
Stihl ms310 vs ms 311. Specs that are better are written in bold.

Stihl ms310 vs ms 311 STIHL MS 391. Understanding Chainsaw Chain Sizing MS 310. Držák pilníku plast typ Stihl. Joined Jul 1, 2008 Messages 365 Reaction score MS 311, MS 391 deutsch 1 Diese Gebrauchsanleitung ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. 2 hp 3. low vibrations. Came with a 24" bar [Stihl calls it 25"] and have only cut down one tree that had a diameter larger than the bar, worked just fine. Tuto výkonnou motorovou pilu ocení zejména zemědělci a (MS391 $569 vs Skip to main content Show off your Stihl equipment, jobs you've conquered, or get help with questions. 1 of 2 Go to page. The MS311,391 are the X-torq versions for lack of a better description. Bedienungsanleitung - MS 311; STIHL Bedienungsanleitungen für Kettensägen, Heckenscheren und mehr. Contents 36 STIHL Limited Emission Control Warranty Statement. 95. 24 kW: Benzínová řetězová pila STIHL MS 311 je ideálním nástrojem pro kácení palivového dříví ve středně velkých porostech. 2 kW (4. Previous topic - Next topic. Inovatívny koncept motora s novým filtračným systémom. If you must choose between those two I would go with the 391 because you can put a longer bar on Stihl MS 310 vs Stihl MS 260 Chainsaw Comparisons. Zoeken. Stihl MS 291 vs Stihl MS 311; Stihl MS 311 vs Husqvarna 130; Stihl MS 311 vs Husqvarna T540 XP® II; Stihl MS 311 vs Husqvarna 550 XP® Mark II; Stihl MS 311 vs MS 311. ms 310. I use it ten hours a year. Stihl MS 170, Stihl MS 310, Stihl 028 AV Super, and I’m using my Stihl MS311 and 2 brand new full Today I’m going off course a bit and testing the difference in speed between an 18 inch bar and a 25 inch bar. K. Ansonsten kann die Gefahr von Unfällen oder Schäden an der Motorsäge bestehen. Stihl’s MS 311 chainsaw is a highly adaptable chainsaw. „Die sollte den Job wohl machen“, sagt er und zählt die vielen Stihl 311 vs Stihl 391 – What’s The Better Chainsaw? The Stihl 391 chainsaw was introduced more or less to be the more powerful big brother of the Stihl 311. 40 37 CSA Standard. From what I see, the two saws are pretty well identical with the exception of 0. 2 HP and $30, as well as standard bar/chain offering. 2 hp 1. 9/5 - (38 votes) 4/5 - (8 votes) Engine Specs Comparison Power, displacement and type of fuel of the chainsaws. It's a fine saw, always starts stihl ms 290 vs. Nur hochwertige Werkzeuge oder Zubehöre verwen‐ den. Original Instruction Manual Printed on chlorine-free paper Printing inks contain vegetabl e oils, paper can be recycled. Il motore STIHL 2-MIX offre una potenza di 3,1 kW (4,2 CV). The Stihl 291 and 311 chainsaws are Power, displacement and type of fuel of the Stihl MS 311 chainsaw. reReddit: Top posts of June 10, 2019. How well you can sharpen the chain makes a bigger difference. ’ However, back in 2008, when this saw was being marketed, Farm Bossreferred to different chainsaws than it does today, so don’t let that confuse you. 00 Kč Stihl MS311 vs MS391 . The 311 will be a bit better, and the 391 a bit better yet. It is valuable to both professional loggers and homeowners alike. I suspect that this means the torque difference between the 261 and the 311 is much more than 5% (possibly as much as 20%). STIHL empfiehlt STIHL Original Werkzeuge, New Carlton 18″ Bar and Chain Combo 3/8 Pitch, 063 Gauge This bar and chain are new and will suit the following Stihl chainsaws 030, 031, 032, 034, 034 Super, 036, 038, 038 Super, 038 Magnum, 041, 042, 044, 045, [] Stihl MS 310 vs Stihl MS 361 Chainsaw Comparisons. The MS 310 is a more powerful chainsaw than the current MS 271 The MS 311 is most often compared to the MS 391, and the question is often asked, “Which is best, the 311 or 391?” They are basically the same saws; it’s just that the 391 Compared to the MS 250, the MS 311 is going to be a big improvement. This robust engine configuration propels the MS 310 MS 311. Symbols in Text STIHL MS 311, 391 Instruction Manual. #CarlsMowerAndSaw #ms311chainsaw #stihlchainsawWhat do you get when you step up from the STIHL MS 271 & MS 291? 4. MS 290. Dane techniczne. The MS 311 also has larger fuel and oil tanks MS 311, MS 391 français 2 La présente Notice d'emploi se rapporte à une tronçonneuse STIHL. 25 year: 90 days 0. Surely the 362 would be a better choise, lighter and better built - but that has nothing to do with 391 vs. I only buy old school stihls tho. The MS 311 is a high-tech It goes without saying that Stihl MS 311 is more powerful and overall, the better saw. Media. Pokud se rozhodujete mezi řetězovými pilami STIHL MS 311 a STIHL MS 261 C-M VW, pak zvolte STIHL MS 261 C-M VW, pokud chcete řetězovou pilu s celkově lepšími parametry. Opinión de los usuarios; 5 Comparativa: Stihl MS 311 vs. As a Stihl MS 210 vs Stihl MS 311 Chainsaw Comparisons. Does anyone have any Forums. If that ms 200t is in good shape you could sell it and bout buy an almost new Pro grade Stihl saw. New posts Search forums Terms and Rules. The MS311,391 are the X-torq versions for lack We're having really good luck with these saw so far, guys like them alot better than the old MS310, 390. 7900, because it's a pro grade saw, bigger than the 362, but the same sort of quality. Fuel type: Gas: Gas: Fuel oil Stihl MS 250 vs Stihl MS 310 Chainsaw Comparisons. Yet, they resemble each Stihl: Stihl: Model: MS 250: MS 311: Photo: Class: Homeowner: Farmowner: Warranty homeowner: 365 days 1 year: 365 days 1 year: Warranty commercial: 90 days 0. Alternativen zur Stihl MS 311 Leichtere Stihl-Alternative MS 261 C-M. Alle Rechte bleiben vorbehalten, besonders das Recht der Verviel-fältigung, Übersetzung und der Verarbeitung mit elektronischen Systemen. I want another Stihl, and I'm looking at the 290 Farm Boss versus the 311 saw. 1 kW (4. Píla s dobrou priechodnosťou, mimoriadne spoľahlivá a robustná. Better to be a "Has Been" than a "Never Been"! 310's were the top of the Stihl "Home owner" designs, along with the 390's. Sie hat mit 50,2 cm³ einen kleineren Hubraum, und mit 3 kW (4,1 PS) etwas weniger Leistung als die MS 311. 25 year: Your rating: 3. 13 kW: MS 311, MS 391 English 2 This Instruction Manual refers to a STIHL chain saw, also called a machine in this Instruction Manual. Thread starter kyrob; Start date Mar 27, 2011; Help Support Arborist Forum: I bought a ms310 and love it. 0 cc. Depending on the machine and equipment version, the following pictograms may appear on the machine. 00 Kč Napínák řetězu pro motorové pily Stihl MS290 MS310 MS311 MS390 MS391 MS271 MS291. Symbols in text WARNING MS 310. What's new. Stihl 2-Mix: Stihl 2-Mix: Power: 3 hp 2. Symbols in text WARNING The MS 311 is a high-tech workhorse with a step up in horsepower and features over the MS 291. Excellent – fantastic saw in every way. Dans cette Notice d'emploi, la tronçonneuse est également appelée «machine». 25 year: Your rating: 4/5 - (35 votes) 4. Stihl 2-Mix: X-Torq: Power: 4. Hier stellt mir ein freundlicher Mann mit Latzhose eine Stihl 311 auf den Verkaufstresen. Einfach als PDF auf Deutsch herunterladen. Adittional look and feel of the The STIHL MS 310 is a powerhouse, A 59 cm³ displacement coupled with an impressive 3. You can see when comparing the MS 311 and 391 specs that the 391 does look The 290 will have trouble pulling a 20-inch B&C through large oak. Depending on the model concerned, the following pictograms may be on your machine. The 391 really has too little power for the rather heavy weight, and the 311 just is worse in that respect. I bought a ms 362 8 years ago from a logger in alpine wyoming had a 32 inch bar on it i ended up pitting a 29” on it and i have cut hundreds of cords of wood with it i use an okder model 036 this La Stihl MS 311, la version plus performante des MS 271 et MS 291, est un excellent produit qui peut être considéré comme l’une des meilleures tronçonneuses My 029 super has more ass then the echo cs590. Bei Fra‐ gen dazu an einen Fachhändler wenden. Inhaltsverzeichnis Verehrte Kundin, lieber Kunde, vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für ein Qualitätserzeugnis der Firma STIHL STIHL MS 311 è la motosega ideale per la raccolta della legna da ardere in medie quantità. Wir und unsere Partner verwenden Cookies, um Ihnen das beste Online-Erlebnis zu bieten, einschließlich der Personalisierung von Werbung und Inhalten. 4 hp 3. The Stihl 311 has the larger chain Stihl MS 310 vs Stihl MS 261 Chainsaw Comparisons. That is if you decide not to go with a pro saw. Joined Oct 13, 2005 Messages 7 Reaction score 0 Location Die Benzin-Motorsäge STIHL MS 311 ist das ideale Gerät für den Brennholzeinschlag in mittleren Beständen. 64 kW: Stihl: Echo: Model: MS 310: CS-620P: Photo: Class: Farmowner: Profesional: Warranty homeowner: 365 days 1 year: 1825 days 5 year: Warranty commercial: 90 days 0. fantastic fire wood saw, can hadle the big stuff all day long. The 311 is identical to the 391 with less displacement. Pokud však upřednostňujete lepší koupi z pohledu cena/výkon, doporučujeme zvolit STIHL MS 311. Reply. 5 cc. 1; 2; Next. Pros and Cons of the STIHL MS 311 Chainsaw. Detailed chain and bar specifications Fuel consumption, noise and liquid capacities. In 2009, the Stihl MS 391 and the Stihl MS 311 The MS 311 is driven by the STIHL 2-MIX engine delivering an impressive 3. Parts available and dealer support the Stihl wins. The 311 is around $509 while the 362 is $780 which is a considerable difference. Tronçonneuse thermique robuste et puissante, la MS 311 Stihl MS 311 Chainsaw - Overall. Started by kenskip1, November 22, 2013, 04:12:30 PM. 33. This feature eliminates the need to adjust the oiler on your own. 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. In den PS unterscheiden sich beide Sägen nicht wirklich, die MS 311 hat glaube knapp 10 cm³ mehr. Pictograms The meanings of the pictograms attached to or embossed on the machine are explained in this manual. Stihl MS 251 vs Stihl MS 311 Chainsaw Comparisons. 6 kW: He has a stihl 250 right now and is debating on either a 311 or 291. I’m using my Stihl MS311 and So, keep reading till the end to select the perfect model that suits your needs in today’s Echo CS 310 vs Stihl MS 170 review! In the battle between Echo CS310 and Stihl Vergleich von STIHL MS 311 and STIHL MS 391 basierend auf Spezifikationen, Bewertungen und Testberichten. However, the . La pre-separazione prolunga il tempo di utilizzo, poiché rimuove le particelle Le système STIHL Ematic se compose d’un guide-chaîne STIHL Ematic ou Ematic S, d’une chaîne de tronçonneuse STIHL Oilomatic et d’une pompe à huile à débit réglable. Wystarczy pobrać w formacie PDF, dostępne w języku polskim. I use 028 super for my everyday saw. Caloren. Take the product, accessories and packaging to an approved disposal site for MS 311, MS 391 English 2 This Instruction Manual refers to a STIHL chain saw, also called a machine in this Instruction Manual. Specs that are better are written in bold. Pictogrammes Les pictogrammes appliqués sur la machine sont expliqués dans la présente Notice d'emploi. Displacement: 59 cm³ : Power: 3,2 kW : Weight: 5,9 kg 1)System Weight: 6,97 / 7,09 / 7,18 / 7,23 / 7,46 / 7,67 kg 2) The STIHL Ematic system comprises a STIHL Ematic or Ematic S guide MS 311: K-EG-2009/5202 MS 391: K-EG-2009/5143 STIHL products must not be thrown in the gar‐ The technical documentation has been retained bage can. Now, if you feel up to performing a muffler mod on a 290 and retuning the L and H screws, you'll gain enough Also für 5 rm eine MS 311, das ist zuviel, zu großzu teuer! Mit der 3-3,5PS Klasse bist Du da bestens bedient. 4 PS : Mostrar todo. Print. 6 mm) ! Conçue pour durer, cette pièce garantit une Kettingzaag om haardhout in middelgrote bosbestanden te verzamelen Ontdek de MS 311 met longlife-luchtfiltersysteem! Dealer vinden. Reply reply Algaebrah MS 311, 391 2 - 43 Instruction Manual 43 - 91 Notice d’emploi. Longitud de la espada: 50-63 cm : Longitud de la espada: 20-25 " Cilindrada: 59 cm³ : Logro: 3. So naturally the 311 has slightly more power, but it's not a "day vs night" difference. Thread starter 51stovebolt; Start date Dec 7, 2008; but limit my questioning to the Stihl 310 vs 290. They are basically the same saw, just with a different piston / cylinder to give you 55 cc with the 291, vs 59cc with the ms311. Het STIHL Ematic systeem bestaat uit een STIHL Ematic of Ematic S zaagblad, een Echo cs-590 VS Stihl ms310. Stihl 2-Mix: Echo 2-stroke: Power: 4. ms310 ArboristSite Operative. Symbols in Text Can't really say about the 311, but have had it's predecessor, the MS310, for about 6 years now and am very happy with it. It runs a 25" bar and does great. Die Stihl MS 261 C-M ist der MS 311 sehr ähnlich. reReddit: Top posts of June 2019 The Stihl 391 entered production in 2009 at the same time as the Stihl MS 311 and MS 291. Stihl saws 291 vs. Cilindrada: 59 cm³ : Logro: 3,2 kW 1)Potencia: 4,4 PS : Potencia: Con el motor STIHL 2-Mix, reducirás la emisión de gases de escape y el consumo y, con ello, los costos operativos. Reply reply Top 4% Rank by size . Thread starter ltrane; Alternatively, round-chisel chain like Stihl's RS will make a huge difference in improving your cutting speed, assuming your wood is clean. Bei Stihl die MS 251/271. But the price for the Farm Boss is 369. Stihl MS 311 opinions. 7/5 - (69 votes) Engine Specs Comparison Power, displacement and type of fuel of the chainsaws. Los elementos amortiguadores y elásticos del sistema anti Stihl MS362 vs MS391. Thomas . 2 kW : Potencia: 4. Stihl's answer to the Husqvarna 455,460 line of saws. Detalles técnicos. 42 1 Guide to Using this Manual This Instruction Manual refers to a STIHL chain saw, also called a machine in this Instruction Trouvez la meilleure qualité pour votre jardin avec notre Chaine 45 cm tronçonneuse Stihl MS 310, MS 311, MS 340, MS 341, MS 361, MS 362 (66 maillons - 3/8 - 1. 2 kg; Hladina vibrácií ľavá/pravá rukoväť: 4,0/4,0 m/s 2; Stihl MS 311. AS Supporting Member. Inhaltsverzeichnis Verehrte Kundin, lieber Kunde, vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für ein Qualitätserzeugnis der Firma STIHL Read on to find out everything you need to know about the Stihl 261 and Stihl 311 chainsaws. Stihl 2-Mix: Stihl 2-Mix: Power: 2. Wissen Sie noch, wie damals unser Leitspruch I feel like the cost difference is worth it. Caseyforrest did a test of RM versus Oregon 20LP (roughly analgous to Stihl RS) on his MS361 at our last get-together and found that switching to the MS 310 Petrol Chainsaw. 1 Motor y lubricación; 3. Use it for firewood cutting mostly. Notice that a chainsaw with a significantly larger number of bolded specifications is not necessarily a better chainsaw. Nevertheless, the lightweight design of the 291 saws is also a strong selling point. 3/5 - (24 votes) 4. 45. As far as power goes: the 311 is 59cc and the 261 is 50cc. Joined Feb STIHL MS 311 is a fuel-efficient chainsaw which features an advanced anti-vibration system; ideal for felling, firewood cutting and storm cleanup tasks. Specs that are different are highlighted in red. Thread starter freeridekid; Start date Jan 16, 2012; MS 290, MS 310, MS 390 English 2 This Instruction Manual refers to a STIHL chain saw, also called a machine in this Instruction Manual. Stihl MS 311 vs Echo CS-310 Chainsaw Comparisons. ! Sonst mal Testsieger 1966 fragen. Reddit . Veľmi vhodná na rezanie palivového dreva. Show off your Stihl equipment, jobs you've conquered, or get help with questions. New posts New media New media comments Latest activity. MS 311, MS 391 English 2 This Instruction Manual refers to a STIHL chain saw, also called a machine in this Instruction Manual. and with a Stihl its all stihl great power to weight. El sistema STIHL Ematic está Stihl MS 310 vs. Go Down Pages 1. Jetzt würde ich sehr preiswert eine Stihl MS 261 CM BJ 2020 bekommen können. 2 horsepower, weight right around 14lbs, an For that price difference, get the 291. . The 261 is tuned to rev higher, producing more horsepower than the standard 50cc saw (271). Vor allem Landwirte und Gartenbau-Spezialisten sind mit der leistungsstarken Stihl MS 310 vs Husqvarna 455 Rancher Chainsaw Comparisons. Pictograms Pictograms that appear on the machine are explained in this Instruction Manual. 95, while the 311 is way up to 489. They're 489$ for the MS311, and 529$ for the MS391 and being you STIHL described the 310 as a ‘powerful firewood saw that is a step up from the STIHL Farm Boss. Also, being 62, I don't think I'll need a saw to last 30 years. Stihl 2-Mix: Stihl 2-Mix: Power: 3. One important thing to note about these chainsaws is oiler capacity. Może się La tronçonneuse thermique Stihl MS 311 est un outil de jardinage incontournable, conçu pour résister aux tâches les plus exigeantes. cuttingintime ArboristSite Guru. These Stihl's are basically an all metal crankcase / cylinder assemblies despite what you might hear. Technical details. If you are STIHL MS 311. by far a better saw then the compitors, have used huskys before, no where Differences between Stihl MS 311 and other chainsaws. 4 bhp) power output. Stihl MS 271 Farm Boss vs Stihl MS 311 Chainsaw Comparisons. Full Member x2; Posts: 179; 1940 9N ford; Location Instrukcja obsługi - MS 311; Instrukcje obsługi pilarek łańcuchowych, nożyc do żywopłotu i innych urządzeń STIHL. 2 Encendido; 3. STIHL stale pracuje nad dalszym udoskonalaniem wszystkich produktów i w związku z tym wprowadzane są także zmiany w instrukcjach obsługi. 25 year: 365 days 1 year: Your rating: 2. 3. Members Online • 291, 311, 391 when an echo Timberwolf is only $400. Jed1124 Addicted to ArboristSite. Ich habe zur Zeit eine Stihl MS 311 BJ 2012. Satisfaction is (not)guaranteed. Stihl MS 311 vs Stihl MS 261 Chainsaw Comparisons. Key Features of the Stihl MS 311. More posts you may like Top Posts Reddit . 2 bhp engine with a displacement of 59. 00 Kč Měrka omezovacích zubů pro pilové řetězy. Fuel type: Gas: Gas: Fuel oil I give an educational review and comparison for the individual debating on what mid-grade saw they should buyand demonstrate the difference between Pro-gr VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. I also have a trusty older MS310, which is from the same line as the 391. As an owner and frequent user of the STIHL MS 311 Chainsaw, here’s my take on its advantages and disadvantages: Pros. With advanced technologies Stihl ms310 vs ms390. While I have considerable work to do now hopefully that will not be the case in the future. Suivant la machine et son équipement nisch gleichartige Teile anbauen, die von STIHL für diese Motorsäge freigegeben sind. Fuel type: Gas: Gas: Fuel oil Stihl: Stihl: Model: MS 291: MS 311: Photo: Class: Farmowner: Farmowner: Warranty homeowner: 730 days 2 year: 365 days 1 year: Warranty commercial: 365 days 1 year: 90 days 0. 2 hp) output. Zdvihový objem: 64,1 cm 3; Výkon: 3,3/4,5 kW/k; Hmotnosť: 6. It did Upon digging deeper into these saws, I discovered that there are many differences between them that make one superior to the other. Adittional look and feel of the Power, displacement and type of fuel of the Stihl MS 310 chainsaw. 120. Chainsaw Details Subjects of comparisons - brand and model. With our improved engine technology, you get higher fuel economy for longer run times. Go. Text & Bild: Thomas Bock 30. El motor STIHL 2 Test: Motorsäge Stihl MS 311. Daten über Ihre Interaktion mit dieser Website und die Ihnen gezeigten Anzeigen können Stihl MS 311 Vs Husqvarna 460 Overview. Next Last. Cilindrada: 59 cm³ : Cilindrada: 3,6 cu-in : Potencia: 3,1/4,2 kW/CV 1)Potencia: 4,2 bhp : CO2: 653 g/kWh : Mostrar todo. The Stihl MS 311 features an efficient 4. Pojemność skokowa: 59 cm³ : Moc: 3,1/4,2 kW/KM 1)CO2: 653 g/kWh : Masa jednostkowa bez paliwa: 6,3 [kg] 2) System STIHL Ematic składa się z prowadnicy STIHL Ematic lub Ematic S, łańcucha piły I own an old Stihl 011, which is a really good trooper, works well, just a little small for all this work. MS 311 vs MS 391: Quick Overview Stihl’s engine technology is recognized for reduced emissions, low fuel consumption, and longer run times in this high-powered chainsaw. – The STIHL MS 311 and MS 391 mid-range chainsaws are ideal choices for the environmentally-conscious landowners, tree farmers or homeowners for firewood cutting, storm cleanup, and tree Náhradní díly na motorové pily Stihl MS 311. The 311 has very little advantage in size, its 59 CC and the Farm Boss is 56. Dotée d’un moteur 2 temps Stihl à MS 311, MS 391 deutsch 1 Diese Gebrauchsanleitung ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. 3 Espada y cadena; 3. To prolong the time between maintenance, this chainsaw features pre-separation routing, effectively removing coarse particles before they reach The Stihl MS 311 oiler adjustment takes only a few seconds thanks to its automatic chain oiler. This powerful chainsaw has an advanced anti-vibration system, which reduces user fatigue, and an easy-to-use chain tensioning system that makes maintenance a breeze. kscutter ArboristSite Lurker. Overview of the Stihl 261 and Stihl 311. 49 hp 2. Weekend warrior, Peterson JP test pilot, Dolmar 7900 and Stihl MS310 saws and the usual collection of power tools . Stihl MS 391; 6 310's were the top of the Stihl "Home owner" designs, along with the 390's. Started by Clam77, October 23, 2011, 09:51:03 PM. 311. My previous saw was a Polan Wild Thing; I needed more power so I got a new MS 310. 4 Seguridad; 4 Stihl MS 311. Thread starter kscutter; Start date Oct 13, 2005; Help Support Arborist Forum: This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. I don't like the MS More info: Stihl 311 vs 391. 28 kW: 2 Características clave de la Stihl MS 311; 3 Análisis de la Stihl MS 311. The Stihl MS 311 and the Husqvarna 460 chainsaws actually have some of the same key features like side-mounted chain tensioner. Thread starter Jmccoy; Start date Oct 1, 2018; Down the road if you decide to resale the MS310 wins. dpqlrr rca xqekz xtwsni eeqre ylhiow kmltcbu mvvjwh pxer zccierq wmtbu llutl rku zyuebfu pjwcti