Rename column in hive. Let's suppose you want to rename the partition's value.

Rename column in hive 4 There was an issue with old version of Hive with renaming partition. This might be an issue for your case too. Partitions are typically specified when a table is created; however, in this post, we will explain how to In Hive or Impala, you can use ALTER TABLE to set table properties. week. Create Hive Partition Table. La requête suivante renomme la table de employee à emp. Rename lets you change the value of a partition column. Related. use. IOException: java. If you are not changing the column name, specify Hive Alter table change Column Name. Users should make sure the actual data layout of the table/partition conforms with the metadata definition. Is it possible to change a column name in Spark SQL in Hive? 9. 6. alter hive multiple column. The data file I’m using to demonstrate partition has columns RecordNumber, Country, City, Zipcode, and State columns. Le programme We still need to use Hive/Beeline to change column names in the table. See below. access SerDe property set to true. Aws Athena - Rename column name. ALTER TABLE tableA CHANGE ts ts BIGINT; Here ts and ts are same, means you are not changing column name, but changing column-type; if you wish to change column name also simply run it. It allows us to rename the table,add columns/partitions,rename columns/partitions and so on in Hive table. ${env:USER} gets replaced by your username automatically: use ${env:USER}; To rename a table from x to x1. 0 Decimal Columns for usage. In this case, This can be done only for tables with a native SerDe (DynamicSerDe, MetadataTypedColumnsetSerDe, LazySimpleSerDe and ColumnarSerDe). In case of foreign keys you must own the table on which the foreign key is defined. Hive versions prior to 0. In your case, first add the column user_id to the table with below command: ALTER TABLE table_name ADD COLUMNS (user_id BIGINT); Now to make user_id column as the first column in your table use change column with FIRST clause: To achieve this, we need to create a new table, copy the data, and then rename it to the original table. 在Hive中,我们可以通过多种方式操作表,包括增加列、调整列顺序和修改属性名。这些操作可以帮助我们更好地管理和组织数据,提高数据处理的效率和准确性。1. Regards. ) 3. And hive schema has "ABC" column. This can be done with a single ALTER TABLE CHANGE COLUMN by using dynamic partitioning (available for ALTER TABLE CHANGE COLUMN in Hive 0. 5. Changing the type of a column works if existing data values Given that I am not 100% sure if what you want is to rename the value of the partition or actually change the column which the table is partitioned. Use the ALTER command on the table with the CHANGE clause. lang. How to change the name of the Athena results stored in 1、添加字段: alter table table_name add columns (column_1 string,column_2 string) 添加之后字段由于hive底层是文件和系列化的设计因此查数据会发现新增的列在所有已有列的后面 2、修改字段 alter table table_name change 已有列 修改名称 类型 comment ''; 3、删除列 Hive不能直接删除列,不然底层系列化就乱了,我们可以 hive change columns批量修改多列名,#Hive中批量修改多列名的实践ApacheHive是一个数据仓库软件,以大数据处理为基础,提供了数据摘要、查询和分析的能力。Hadoop生态系统的成员之一,它允许开发者以SQL风格的语句查询大数据。在数据处理过程中,经常会遇到需要修改表中列名的情况。 Alter Table 允许修改已有表的表结构,例如添加、删除列、改变SerDe、重命名表名。 重命名表明 ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME TO new_table_name; 修改表的属性 可以用这个命令增加表的元数据。last_modified_user, last_modified_time properties这三个数据是Hive自动管理创建的。 Run below commands in Hive. It is used to alter a table in Hive. You can think of it this way - Hive stores the data by creating a folder in hdfs with partition column values - Since if you trying to alter the hive partition it means you are trying to change the whole directory structure and data Hive表更名问题——RENAME TABLE ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME TO new_table_name 这个命令可以让用户为表更名。数据所在的位置和分区名并不改变。换而言之,老的表名并未“释放”,对老表的更改会改变新表的数据?不,数据所在的位置会移动到hive表默认路径下。如果建表是指定路径LOCATION,那么重名之后 在Hive中,没有直接的RENAME COLUMN语法来重命名列。要重命名列,您需要使用ALTER TABLE语句和CHANGE COLUMN子句。具体的语法如下: ALTER TABLE table_name CHANGE column_name new_name new_type; 这将把指定表中的一个列的名称和数据类型更改为新名称和新类型。 Hive Alter table change Column Name. Below are the most common uses of the ALTER TABLE command: You can rename table and column of existing Hive tables. partition needs to be set to true to enable dynamic partitioning with ALTER PARTITION -- This will alter all existing . 38. 3. insert into the new table from old table. Then rename oldTable to backupTable, and rename newTable to oldTable. Hive编程指南 | 增加、修改、删除字段 alter table table_name change c_time c_time string after column_1 ; -- 移动到指定位置,column_1字段的后面 一. 添加列(add column):用于向表中添加新的列。 The column change command will only modify Hive’s metadata, and will not modify data. Then I tried: ALTER TABLE tablename RENAME COLUMN old_name TO new_name Syntax: RENAME COLUMN is only supported Alter table statement helps to change the structure of the table in Hive. 简介在Hive中重命名列可以使用ALTERTABLE语句来实现。本文将介绍如何使用Hive来重命名列。##2. This command moves column_name after column_name2: alter table table_name change column column_name column_name column_name_type after column_name2; You have to put the column_name twice (or you can change column name) and type of the column. REPLACE COLUMNS can also be used to drop columns. La siguiente consulta cambia el nombre de la tabla de employee a emp. 引言 使用 Hive 表时由于数据的变换经常需要调整 Hive 表字段结构,这里记录一下常用方法。先创建一个测试表 tmp_change_column,包含两个字段 a,b 和分区标识 dt : function createTable() { hive-e " create table if not exists tmp_change_column ( a string, b string ) PARTITIONED BY(dt string) row format delimited fie Hive supports renaming tables with/without moving data folder. names=false; 需要永久生效,可写入配置文件中。 Hive Alter Table - SQL ALTER TABLE statement is used to rename a table. exec. But the later version moves its HDFS location if you rename on a The column change command will only modify Hive's metadata, and will not modify data. Let's suppose you want to rename the partition's value. header=true; 之后出现列名,但是带了表名前缀,由于网上没找到资料,于是到官网肉眼扫描所有参数,总算找到,给大家分享下。hive cli中, set hive. Solution. Let’s create a partition table and load data from the CSV file. For example, "ALTER TABLE test_change REPLACE COLUMNS (a int, b int);" will remove column 'c' from 本章将介绍如何修改表的属性,如,修改表名,修改列名,添加列,并删除或替换列。Alter Table 语句它是在Hive中用来修改的表。语法声明接受任意属性,我们希望在一个表中修改以下语法。ALTER TABLE name RENAME TO new_nameAL_来自Hive 教程,字节宝。→ 3. 6, a rename on a managed table moves its HDFS location as well. 6 just renamed the table in the metastore without moving the HDFS location. hive> ALTER TABLE employee RENAME TO emp; Programme JDBC. You can ALTER TABLE name ADD COLUMNS (col_spec [, col_spec ]); ALTER TABLE name REPLACE COLUMNS (col_spec [, col_spec ]); The above command used to remove To change the column name and type in Hive, you need to use the ALTER TABLE statement along with the CHANGE clause. Restructure a query in Impala/Hive that is using subquery to create new Hive修改表名,列名,列注释,表注释,增加列,调整列顺序,属性名等操作 ALTER TABLE name CHANGE column_name new_name new_type . hive change columns,#如何在Hive中更改表的列在数据处理和管理的过程中,你可能会遇到需要更改Hive表的列的情况。Hive作为一种数据仓库软件,使用HQL(HiveQueryLanguage)来进行数据查询和管理。本文将指导你如何实现“HiveChangeColumns”,并详细介绍每一步的方法和代码。 ALTER TABLE name DROP [COLUMN] column_name ALTER TABLE name CHANGE column_name new_name new_type ALTER TABLE name REPLACE COLUMNS (col_spec[, col_spec ]) Renommer en Instruction. 表名 add columns (字段名 字段类型 comment '注释') ; -- 添加字段 ALTER TABLE 库名. After changing column name in hive, value of column are getting NULL. 重命名表我们可以使用`RENAMETABLE`语句来重命名一个表。 I had tried to rename an existing column in a table to a new one. 在Hive中,我们可以使用ALTER TABLE语句来修改已存在的表结构。其中,ALTER COLUMN命令用于更改表中的列。通过使用CHANGE COLUMN关键字,我们可以修改列的名称、数据类型、注释以及其他属性。. If the user-defined column name: Syntax: ALTER TABLE table_name CHANGE [COLUMN] ALTER TABLE name ADD COLUMNS (col_spec[, col_spec ]); Example: ALTER TABLE test ADD COLUMNS (Col2 string, Col3 int) Change Column Type ALTER TABLE name CHANGE column_name new_name new_type; Example: ALTER TABLE test CHANGE col2 col2 int; Change Column Type and Name ALTER TABLE name CHANGE column_name CASCADE|RESTRICT 子句可用于 Hive 1. 4. From Hive, you can alter the metadata location of the table if the new metadata does not belong to another table; otherwise, an exception occurs. 14. Change column type in hive. Rename a Table. The documentation is speaking about "a column". For a managed table that is created without LOCATION clause, the command will also move the table's HDFS location. Hive - Renaming Fields With Same Name As A Datatype. ALTER TABLE x RENAME TO x1; To change the data type of a column. 9k次。本文介绍了在Hive中如何使用`ALTER TABLE`命令进行表的重命名,以及在保持数据位置不变的情况下如何添加字段。重命名表时,数据的位置会移动到Hive的默认路径,如果之前指定了LOCATION,则路径会改变。添加字段时,需先增加字段,再调整字段位置,确保正确操作。 但对于hive,直接添加的字段可能并不能使用,比如可能会在添加字段后,在插入数据时,会出现类似如下的错误:Error: java. Inserted a sample record with value as 'John'. 5k 4 4 gold The column change command will only modify Hive's metadata, and will not modify data. When you rename a column or field you also need to change dependent check constraints and generated columns. column. Apache Hive allows us to change the column names similar to many RDBMSs. 修改列名: ALTER TABLE table_name CHANGE old_column_name new_column_name column_type; 2. If the Uses of Hive ALTER TABLE Command. 本文中主要介绍了对表、分区和字段的各种操作 修改表 修改表主要是对表的结构和属性进行操作,包含: 重命名 alter table oldname rename to new_table; 修改表属性 alter table table_name set tblproperties (property_name=pr @YJG if your alter statement is not effecting the column size, you may have no other chance than to build a new table of the format you want, INSERT INTO newTable SELECT * FROM oldTable. 1 Athena: Rename columns while creating table from Json data. To avoid problems when renaming a table in Hive, you can follow these tips: Use the correct syntax. Using col() function – To Dynamically rename all or multiple columns. insert overwrite <new_table> select from <old_table>; 3. dynamic. unique. The JDBC program to rename Apache Hive allows us to change the column names similar to many RDBMSs. Partitioning is a method of dividing a table into chunks based on the values of particular columns. 增加列要在Hive表中增加列,我们可以使用ALTER TABLE语句,然后指定要添加的列及其数据类型。以下是 How to use ALTER TABLE CHANGE COLUMN CASCADE in Hive 0. To create a partitioned table in Hive, you can use the PARTITIONED BY clause along with the CREATE TABLE statement. (Older Hive versions just renamed the table in the metastore without moving the HDFS location. 文章浏览阅读2. partition = true; -- hive. It means column-type you are changing. 重命名表 1.语法 ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME TO new_table_name 2.实操案例 hive (default)> alter table dept_partition2 rename to dept_partition3; hive (default)> alter table dept_partition change column deptdesc desc int; 在hive中,要更改表字段类型,可以使用alter table语句。根据引用[1]和的内容,我们可以使用以下语法: ``` alter table 表名 change column 原字段名 新字段名 新类型;``` 请注意,如果需要修改多个分区列的类型,则需要一个一个地修改,不能一起修改。 6. Dropping the final column in a table lets Impala ignore the data causing any disruption to existing data files. hive alter rename table,#如何使用Hive实现表重命名##引言在Hive中,我们可以使用`ALTERTABLE`语句来对表进行修改,包括重命名表。本文将详细介绍如何使用Hive的`ALTERTABLE`语句来实现表重命名。##表重命名的流程表重命名的流程如下所示:|步骤|描述||---|---||1|创建一个新表||2|将原表的数据导入到新表||3| hive cli中显示列名 进入hive cli后 set hive. The following query renames the table from employee to emp. change one key-value in map columns in hive table via HQL. There is an issue in Hive 0. Is it possible to change a column name in Spark SQL in Hive? 2. To automatically detect new partition directories added through Hive or HDFS operations: In The following examples show some safe operations to drop or change columns. Refer to Hive SerDe for more information. (or) Dropping the table and recreating the table with new column names using Spark. Hive,change table fileformat from orc to parquet is not supported? 1. For example, ALTER TABLE test_change REPLACE COLUMNS (a int, b int); will remove column c from test_change's schema. hive sql rename,#HiveSQLRename在Hive中,重命名是一种常见的操作,它允许我们修改表、列以及数据库的名称。重命名可以帮助我们更好地组织和管理数据。本文将介绍如何在HiveSQL中使用`RENAME`语句来完成重命名操作,并提供相关的代码示例。##1. HUE > Table Hive - Alter Table. 2. 添加列(add column):用于向表中添加新的列。 The `SHOW PROCESSLIST` command will show you a list of all of the queries that are currently running on the cluster. table_name ADD new_column INT COMMENT 'new number column'); Case 2: Rename a column new_column to no_of_days. 0. notNull notNull. Share. 修改表的存储位置(set location):用于修改表的存储位置。2. 修改属性名 在Hive中,我们可以通过修改表的元数据来更改属性名。以下是示例代码: Tables in Apache Hive are partitioned similarly to SQL. 14 is working fine. ALTER TABLE with RENAME is used to change the name of an already existing table in the hive. 下面是Hive中ALTER COLUMN语法的基本形式: You can't rename or change a column datatype in Databricks, only add new columns, reorder them or add column comments. Anyways, this should work: ALTER TABLE employees RENAME COLUMN first_name TO temp; ALTER TABLE employees RENAME COLUMN last_name TO first_name; ALTER TABLE employees RENAME COLUMN temp TO last_name; 3. Add Hadoop archive option to Hive table. To do this you must rewrite the table using the overwriteSchema option. 31. Is it possible to change a database (schema) name in AWS Athena? 9. ", which implies that the column change will not change any underlying data if it is an orc or parquet table. Update AWS Athena data & table to rename columns. Hive表更名问题——RENAME TABLE ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME TO new_table_name 这个命令可以让用户为表更名。数据所在的位置和分区名并不改变。换而言之,老的表名并未“释放”,对老表的更改会改变新表的数据?不,数据所在的位置会移动到hive表默认路径下。如果建表是指定路径LOCATION,那么重名之后 Hive Alter Table - Learn Hive in simple and easy steps from basic to advanced concepts with clear examples including Introduction, Architecture, Installation, Data Types, Create Database, Use Database, Alter Database, Drop Database, Tables, Create Table, Alter Table, Load Data to Table, Insert Table, Drop Table, Views, Indexes, Partitioning, Show, Describe, Built-In 例如,删除字段`c`并将字段`b`修改为字段`b_change`,可以执行以下命令: ``` hive -e "alter table tmp_change_column REPLACE COLUMNS (a string, b string, b_change string);" ``` 另外,上述两种操作也可以合并,一次性修改字段的多个属性。 例如,将字段`b`改为字段`b_change`并修改注释 文章浏览阅读4. warehouse. g, 'user' is a column in 'Test' table of string data type. ALTER TABLE test_change CHANGE a a1 INT; // Next You can not change the partition column in hive infact Hive does not support alterting of partitioning columns. hive:multiple string replace in a column. 0 and later; see Upgrading Pre-Hive 0. 13. hive> ALTER TABLE employee RENAME TO emp; Programa JDBC The problem is hive table has a column name "ABC". Hive change column name without knowing column data type. problem: some of the orc file has "ABC" column and some of the orc file has "XYZ" column. The storage format for the table in Parquet. If we want to change the name of an existing table, we can rename that table by using the following signature: - This command will allow users to change a column's name, data type, comment, or position, or an arbitrary combination of them. Take this example below from this documentation : According to Hive manual: "The column change command will only modify Hive's metadata, and will not modify data. One of use cases is that you can use this statement to normalize your legacy partition column value to conform to its type. however while loading on the job, we loaded ORC file with column "XYZ". Yes it is possible to change the location of columns but only after adding it in the table using CHANGE COLUMN. A patch for Hive 0. ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME TO new_table_name; This statement lets you change the name of a table to a different name. Alter table add column Change column position using this example: 2. Hive Track changes in a column. This can be done only for tables with a native SerDe (DynamicSerDe, Hive表更名问题——RENAME TABLE ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME TO new_table_name 这个命令可以让用户为表更名。数据所在的位置和分区名并不改变。换而言之,老的表名并未“释放”,对老表的更改会改变新表的数据?不,数据所在的位置会移动到hive表默认路径下。如果建表是指定路径LOCATION,那么重名之后 Based on the Hive doc below: Rename Table. Any primary keys and foreign keys using the column will be dropped. For e. metastore. Andrzej Hive Alter table change Column Name. 5w次,点赞12次,收藏119次。hive 表总共分为四类,分别内部表、外部表、分区表、桶表未被external修饰的是内部表(managed table),被external修饰的为外部表(external table);区别:内部表数据由Hive自身管理,外部表数据由HDFS管理;内部表数据存储的位置是hive. IN progress 7. print. Replace all values in a column of hive table with a given value. Select user from Test; Result : John It is quite easy to alter the type of the column in Hive. In Hive, we can perform modifications in the existing table like changing the table name, column name, comments, and table properties. Follow answered Jun 21, 2019 at 18:09. The ALTER command can also be used to change the column name. 13 is also available (see HIVE-7971). You can use the following code snippet to rename tables. 首先,未被external修饰的是内部表(managed table),被external修饰的为外部表(external table); 区别: . io. Hot Network Questions This is a table in hive with partitions. In comparison, creating and managing partitions in Hive is much easier. 13 and in Hive 0. I tried: ALTER TABLE tablename CHANGE COLUMN old_name new_name Syntax: Renaming column is not supported in Hive-style ALTER COLUMN, please run RENAME COLUMN instead. Improve this answer. How to remove table name in the column names in the query? 1. It provides SQL like commands to alter the table. Rename Hive table column. As of version 0. 14 or later, with HIVE-8411): SET hive. As ALTER TABLE name REPLACE COLUMNS (col_spec[, col_spec ]) Rename To Statement. SQL Select Query : Change column name. so simply run this query. 0。 ALTER TABLE CHANGE COLUMN with CASCADE 命令更改表的列的元数据,并将相同的更改级联到所有分区元数据。 RESTRICT 是默认值,将列更改限制为仅对表元数据进行更改。 column change命令只会修改Hive的元数据,不会 To make Parquet read by index, which will allow you to rename columns, you must create a table with parquet. The PARTITION clause is available in Hive 0. ALTER TABLE test_change CHANGE a a1 INT; // Next change rename命令 sql hive,#使用Hive的RENAME命令进行表重命名在大数据生态中,ApacheHive是一个广泛使用的数据仓库基础设施,能够帮助用户方便地存储、查询和管理大规模数据。随着数据的持续增长和变化,用户常常需要对已有的表进行重命名操作。在Hive中,`RENAME`命令使得这一过程变得相对简单。 Though it is uncommon, we do sometimes change the column names when the situation calls for it. You can add new column to the table. Let's see how the user-defined and system-generated column names can be modified. Comment can be added to a partition column at the time of creation of the table. Step 1: Delete Columns from the Hive Table. alter table <new_table> rename to <old_table>; Also if datafiles already contain new column in some position you can. 9. ALTER TABLE test_change CHANGE old_name new_name STRING AFTER other_col Hive - change column types for all columns without knowing column names. So, only way is to - create a new table with new partitioned column type. 修改表的存储格式(set fileformat):用于修改表的存储格式。7. Delta Lake table enabled for column mapping. 表名 change column 原字段名 新字段名 字段类型 ; -- 修改字段操作 Hive Alter Column:更改Hive表中的列. Renames a column or field in a . If the table is being used by another query, you will see the query’s ID in the `Id` column. sql to fetch column names as string depending on row values. ALTER TABLE schema. drop the old table; rename new table to old table. drop <old_table>; 4. 本章将介绍如何修改表的属性,如,修改表名,修改列名,添加列,并删除或替换列。 Alter Table 语句 它是在Hive中用来修改的表。 语法 声明接受任意属性,我们希望在一个表中修改以下语法。 Rename To 语句 下面是查询重命名表,把 employee 修改为 emp。 JDBC 程序 ALTER TABLE 库名. dir(默认 ALTER TABLE name DROP [COLUMN] column_name ALTER TABLE name CHANGE column_name new_name new_type ALTER TABLE name REPLACE COLUMNS (col_spec[, col_spec ]) Cambiar nombre a Declaración. It allows us to change the column’s name, data type, comment or position of the column. Add or drop table partition. Hive alter table change column 是用于修改 Hive 表中某一列的数据类型、列名或列注释的命令。具体用法如下: 1. 内部表数据由Hive自身管理,外部表数据由HDFS管理; hive in rename column name,#Hive中的重命名列名在Hive中,重命名表的列名是一项常见的操作。当表的列名需要更改时,可以使用`ALTERTABLE`语句来重命名列名。本文将介绍如何在Hive中重命名表的列名,并提供示例代码以帮助您更好地理解。 在本教程中,您将学习如何使用Hive-更改表本章介绍如何更改表的属性,例如更改表名、更改列名、添加列以及删除或替换列。AlterTable语句它用于更改Hive中的表。语法该语句根据我们希望在表中修改的属性采用以下任何语法。 hive rename column,#Hive重命名列的实现方法##1. cli. From Impala, you can use ALTER TABLE to rename a table, to change the table owner, or to change the role of the table owner. Let’s say the e_id column in the employee table is currently a STRING and we want to change it to an INT. Use your database by using the below command. 1. The SQL ALTER TABLE statement is used to add, modify, or drop/delete columns in a table. 修改列的数据类型(alter column):用于修改表中的列的数据类型。6. If you want to change ts column to be BIGINT. how to map column names in a hive table and replace it with new values in hive table. How do I merge both these columns into "ABC" using spark? we have around 100 such big tables. Using toDF() – To change all columns in a PySpark DataFrame. 修改列名(change column):用于修改表中的列名。1. Changing column name in a Hive external table that contains data. Hive Alter table change Column Name. Alter table in impala : make a column a primary key. index. How to rename all partition columns in hive. Tips for Renaming a Table in Hive. Syntax: ALTER TABLE How to rename a column in Hive? The Alter table statement is used to change the structure of the existing table in Hive. When we have data in a flat structure (without nested) , use toDF() with a new schema to change all column names. Hive 修改表 本章介绍如何修改表的属性,例如更改表的名称、更改列名称、添加列以及删除或替换列。 阅读更多:Hive 教程 修改表语句 这个命令用于修改Hive中的表。 语法 该语句根据我们想要修改的表的属性,采用以下任何语法之一。 ALTER TABLE name RENAME TO new_name ALTER TABLE name ADD COLUMNS (col_spec Hive change column name without knowing column data type. But after the name change, the new column is giving me only 'NULL' value. table_name CHANGE new_column no_of_days INT; Note that in renaming, both columns should be of same datatype like above as INT Uses of Hive ALTER TABLE Command. Example: CREATE TABLE test_change (a int, b int, c int); // First change column a's name to a1. resultset. ALTER TABLE x1 CHANGE a a FLOAT; To add columns to an existing table table comment add ALTER TABLE table_name SET TBLPROPERTIES ('comment' = new_comment); column comment add ALTER TABLE table_name CHANGE col1 col1 colType COMMENT 'new_comment'; 파티션 컬럼은 테이블생성시에만 코멘트를 추가할 수 있다. 1. 流程图以下是重命名列的整个流程:```mermaidjourneytitle重命名列流程section创建备份表创建备份表->原始表section将原始 Come to your problem. Partition columns creates physical folders to partition & store the data. ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME TO new_table_name; As per Hive documentation, REPLACE COLUMNS removes all existing columns and adds the new set of columns. Here's the syntax for changing the column name and type: This command moves column_name after column_name2: alter table table_name change column column_name column_name column_name_type after column_name2; You REPLACE COLUMNS removes all existing columns and adds the new set of columns. Manipulating hive variable. Another way to change all column names on Dataframe is to use col() function. Related reading: Apache Hive Data Types and Best Practices hive 表总共分为四类,分别内部表、外部表、分区表、桶表. Hive中的ALTER COLUMN语法. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 9 at org_renaming column is not supported in hive-style alter column, please run rena hive中不支持alter table table_name drop columns这种语法,支持replace. ALTER TABLE name ADD COLUMNS允许用户在当前列的末尾,分区列之前添加新的列,REPLACE COLUMNS允许用户更新列,更新的过程是先删除当前的列 2. yakh qkyoy zmdwk wzslr baww yqypj elfzgea qvb tzrfdn chaq hjpsz xif uekx tfkvt qwjrhi