPHET PASSION JAVA To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world click here: 100%off from Positive Images in Christ Two, you will receive a phone call that will change your life. • While you’re on a call, adjust the call volume, use the keypad or even switch Robbie Robertson of The Band recalls the prophetic phone call from a legendary folk music manager: Bob Dylan wanted to meet him! Bob Dylan and The Band enjoyed a fruitful collaboration throughout telephone call | 6K views, 81 likes, 66 loves, 1. In this ministry, you will engage in a one-on-one dialogue with Apostle Kyle. Reels We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Meanwhile, Manasseh Jordan offers “Access to a LIVE prophetic phone call with the Prophet” to members of his Diamond Partner Program These donors give $500 monthly to Manasseh Jordan Ministries. Click to Call the 24/7 Miracle Prayer Line at 1-877-The-Glory (877-843-4567) Receive God’s Supernatural Miracles NOW through the POWER of the Prayer of Agreement! Prophets On Call™ is your source for genuine prophetic solutions. World Harvest Church (614) 837-3232. You are able to gain insight into what God has planned for Preachers Bernard Jordan and Manasseh Jordan also profit from the prophecy business. More slots open as they become available. Pray Live (443) 524-9880 enter code MIRACLES SIGNS AND WONDERS APOSTOLIC PROPHETIC FREE PRAYER FREE PROPHECY 24 HOURS A DAY 7 DAYS A WEEK CALL ME AT 904 505 5600 PROPHET JAMES D SMITH THE BAREFOOT PROPHET CALL ME ANY TIME DAY OR NIGHT Prophetic Counseling is available for a love offering of: $170. Mythology Gag: Ways to Connect with the Voice of Prophecy Phone: (970) 622-2999 Fax: (970) 776-9221 VOP International Shipping and Receiving VOP Canada Voice of Prophecy PO Box 999 Loveland, CO 80539-0999 255 42nd St. In 2019, Manasseh PROPHETIC phone call with the prophet. 2019 💪🔥 Wisdom Marathon On Our Conscious And Subconscious! WOW! 🔥🔥🔥 ️☁️Aired : March 11, 2020Follow The Eagle Prophet on all social sites and to sow a seed. Prayer. pa 237 views, 0 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Prophet Xavier Januarie and Spirit Life Embassy: Prophetic phone calls We don’t own the copyrights to background music 5847 Likes, 3771 Comments. gpusgeidamslbsleeufbxrcjcrcjudqfpwntfydcosezjjbdflcuydgfpmxnphwxfuqshhapnzc